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1 アクションログ


アクションログウィジェットでは、アクション操作 (通知、リモート コマンド) の詳細を表示できます。 レポート → アクションログの情報を複製します。




送信先 Filter entries by recipients. This field is auto-complete, so starting to type the name of a recipient will offer a dropdown of matching recipients. If no recipients are selected, details of action operations for all recipients will be displayed.
アクション Filter entries by actions. This field is auto-complete, so starting to type the name of an action will offer a dropdown of matching actions. If no actions are selected, details of action operations for all actions will be displayed.
メディアタイプ Filter entries by media types. This field is auto-complete, so starting to type the name of a media type will offer a dropdown of matching media types. If no media types are selected, details of action operations for all media types will be displayed.
ステータス Mark the checkbox to filter entries by the respective status:
In progress - action operations that are in progress are displayed
Sent/Executed - action operations that have sent a notification or have been executed are displayed
Failed - action operations that have failed are displayed
検索文字列 Filter entries by the content of the message/remote command. If you enter a string here, only those action operations whose message/remote command contains the entered string will be displayed. Macros are not resolved.
次による項目のソート エントリを次の順序で並べ替えます:
時間 (降順または昇順)
タイプ (降順または昇順)
ステータス (降順または昇順)
送信先 (降順または昇順)
表示する行数 ウィジェットに表示されるアクションログの行数を設定します。