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> Discovery checkオブジェクト


Discovery check


プロパティ Type 説明
dcheckid string (readonly) ID of the discovery check.
druleid string (readonly) ID of the discovery rule that the check belongs to.
key_ string The value of this property differs depending on the type of the check:
- key to query for Zabbix agent checks, required;
- SNMP OID for SNMPv1, SNMPv2 and SNMPv3 checks, required.
ports string One or several port ranges to check separated by commas. Used for all checks except for ICMP.

Default: 0.
snmp_community string SNMP community.

Required for SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 agent checks.
snmpv3_authpassphrase string Authentication passphrase used for SNMPv3 agent checks with security level set to authNoPriv or authPriv.
snmpv3_authprotocol integer Authentication protocol used for SNMPv3 agent checks with security level set to authNoPriv or authPriv.

Possible values:
0 - (default) MD5;
1 - SHA1;
2 - SHA224;
3 - SHA256;
4 - SHA384;
5 - SHA512.
snmpv3_contextname string SNMPv3 context name. Used only by SNMPv3 checks.
snmpv3_privpassphrase string Privacy passphrase used for SNMPv3 agent checks with security level set to authPriv.
snmpv3_privprotocol integer Privacy protocol used for SNMPv3 agent checks with security level set to authPriv.

Possible values:
0 - (default) DES;
1 - AES128;
2 - AES192;
3 - AES256;
4 - AES192C;
5 - AES256C.
snmpv3_securitylevel string Security level used for SNMPv3 agent checks.

Possible values:
0 - noAuthNoPriv;
1 - authNoPriv;
2 - authPriv.
snmpv3_securityname string Security name used for SNMPv3 agent checks.
integer Type of check.

Possible values:
0 - SSH;
1 - LDAP;
2 - SMTP;
3 - FTP;
4 - HTTP;
5 - POP;
6 - NNTP;
7 - IMAP;
8 - TCP;
9 - Zabbix agent;
10 - SNMPv1 agent;
11 - SNMPv2 agent;
12 - ICMP ping;
13 - SNMPv3 agent;
14 - HTTPS;
15 - Telnet.
uniq integer Whether to use this check as a device uniqueness criteria. Only a single unique check can be configured for a discovery rule. Used for Zabbix agent, SNMPv1, SNMPv2 and SNMPv3 agent checks.

Possible values:
0 - (default) do not use this check as a uniqueness criteria;
1 - use this check as a uniqueness criteria.
host_source integer Source for host name.

Possible values:
1 - (default) DNS;
2 - IP;
3 - discovery value of this check.
name_source integer Source for visible name.

Possible values:
0 - (default) not specified;
1 - DNS;
2 - IP;
3 - discovery value of this check.