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> Graph itemオブジェクト

次のオブジェクトは、graphitemAPI に直接関連しています。

Graph item

グラフアイテムは graph API を介してのみ変更することができる。


プロパティ Type 説明
gitemid string (readonly) ID of the graph item.
string Graph item's draw color as a hexadecimal color code.
string ID of the item.
calc_fnc integer Value of the item that will be displayed.

Possible values:
1 - minimum value;
2 - (default) average value;
4 - maximum value;
7 - all values;
9 - last value, used only by pie and exploded graphs.
drawtype integer Draw style of the graph item.

Possible values:
0 - (default) line;
1 - filled region;
2 - bold line;
3 - dot;
4 - dashed line;
5 - gradient line.
graphid string ID of the graph that the graph item belongs to.
sortorder integer Position of the item in the graph.

Default: starts with 0 and increases by one with each entry.
type integer Type of graph item.

Possible values:
0 - (default) simple;
2 - graph sum, used only by pie and exploded graphs.
yaxisside integer Side of the graph where the graph item's Y scale will be drawn.

Possible values:
0 - (default) left side;
1 - right side.