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2 Коришћење унапред дељених кључева


Сваки унапред дељени кључ (PSK) у Zabbix-у је заправо пар:

  • нетајни низ PSK идентитета,
  • тајна вредност низа PSK.

ПСК низ идентитета је непразан UTF-8 низ. На пример, "PSK ID 001 Zabbix agentd". То је јединствено име под којим је овај специфични PSK на које се позивају Zabbix компоненте. Не стављајте осетљиве информације PSK низ идентитета - преноси се преко мреже нешифрован.

PSK вредност је низ хексадецималних цифара који је тешко погодити, на пример, "e560cb0d918d26d31b4f642181f5f570ad89a390931102e5391d08327ba434e9".

Size limits

There are size limits for PSK identity and value in Zabbix, in some cases a crypto library can have lower limit:

Component PSK identity max size PSK value min size PSK value max size
Zabbix 128 UTF-8 characters 128-bit (16-byte PSK, entered as 32 hexadecimal digits) 2048-bit (256-byte PSK, entered as 512 hexadecimal digits)
GnuTLS 128 bytes (may include UTF-8 characters) - 2048-bit (256-byte PSK, entered as 512 hexadecimal digits)
OpenSSL 1.0.x, 1.1.0 127 bytes (may include UTF-8 characters) - 2048-bit (256-byte PSK, entered as 512 hexadecimal digits)
OpenSSL 1.1.1 127 bytes (may include UTF-8 characters) - 512-bit (64-byte PSK, entered as 128 hexadecimal digits)
OpenSSL 1.1.1a and later 127 bytes (may include UTF-8 characters) - 2048-bit (256-byte PSK, entered as 512 hexadecimal digits)

Zabbix frontend allows configuring up to 128-character long PSK identity string and 2048-bit long PSK regardless of crypto libraries used.
If some Zabbix components support lower limits, it is the user's responsibility to configure PSK identity and value with allowed length for these components.
Exceeding length limits results in communication failures between Zabbix components.

Before Zabbix server connects to agent using PSK, the server looks up the PSK identity and PSK value configured for that agent in database (actually in configuration cache). Upon receiving a connection the agent uses PSK identity and PSK value from its configuration file. If both parties have the same PSK identity string and PSK value the connection may succeed.

Each PSK identity must be paired with only one value. It is the user's responsibility to ensure that there are no two PSKs with the same identity string but different values. Failing to do so may lead to unpredictable errors or disruptions of communication between Zabbix components using PSKs with this PSK identity string.

Генерисање PSK-а

На пример, 256-битни (32 бајта) PSK може да се генерише коришћењем следеће команде:

  • са OpenSSL:
  $ openssl rand -hex 32
  • са GnuTLS:
  $ psktool -u psk_identity -p database.psk -s 32
         Генерисање случајног кључа за корисника 'psk_identity'
         Кључ се чува у database.psk
         $ cat database.psk  

Имајте на уму да "psktool" изнад генерише датотеку базе података са PSK идентитетом и са њим повезан PSK. Zabbix очекује само PSK у PSK датотеци, дакле стринг идентитета и двотачку (':') треба уклонити из датотеке.

Configuring PSK for server-agent communication (example)

On the agent host, write the PSK value into a file, for example, /home/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.psk. The file must contain PSK in the first text string, for example:


Set access rights to PSK file - it must be readable only by Zabbix user.

Edit TLS parameters in agent configuration file zabbix_agentd.conf, for example, set:

       TLSPSKIdentity=PSK 001

The agent will connect to server (active checks) and accept from server and zabbix_get only connections using PSK. PSK identity will be "PSK 001".

Restart the agent. Now you can test the connection using zabbix_get, for example:

zabbix_get -s -k "system.cpu.load[all,avg1]" --tls-connect=psk --tls-psk-identity="PSK 001" --tls-psk-file=/home/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.psk

(To minimize downtime see how to change connection type in Connection encryption management).

Configure PSK encryption for this agent in Zabbix frontend:

  • Go to: Data collection → Hosts
  • Select host and click on Encryption tab



All mandatory input fields are marked with a red asterisk.

When configuration cache is synchronized with database the new connections will use PSK. Check server and agent logfiles for error messages.

Configuring PSK for server - active proxy communication (example)

On the proxy, write the PSK value into a file, for example, /home/zabbix/zabbix_proxy.psk. The file must contain PSK in the first text string, for example:


Set access rights to PSK file - it must be readable only by Zabbix user.

Edit TLS parameters in proxy configuration file zabbix_proxy.conf, for example, set:

       TLSPSKIdentity=PSK 002

The proxy will connect to server using PSK. PSK identity will be "PSK 002".

(To minimize downtime see how to change connection type in Connection encryption management).

Configure PSK for this proxy in Zabbix frontend. Go to Administration→Proxies, select the proxy, go to "Encryption" tab. In "Connections from proxy" mark PSK. Paste into "PSK identity" field "PSK 002" and "e560cb0d918d26d31b4f642181f5f570ad89a390931102e5391d08327ba434e9" into "PSK" field. Click "Update".

Restart proxy. It will start using PSK-based encrypted connections to server. Check server and proxy logfiles for error messages.

For a passive proxy the procedure is very similar. The only difference - set TLSAccept=psk in proxy configuration file and set "Connections to proxy" in Zabbix frontend to PSK.