This section describes Zabbix additions to the JavaScript language implemented with Duktape for use in the Browser item script. These additions supplement the JavaScript objects described on the Additional JavaScript objects page.
The Browser
object manages WebDriver sessions, initializing a session upon creation and terminating it upon destruction. A single script can support up to four Browser
To construct a Browser
object, use the new Browser(options)
syntax. The options
(JSON object) parameter specifies browser options, usually the WebDriver options method result (for example, Browser.chromeOptions()
The following methods are supported with the Browser
Method | Description |
navigate(url) |
Navigate to the specified URL. Parameters: url - (string) URL to navigate to. |
getUrl() |
Return a string of the opened page URL. |
getPageSource() |
Return a string of the opened page source. |
findElement(strategy, selector) |
Return an Element object with one element in the opened page (or return null if no elements match strategy and selector ).Parameters: strategy - (string, CSS selector/link text/partial link text/tag name/Xpath) Location strategy;selector - (string) Element selector using the specified location strategy. |
findElements(strategy, target) |
Return an array of Element objects with multiple elements in the opened page (or return an empty array if no elements match location strategy and target).Parameters: strategy - (string, CSS selector/link text/partial link text/tag name/Xpath) Location strategy;target - (string) Element selector using the specified location strategy. |
getCookies() |
Return an array of Cookie objects. |
addCookie(cookie) |
Set cookies. Parameters: cookie - (Cookie object) Cookie to set. |
getScreenshot() |
Return a string (base64 encoded image) of browser's viewport. |
setScriptTimeout(timeout) |
Set script loading timeout. Parameters: timeout - (integer) Timeout value (in milliseconds). |
setSessionTimeout(timeout) |
Set session (page load) timeout. Parameters: timeout - (integer) Timeout value (in milliseconds). |
setElementWaitTimeout(timeout) |
Set element location strategy (implicit) timeout. Parameters: timeout - (integer) Timeout value (in milliseconds). |
collectPerfEntries(mark) |
Collect performance entries to retrieve with the getResult() method.Parameters: mark - (string, optional) performance snapshot mark. |
getRawPerfEntries() |
Return an array of performance entry objects. |
getResult() |
Return a Result object with browser session statistics (error information, performance snapshots, etc.). |
getError() |
Return a BrowserError object with browser errors (or return null if there are no browser errors). |
setError(message) |
Set a custom error message to be included in the Result object.Parameters: message - (string) Error message. |
discardError() |
Discard the error to be returned in the Result object. |
getAlert() |
Return an Alert object with browser alerts (or return null if there are no browser alerts). |
chromeOptions() |
Return a chromeOptions object with predefined Chrome browser options. |
firefoxOptions() |
Return a firefoxOptions object with predefined Firefox browser options. |
safariOptions() |
Return a safariOptions object with predefined Safari browser options. |
edgeOptions() |
Return an edgeOptions object with predefined Edge browser options. |
All Browser methods can throw the following errors:
- derived from the Error
object that is thrown if the Browser
constructor fails; contains an additional browser
property with a Browser
object that threw this BrowserError
- derived from BrowserError
; contains the same properties as the BrowserError
object, which indicate if the error was generated in response to an error in the WebDriver response.The Element
object is returned by the Browser
object findElement()
methods and cannot be constructed directly.
The Element
object represents an element in the web page and provides methods to interact with it.
The following methods are supported with the Element
Method | Description |
getAttribute(name) |
Return an attribute value string of the element attribute (or return null if the specified attribute was not found).Parameters: name - (string) Attribute name. |
getProperty(name) |
Return a property value string of the element property (or return null if the specified property was not found).Parameters: name - (string) Property name. |
getText() |
Return a text value string of the element text. |
click() |
Click on an element. |
clear() |
Clear the content of an editable element. |
sendKeys(keys) |
Send keys. Parameters: keys - (string) Keys to send. |
The Cookie
object is returned by the Browser
object getCookies()
method and passed to the addCookie()
While the Cookie
object does not have any methods, it can contain the following properties:
Property | Type | Description |
name | string | Name of the cookie. |
value | string | Value of the cookie. |
path | string | Path for which the cookie is valid. Defaults to "/" if omitted when adding a cookie. |
domain | string | Domain to which the cookie is visible. Defaults to the URL domain of the session's current browsing context's active document if omitted when adding a cookie. |
secure | boolean | Indicates whether the cookie is secure. Defaults to false if omitted when adding a cookie. |
httpOnly | boolean | Indicates whether the cookie is HTTP-only. Defaults to false if omitted when adding a cookie. |
expiry | integer | Expiration time of the cookie (in seconds since the Unix Epoch). Must not be set if omitted when adding a cookie. |
sameSite | string | The sameSite attribute of the cookie, which controls whether the cookie should be restricted to a first-party or same-site context.Can be set to either "Lax" or "Strict" .Defaults to "None" if omitted when adding a cookie. |
The Alert
object represents a web page alert, is returned by Browser
object getAlert()
method, and cannot be constructed directly.
The Alert
object contains the text
property with the alert text (or null
if there are no alerts).
The following methods are supported with the Alert
Method | Description |
accept() |
Accept the alert. |
dismiss() |
Dismiss the alert. |
The Result
object contains session statistics and is returned by the Browser
object getResult()
Typically, the Result
object is stringified and returned from the script, and then parsed into dependent item values through preprocessing.
While the Result
object does not have any methods, it can contain the following properties.
Property | Type | Description | ||
duration | string | Session duration from session creation to result retrieval. | ||
error | object | Error information. | ||
http_status | integer | HTTP status returned by the WebDriver (or 0 if there are no WebDriver errors). | ||
error_code | string | Error returned by the WebDriver (or empty string if there are no WebDriver errors). | ||
message | string | WebDriver error message (or empty string if there are no WebDriver errors). | ||
performance_data | object | Performance statistics. | ||
summary | object | Performance summary. | ||
navigation | object | Navigation summary. | ||
resource | object | Resource summary. | ||
details | array of objects | Performance statistics after each operation that could have resulted in navigation. | ||
mark | string | (optional) Performance snapshot mark specified with the collectPerfEntries() method. |
navigation | object | Navigation statistics. | ||
resource | object | Resource summary for this step. | ||
user | array of objects | Array of mark/measure type statistics. | ||
marks | array of objects | Marked performance snapshot indexes. | ||
name | string | Performance snapshot mark name. | ||
index | integer | Performance snapshot index in details array. |