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2 Zabbix agent 2 template operation

Steps to ensure correct operation of templates that collect metrics with Zabbix agent 2:

1. Make sure that the agent 2 is installed on the host, and that the installed version contains the required plugin. In some cases, you may need to upgrade the agent 2 first.
2. Link the template to a target host (if the template is not available in your Zabbix installation, you may need to import the template's import file first - see Templates out-of-the-box section for instructions).
3. If necessary, adjust the values of template macros. Note that user macros can be used to override configuration parameters.
4. Configure the instance being monitored to allow sharing data with Zabbix.

Zabbix agent 2 templates work in conjunction with the plugins. While the basic configuration can be done by simply adjusting user macros, the deeper customization can be achieved by configuring the plugin itself. For example, if a plugin supports named sessions, it is possible to monitor several entities of the same kind (e.g. MySQL1 and MySQL2) by specifying named session with own URI, username and password for each entity in the configuration file.

A detailed description of a template, including the full list of macros, items and triggers is available in the template's file (accessible by clicking on a template name).

The following templates are available: