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4 Using macros in messages


In message subjects and message text you can use macros for more efficient problem reporting.

In addition to a number of built-in macros, user macros and expression macros are also supported. A full list of macros supported by Zabbix is available.


Examples here illustrate how you can use macros in messages.

Example 1

Message subject:


When you receive the message, the message subject will be replaced by something like:

Problem: Processor load is too high on Zabbix server
Example 2


Processor load is: {?last(/[,avg1])}

When you receive the message, the message will be replaced by something like:

Processor load is: 1.45
Example 3


Latest value: {?last(/{HOST.HOST}/{ITEM.KEY})}
       MAX for 15 minutes: {?max(/{HOST.HOST}/{ITEM.KEY},15m)}
       MIN for 15 minutes: {?min(/{HOST.HOST}/{ITEM.KEY},15m)}

When you receive the message, the message will be replaced by something like:

Latest value: 1.45
       MAX for 15 minutes: 2.33
       MIN for 15 minutes: 1.01
Example 4



When you receive the message, it will contain a link to the Event details page, which provides information about the event, its trigger, and a list of latest events generated by the same trigger.

Example 5

Informing about values from several hosts in a trigger expression.


Problem name: {TRIGGER.NAME}
       Trigger expression: {TRIGGER.EXPRESSION}
       1. Item value on {HOST.NAME1}: {ITEM.VALUE1} ({ITEM.NAME1})
       2. Item value on {HOST.NAME2}: {ITEM.VALUE2} ({ITEM.NAME2})

When you receive the message, the message will be replaced by something like:

Problem name: Processor load is too high on a local host
       Trigger expression: last(/Myhost/system.cpu.load[percpu,avg1])>5 or last(/Myotherhost/system.cpu.load[percpu,avg1])>5
       1. Item value on Myhost: 0.83 (Processor load (1 min average per core))
       2. Item value on Myotherhost: 5.125 (Processor load (1 min average per core))
Example 6

Receiving details of both the problem event and recovery event in a recovery message:


       Event ID: {EVENT.ID}
       Event value: {EVENT.VALUE} 
       Event status: {EVENT.STATUS} 
       Event time: {EVENT.TIME}
       Event date: {EVENT.DATE}
       Event age: {EVENT.AGE}
       Event acknowledgment: {EVENT.ACK.STATUS} 
       Event update history: {EVENT.UPDATE.HISTORY}
       Event ID: {EVENT.RECOVERY.ID}
       Event value: {EVENT.RECOVERY.VALUE} 
       Event status: {EVENT.RECOVERY.STATUS} 
       Event time: {EVENT.RECOVERY.TIME}
       Event date: {EVENT.RECOVERY.DATE}
       Operational data: {EVENT.OPDATA}

When you receive the message, the macros will be replaced by something like:

       Event ID: 21874
       Event value: 1 
       Event status: PROBLEM 
       Event time: 13:04:30
       Event date: 2018.01.02
       Event age: 5m
       Event acknowledgment: Yes 
       Event update history: 2018.01.02 13:05:51 "John Smith (Admin)"
       Actions: acknowledged.
       Event ID: 21896
       Event value: 0 
       Event status: OK 
       Event time: 13:10:07
       Event date: 2018.01.02
       Operational data: Current value is 0.83