このウィジェットはSLAレポートを表示するのに役立ちます。 機能的にはサービス -> SLAレポートセクションに似ています。
To configure, select SLA report as type:
In addition to the parameters that are common for all widgets, you may set the following specific options:
SLA | Select the SLA for the report. |
Service | Select the service for the report. |
Show periods | Set how many periods will be displayed in the widget (20 by default, 100 maximum). |
From | Select the beginning date for the report. Relative dates are supported: now , now/d , now/w-1w etc; supported date modifiers: d, w, M, y. |
To | Select the end date for the report. Relative dates are supported: now , now/d , now/w-1w etc; supported date modifiers: d, w, M, y. |