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The connector object has the following properties.

Property Type Description
connectorid string (readonly) ID of the connector.
string Name of the connector.
integer Endpoint URL, i.e. URL of the receiver.

User macros are supported.
protocol integer Communication protocol.

Possible values:
0 - (default) Zabbix Streaming Protocol v1.0.
data_type integer Data type.

Possible values:
0 - (default) Item values;
1 - Events.
max_records integer Maximum number of events or items that can be sent within one message.

Possible values range: 0 - 2147483647 (max value of 32-bit signed integer).

Default: 0 - Unlimited.
max_senders integer Number of sender processes to run for this connector.

Possible values range: 1-100.

Default: 1.
max_attempts integer Number of attempts.

Possible values range: 1-5.

Default: 1.
timeout string Timeout.

Time suffixes are supported, e.g. 30s, 1m.
User macros are supported.

Possible values range: 1-60 seconds.

Default: 5s.
http_proxy string HTTP(S) proxy connection string given as [protocol]://[username[:password]@][:port].

User macros are supported.
authtype integer HTTP authentication method.

Possible values:
0 - (default) None;
1 - Basic;
2 - NTLM;
3 - Kerberos;
4 - Digest;
5 - Bearer.
username string User name.

Available if HTTP authentication method is Basic, NTLM, Kerberos or Digest.

User macros are supported.
password string Password.

Available if HTTP authentication method is Basic, NTLM, Kerberos or Digest.

User macros are supported.
token string Bearer token

Required if HTTP authentication method is Bearer.

User macros are supported.
verify_peer integer Validate host name in URL is in Common Name field or a Subject Alternate Name field of host certificate.

0 - Do not validate.
1 - (default) Validate.
verify_host integer Validate is host certificate authentic.

0 - Do not validate.
1 - (default) Validate.
ssl_cert_file integer Public SSL Key file path.

User macros are supported.
ssl_key_file integer Private SSL Key file path.

User macros are supported.
ssl_key_password integer Password for SSL Key file.

User macros are supported.
description string Description of the connector.
status integer Whether the connector is enabled.

Possible values:
0 - Disabled;
1 - (default) Enabled.
tags_evaltype integer Tag evaluation method.

Possible values:
0 - (default) And/Or;
2 - Or.

Note that for some methods (update, delete) the required/optional parameter combination is different.

Tag filter

Tag filter allows to export only matching item values or events. If not set then everything will be exported. The tag filter object has the following properties.

Property Type Description
string Tag name.
operator integer Condition operator.

Possible values:
0 - (default) Equals;
1 - Does not equal;
2 - Contains;
3 - Does not contain;
12 - Exists;
1 - Does not exist.
value string Tag value.