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1 ダッシュボードウィジェット





名前 ウィジェット名を入力します
リフレッシュ間隔 デフォルトの更新間隔を構成します。 ウィジェットのデフォルト更新間隔は、ウィジェットのタイプに応じてリフレッシュなしから15分の範囲です。 例:URLウィジェットの場合はリフレッシュなし、アクションログウィジェットの場合は* 1分、時計ウィジェットの場合は15分*
ヘッダーを表示 チェックボックスをオンにすると、ヘッダーが永続的に表示されます。
チェックを外すと、スペースを節約するためにヘッダーが非表示になり、表示モードと編集モードの両方で、マウスをウィジェット上に置くと上にスライドして表示されます。 ウィジェットを新しい場所にドラッグするときにも半透明になります。


  • 対応するすべてのユーザーのデフォルト値を設定するには、編集モードに切り替え([ダッシュボードの編集]ボタンをクリックして適切なウィジェットを見つけ、[編集]ボタンをクリックしてウィジェットの編集フォームを開きます)更新間隔をドロップダウンリストから選択します。
  • 表示モードでは、特定のウィジェットのボタンをクリックすることにより、ユーザーごとに一意の更新間隔を個別に設定できます。



Dynamic widgets

Some widgets have additional configuration parameters Override host and Time period. These parameters can be used to configure a single data source to control the data displayed in one or multiple widgets without reconfiguring the widgets.

Host groups, Hosts, Item

The Host groups, Hosts and Item parameters allow selecting either the respective entities or a data source containing either host groups, hosts or items for which the widget can display data. For Host groups and Item parameters, the data source can be a compatible widget from the same dashboard. For Hosts parameter, the data source can be a compatible widget from the same dashboard or the dashboard itself.

Override host

The Override host parameter is used to set a data source containing a host for which the widget can display data. The data source can be either a compatible widget from the same dashboard, or the dashboard itself.

To specify a compatible widget as the data source, enter the name of the widget and select it. The Override host field is auto-complete, so starting to type the name of the widget will offer a dropdown of matching widget names. Alternatively, click the Select button (or the dropdown button and then "Widget") to open a pop-up containing widgets available for selection.

To specify a dashboard as the data source, click the dropdown button and then "Dashboard". After configuring the widget and saving the dashboard, the Host field (for selecting a host) will appear at the top of the dashboard.

The widget will display an error if the host specified in the data source does not have the entity (item, graph, map, etc.) configured in the widget, or the user does not have the necessary permissions to the host.

Time period

The Time period parameter is used to set a data source containing a time period for which the widget can display data. The data source can be either a compatible widget from the same dashboard, the dashboard itself, or the widget itself.

To specify a dashboard as the data source, set Time period to "Dashboard". After configuring the widget and saving the dashboard, the Time period selector will appear at the top of the dashboard.

To specify a compatible widget as the data source, set Time period to "Widget", enter the name of the widget and select it. The Widget field is auto-complete, so starting to type the name of the widget will offer a dropdown of matching widget names. Alternatively, click the Select button to open a pop-up containing widgets available for selection.

To specify the widget itself as the data source, set Time period to "Custom" and enter or select the start and end of the time period. After configuring the widget, other widgets will be able to use it as a data source.

Widget states

When a widget has been configured to listen for data from another widget, which is not broadcasting this data, the widget will enter the Awaiting data state.

When a widget has been configured to listen for data from another widget, which has been deleted, replaced with an incompatible widget, or moved to another dashboard page, the widget will enter the Referred widget is unavailable state.

Widget compatibility

Some widgets can broadcast configuration data to other widgets, some can listen for data, and some can do both. For example:

  • Action log widget can only retrieve time period data from Graph, Graph (classic), and Graph prototype widgets;
  • Geomap widget can broadcast host group and host data to widgets that listen for it (Data overview, Honeycomb, etc.); it can also listen for host group and host data from widgets that broadcast it (Honeycomb, Problem hosts, etc.).
  • Clock widget cannot broadcast or listen for any data.

The following table outlines the broadcasting and listening capabilities of each widget.

Widget Broadcasts Listens
Action log - Time period
Clock - -
Data overview - Host groups, Hosts
Discovery status - -
Favorite graphs - -
Favorite maps - -
Gauge - Items
Geomap Host groups, Hosts Host groups, Hosts
Graph Time period Time period
Graph (classic) Time period Items, Graphs, Time period
Graph prototype Time period Time period
Honeycomb Hosts, Items Host groups, Hosts
Host availability - Host groups
Host navigator Hosts Host groups
Item history Items Time period
Item navigator Items Host groups, Hosts
Item value - Items, Time period
Map Host groups, Hosts Maps
Map navigation tree Maps -
Pie chart - Time period
Problem hosts Host groups, Hosts Host groups
Problems Events Host groups, Hosts
Problems by severity Host groups Host groups, Hosts
SLA report - -
System information - -
Top hosts Hosts Host groups, Hosts
Top triggers - Time period
Trigger overview - Host groups, Hosts
URL - -
Web monitoring Host groups Host groups, Hosts