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6 Favorite maps


These parameters and the possible property values for the respective dashboard widget field objects allow to configure the Favorite maps widget in dashboard.create and dashboard.update methods.


The following parameters are supported for the Favorite maps widget.

Parameter type name value
Refresh interval 0 rf_rate 0 - No refresh;
10 - 10 seconds;
30 - 30 seconds;
60 - 1 minute;
120 - 2 minutes;
600 - 10 minutes;
900 - (default) 15 minutes.

次の例は、Favorite mapsウィジェットのダッシュボードウィジェットフィールドオブジェクトの設定を説明することだけを目的としています。 ダッシュボードの設定の詳細については、dashboard.createを参照してください。

Configuring a Favorite maps widget

Configure a Favorite maps widget with the refresh interval set to 10 minutes.


           "jsonrpc": "2.0",
           "method": "dashboard.create",
           "params": {
               "name": "My dashboard",
               "display_period": 30,
               "auto_start": 1,
               "pages": [
                       "widgets": [
                               "type": "favmaps",
                               "name": "Favorite maps",
                               "x": 0,
                               "y": 0,
                               "width": 4,
                               "height": 3,
                               "view_mode": 0,
                               "fields": [
                                       "type": 0,
                                       "name": "rf_rate",
                                       "value": 600
               "userGroups": [
                       "usrgrpid": 7,
                       "permission": 2
               "users": [
                       "userid": 1,
                       "permission": 3
           "id": 1


           "jsonrpc": "2.0",
           "result": {
               "dashboardids": [
           "id": 1
