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Correlation オブジェクトは、以下のプロパティを持ちます。

プロパティ Type 説明
correlationid string (readonly) ID of the correlation.
string Name of the correlation.
description string Description of the correlation.
status integer Whether the correlation is enabled or disabled.

Possible values are:
0 - (default) enabled;
1 - disabled.



プロパティ Type 説明
integer Type of operation.

Possible values:
0 - close old events;
1 - close new event.



プロパティ Type 説明
integer Filter condition evaluation method.

Possible values:
0 - and/or;
1 - and;
2 - or;
3 - custom expression.
array Set of filter conditions to use for filtering results.
eval_formula string (readonly) Generated expression that will be used for evaluating filter conditions. The expression contains IDs that reference specific filter conditions by its formulaid. The value of eval_formula is equal to the value of formula for filters with a custom expression.
formula string User-defined expression to be used for evaluating conditions of filters with a custom expression. The expression must contain IDs that reference specific filter conditions by its formulaid. The IDs used in the expression must exactly match the ones defined in the filter conditions: no condition can remain unused or omitted.

Required for custom expression filters.



プロパティ Type 説明
integer Type of condition.

Possible values:
0 - old event tag;
1 - new event tag;
2 - new event host group;
3 - event tag pair;
4 - old event tag value;
5 - new event tag value.
tag string Event tag (old or new). Required when type of condition is: 0, 1, 4, 5.
groupid string Host group ID. Required when type of condition is: 2.
oldtag string Old event tag. Required when type of condition is: 3.
newtag string Old event tag. Required when type of condition is: 3.
value string Event tag (old or new) value. Required when type of condition is: 4, 5.
formulaid string Arbitrary unique ID that is used to reference the condition from a custom expression. Can only contain capital-case letters. The ID must be defined by the user when modifying filter conditions, but will be generated anew when requesting them afterward.
operator integer Condition operator.

Required when type of condition is: 2, 4, 5.

correlation.getcorrelation.create メソッドの例を参照してください。


条件 条件名 サポートされる演算子 想定する値
2 Host group =, <> Host group ID.
4 Old event tag value =, <>, like, not like string
5 New event tag value =, <>, like, not like string