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User directoryオブジェクト


User directory

The user directory object has the following properties.

Property Type Description
userdirectoryid string (readonly) ID of the user directory.
string Unique name of the user directory.
string LDAP server host name, IP or URI. URI should contain schema, host and port (optional).
integer LDAP server port.
string LDAP base distinguished name string.
string LDAP attribute name to identify user by username in Zabbix database.
bind_dn string LDAP bind distinguished name string. Can be empty for anonymous binding.
bind_password string LDAP bind password. Can be empty for anonymous binding.

Available only for userdirectory.update and userdirectory.create requests.
description string User directory description.
search_filter string LDAP custom filter string when authenticating user in LDAP.

Default value:
start_tls integer LDAP startTLS option. It cannot be used with ldaps:// protocol hosts.

Possible values:
0 - (default) disabled;
1 - enabled.

Media type mappings

The media type mappings object has the following properties.

Property Type Description
string Visible name in the list of media type mappings.
string ID of the media type to be created.

Used as the value for the mediatypeid field.
string Attribute name.

Used as the value for the sendto field.

If present in data received from IdP and the value is not empty, will trigger media creation for the provisioned user.

Provisioning groups mappings

The provisioning groups mappings has the following properties.

Property Type Description
string IdP group full name.

Supports the wildcard character "*". Unique across all provisioning groups mappings.
string User role to assign to the user.

Note that if multiple provisioning groups mappings are matched, the role of the highest user type will be assigned to the user. If there are multiple roles with the same user type, the first role (sorted in alphabetical order) will be assigned to the user.
array Array of Zabbix user group ID objects.

Each object has the following properties:
usrgrpid - (integer) ID of Zabbix user group to assign to the user.

Note that if multiple provisioning groups mappings are matched, Zabbix user groups of all matched mappings will be assigned to the user.