Hosts are exported with many related objects and object relations.
Host export contains:
To export hosts, do the following:
Depending on the selected format, hosts are exported to a local file with a default name:
- in YAML export (default option for export);zabbix_export_hosts.xml
- in XML export;zabbix_export_hosts.json
- in JSON export.To import hosts, do the following:
If you mark the Advanced options checkbox, a detailed list of all importable elements will be displayed - mark or unmark each import rule as required.
If you click the checkbox in the All row, all elements below it will be marked/unmarked.
Import rules:
Rule | Description |
Update existing | Existing elements will be updated using data from the import file. Otherwise, they will not be updated. |
Create new | New elements will be created using data from the import file. Otherwise, they will not be created. |
Delete missing | Existing elements not present in the import file will be removed. Otherwise, they will not be removed. If Delete missing is marked for Template linkage, current template linkage not present in the import file will be unlinked. Entities (items, triggers, graphs, etc.) inherited from the unlinked templates will not be removed (unless the Delete missing option is selected for each entity as well). |
A success or failure message of the import will be displayed in the frontend.
Export format in YAML:
version: '7.4'
- uuid: f2481361f99448eea617b7b1d4765566
name: 'Discovered hosts'
- uuid: 6f6799aa69e844b4b3918f779f2abf08
name: 'Zabbix servers'
- host: 'Zabbix server 1'
name: 'Main Zabbix server'
monitored_by: 'SERVER'
- name: 'Linux by Zabbix agent'
- name: 'Zabbix server health'
- name: 'Discovered hosts'
- name: 'Zabbix servers'
- ip:
interface_ref: if1
- name: 'Zabbix trap'
type: TRAP
key: trap
delay: '0'
history: 1w
- '8'
- tag: component
value: 'raw'
- expression: 'last(/Zabbix server 1/trap)=0'
name: 'Last value is zero'
priority: WARNING
- tag: scope
value: 'availability'
- tag: service
value: zabbix-server
- macro: '{$HOST.MACRO}'
value: '123'
- macro: '{$PASSWORD1}'
type: 'Zabbix server'
name: yyyyyy-HP-Pro-3010-Small-Form-Factor-PC
os: 'Linux yyyyyy-HP-Pro-3010-Small-Form-Factor-PC 4.4.0-165-generic #193-Ubuntu SMP Tue Sep 17 17:42:52 UTC 2019 x86_64'
inventory_mode: AUTOMATIC
- name: 'CPU utilization server'
show_work_period: 'NO'
show_triggers: 'NO'
- drawtype: FILLED_REGION
color: FF5555
host: 'Zabbix server 1'
key: 'system.cpu.util[,steal]'
- sortorder: '1'
color: 55FF55
host: 'Zabbix server 1'
key: 'system.cpu.util[,softirq]'
- sortorder: '2'
color: '009999'
host: 'Zabbix server 1'
key: 'system.cpu.util[,interrupt]'
- sortorder: '3'
color: '990099'
host: 'Zabbix server 1'
key: 'system.cpu.util[,nice]'
- sortorder: '4'
color: '999900'
host: 'Zabbix server 1'
key: 'system.cpu.util[,iowait]'
- sortorder: '5'
color: '990000'
host: 'Zabbix server 1'
key: 'system.cpu.util[,system]'
- sortorder: '6'
color: '000099'
calc_fnc: MIN
host: 'Zabbix server 1'
key: 'system.cpu.util[,user]'
- sortorder: '7'
color: '009900'
host: 'Zabbix server 1'
key: 'system.cpu.util[,idle]'
Exported elements are explained in the tables below.
Element | Type | Description | |
version | string | (required) Zabbix version. | |
host_groups | (required) Root element for host groups. | ||
uuid | string | (required) Unique identifier for this host group. | |
name | string | (required) Host group name. | |
hosts | Root element for hosts. |
Element | Type | Description | |
host | string | (required) Unique host name. | |
name | string | Visible host name. | |
description | text | Host description. | |
monitored_by | string | Host is monitored by: SERVER, PROXY, or PROXY_GROUP. | |
proxy | Root element for proxy. | ||
name | string | (required) Name of the proxy (if any) that monitors the host. | |
proxy_group | Root element for proxy group. | ||
name | string | (required) Name of the proxy group (if any) that is used to monitor the host. | |
status | string | Host status. Possible values:1 ENABLED (0, default), DISABLED (1). |
ipmi_authtype | string | IPMI session authentication type. Possible values:1 DEFAULT (-1, default), NONE (0), MD2 (1), MD5 (2), STRAIGHT (4), OEM (5), RMCP_PLUS (6). |
ipmi_privilege | string | IPMI session privilege level. Possible values:1 CALLBACK (1), USER (2, default), OPERATOR (3), ADMIN (4), OEM (5). |
ipmi_username | string | Username for IPMI checks. | |
ipmi_password | string | Password for IPMI checks. | |
templates | Root element for linked templates. | ||
name | string | (required) Template name. | |
groups | Root element for host groups to which the host belongs. | ||
name | string | (required) Host group name. | |
interfaces | Root element for host interfaces. | ||
items | Root element for host items. | ||
discovery_rules | Root element for host low-level discovery rules. | ||
http_tests | Root element for host web scenarios. | ||
tags | Root element for host tags. | ||
tag | string | (required) Tag name. | |
value | string | Tag value. | |
macros | Root element for host macros. | ||
macro | string | (required) User macro name. | |
type | string | User macro type. Possible values:1 TEXT (0, default), SECRET_TEXT (1), VAULT (2). |
value | string | User macro value. | |
description | string | User macro description. | |
inventory | Root element for host inventory. | ||
<inventory_property> | string | Inventory property. All properties have their respective element (type , name , os , etc.; for example, see Export format). |
inventory_mode | string | Inventory mode. Possible values:1 DISABLED (-1), MANUAL (0, default), AUTOMATIC (1). |
valuemaps | Root element for host value maps. |
See also: Host object (refer to the relevant property with a matching name).
Element | Type | Description | |
default | string | Whether this is the primary host interface. Note that there can be only one primary interface of one type on a host. Possible values:1 NO (0), YES (1, default). |
type | string | Interface type. Possible values:1 ZABBIX (1, default), SNMP (2), IPMI (3), JMX (4). |
useip | string | Whether to use IP as the interface for connecting to the host (otherwise, DNS will be used). Possible values:1 NO (0), YES (1, default). |
ip | string | (required for IP connections) IP address (IPv4 or IPv6). | |
dns | string | (required for DNS connections) DNS name. | |
port | string | Port number. | |
details | Root element for interface details. | ||
version | string | Use this SNMP version. Possible values:1 SNMPV1 (1), SNMP_V2C (2, default), SNMP_V3 (3). |
community | string | (required for SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 items) SNMP community. | |
max_repetitions | string | Max repetition value for native SNMP bulk requests (GetBulkRequest-PDUs). Supported for SNMPv2 and SNMPv3 items ( discovery[] and walk[] items).Default: 10. |
contextname | string | SNMPv3 context name. Supported for SNMPv3 items. |
securityname | string | SNMPv3 security name. Supported for SNMPv3 items. |
securitylevel | string | SNMPv3 security level. Supported for SNMPv3 items. Possible values:1 NOAUTHNOPRIV (0, default), AUTHNOPRIV (1), AUTHPRIV (2). |
authprotocol | string | SNMPv3 authentication protocol. Supported for SNMPv3 items. Possible values:1 MD5 (0, default), SHA1 (1), SHA224 (2), SHA256 (3), SHA384 (4), SHA512 (5). |
authpassphrase | string | SNMPv3 authentication passphrase. Supported for SNMPv3 items. |
privprotocol | string | SNMPv3 privacy protocol. Supported for SNMPv3 items. Possible values:1 DES (0, default), AES128 (1), AES192 (2), AES256 (3), AES192C (4), AES256C (5). |
privpassphrase | string | SNMPv3 privacy passphrase. Supported for SNMPv3 items. |
bulk | string | Use bulk requests for SNMP. Possible values:1 NO (0), YES (1, default). |
interface_ref | string | Interface reference name to be used in items (format: if<N> ). |
See also: Host interface object (refer to the relevant property with a matching name).
Element | Type | Description | |
name | string | (required) Item name. | |
type | string | Item type. Possible values:1 ZABBIX_PASSIVE (0, default), TRAP (2), SIMPLE (3), INTERNAL (5), ZABBIX_ACTIVE (7), EXTERNAL (10), ODBC (11), IPMI (12), SSH (13), TELNET (14), CALCULATED (15), JMX (16), SNMP_TRAP (17), DEPENDENT (18), HTTP_AGENT (19), SNMP_AGENT (20), ITEM_TYPE_SCRIPT (21), ITEM_TYPE_BROWSER (22). |
snmp_oid | string | (required for SNMP_AGENT items) SNMP object ID. | |
key | string | (required) Item key. | |
delay | string | Update interval of the item. Default: 1m. The value will always be 0 for TRAP items. |
history | string | Time period (using time suffix, user macro or LLD macro) of how long the history data should be stored. Default: 31d. |
trends | string | Time period (using time suffix, user macro or LLD macro) of how long the trends data should be stored. Default: 365d. |
status | string | Item status. Possible values:1 ENABLED (0, default), DISABLED (1). |
value_type | string | Received value type. Possible values:1 FLOAT (0), CHAR (1), LOG (2), UNSIGNED (3, default), TEXT (4), BINARY (5). |
allowed_hosts | string | List of comma-delimited IP addresses of hosts allowed to send data for the item. Supported for TRAP and HTTP_AGENT items. |
units | string | Received value units (bps, B, etc.). | |
params | text | Additional parameters depending on the type of the item (executed script for SSH and TELNET items; SQL query for ODBC items; formula for CALCULATED items; the script for ITEM_TYPE_SCRIPT and ITEM_TYPE_BROWSER items). | |
ipmi_sensor | string | IPMI sensor. Supported for IPMI items. |
authtype | string | Authentication type. Supported for SSH and HTTP_AGENT items. Possible values for SSH items:1 PASSWORD (0, default), PUBLIC_KEY (1). Possible values for HTTP_AGENT items:1 NONE (0, default), BASIC (1), NTLM (2). |
username | string | (required for SSH and TELNET items) Username for authentication. Supported for SIMPLE, ODBC, JMX and HTTP_AGENT items. When used for JMX items, password (see below) should also be specified or both elements should be left blank. |
password | string | (required for SSH and TELNET items) Password for authentication. Supported for SIMPLE, ODBC, JMX and HTTP_AGENT items. When used for JMX items, username (see above) should also be specified or both elements should be left blank. |
publickey | string | (required for SSH items) Name of the public key file. | |
privatekey | string | (required for SSH items) Name of the private key file. | |
description | text | Item description. | |
inventory_link | string | Host inventory field that is populated by the item. Possible values:1 NONE (0), ALIAS (4), etc. (see Host inventory for supported fields). |
valuemap | Root element for item value maps. | ||
name | string | (required) Name of the value map to use for the item. | |
logtimefmt | string | Format of the time in log entries. Supported for items of LOG value type. |
preprocessing | Root element for item value preprocessing. | ||
step | Root element for host item value preprocessing steps. | ||
interface_ref | string | Reference to the host interface (format: if<N> ). |
jmx_endpoint | string | JMX endpoint. Supported for JMX items. |
master_item | (required for DEPENDENT items) Root element for dependent item's master item. | ||
key | string | (required) Dependent item's master item key. | |
timeout | string | Item data polling request timeout. Supported for the Timeouts list of item types. |
url | string | (required for HTTP_AGENT items) URL string. | |
query_fields | Root element for query parameters. Supported for HTTP_AGENT items. |
name | string | (required for HTTP_AGENT items) Query parameter name. | |
value | string | Query parameter value. Supported for HTTP_AGENT items. |
parameters | Root element for user-defined parameters. Supported for ITEM_TYPE_SCRIPT and ITEM_TYPE_BROWSER items. |
name | string | (required for ITEM_TYPE_SCRIPT and ITEM_TYPE_BROWSER items) User-defined parameter name. | |
value | string | User-defined parameter value. Supported for ITEM_TYPE_SCRIPT and ITEM_TYPE_BROWSER items. |
posts | string | HTTP(S) request body data. Supported for HTTP_AGENT items. |
status_codes | string | Ranges of required HTTP status codes, separated by commas. Supported for HTTP_AGENT items. |
follow_redirects | string | Follow response redirects while polling data. Supported for HTTP_AGENT items. Possible values:1 NO (0), YES (1, default). |
post_type | string | Type of post data body. Supported for HTTP_AGENT items. Possible values:1 RAW (0, default), JSON (2), XML (3). |
http_proxy | string | HTTP(S) proxy connection string. Supported for HTTP_AGENT items. |
headers | Root element for HTTP(S) request headers. Supported for HTTP_AGENT items. |
name | string | (required for HTTP_AGENT items) Header name. | |
value | string | (required for HTTP_AGENT items) Header value. | |
retrieve_mode | string | What part of response should be stored. Supported for HTTP_AGENT items. Possible values:1 BODY (0, default), HEADERS (1), BOTH (2). |
request_method | string | Request method type. Supported for HTTP_AGENT items. Possible values:1 GET (0, default), POST (1), PUT (2), HEAD (3). |
output_format | string | How to process response. Supported for HTTP_AGENT items. Possible values:1 RAW (0, default), JSON (1). |
allow_traps | string | Allow to populate value similarly to the trapper item. Supported for HTTP_AGENT items. Possible values:1 NO (0, default), YES (1). |
ssl_cert_file | string | Public SSL Key file path. Supported for HTTP_AGENT items. |
ssl_key_file | string | Private SSL Key file path. Supported for HTTP_AGENT items. |
ssl_key_password | string | Password for SSL Key file. Supported for HTTP_AGENT items. |
verify_peer | string | Whether to validate that the host's certificate is authentic. Supported for HTTP_AGENT items. Possible values:1 NO (0, default), YES (1). |
verify_host | string | Whether to validate that the host name for the connection matches the one in the host's certificate. Supported for HTTP_AGENT items. Possible values:1 NO (0, default), YES (1). |
tags | Root element for item tags. | ||
tag | string | (required) Tag name. | |
value | string | Tag value. | |
triggers | Root element for host item triggers. |
See also: Item object (refer to the relevant property with a matching name).
Element | Type | Description | |
type | string | (required) The item value preprocessing step type. Possible values:1 MULTIPLIER (1), RTRIM (2), LTRIM (3), TRIM (4), REGEX (5), BOOL_TO_DECIMAL (6), OCTAL_TO_DECIMAL (7), HEX_TO_DECIMAL (8), SIMPLE_CHANGE (9, calculated: received value - previous value), CHANGE_PER_SECOND (10, calculated: (received value - previous value)/(time now - time of last check)), XMLPATH (11), JSONPATH (12), IN_RANGE (13), MATCHES_REGEX (14), NOT_MATCHES_REGEX (15), CHECK_JSON_ERROR (16), CHECK_XML_ERROR (17), CHECK_REGEX_ERROR (18), DISCARD_UNCHANGED (19), DISCARD_UNCHANGED_HEARTBEAT (20), JAVASCRIPT (21), PROMETHEUS_PATTERN (22), PROMETHEUS_TO_JSON (23), CSV_TO_JSON (24), STR_REPLACE (25), CHECK_NOT_SUPPORTED (26), XML_TO_JSON (27), SNMP_WALK_VALUE (28), SNMP_WALK_TO_JSON (29), SNMP_GET_VALUE (30). |
parameters | (required) Root element for parameters of the item value preprocessing step. | ||
parameter | string | Individual parameter of the item value preprocessing step. | |
error_handler | string | Action type used in case of preprocessing step failure. Possible values:1 ORIGINAL_ERROR (0, default), DISCARD_VALUE (1), CUSTOM_VALUE (2), CUSTOM_ERROR (3). |
error_handler_params | string | Error handler parameters. |
See also: Item preprocessing object (refer to the relevant property with a matching name).
Element | Type | Description | |
uuid | string | (required) Unique identifier for this trigger. | |
expression | string | (required) Trigger expression. | |
recovery_mode | string | Basis for generating OK events. Possible values:1 EXPRESSION (0, default), RECOVERY_EXPRESSION (1), NONE (2). |
recovery_expression | string | Trigger recovery expression. | |
correlation_mode | string | Correlation mode (no event correlation or event correlation by tag). Possible values:1 DISABLED (0, default), TAG_VALUE (1). |
correlation_tag | string | The tag name to be used for event correlation. | |
name | string | (required) Trigger name. | |
event_name | string | Event name. | |
opdata | string | Operational data. | |
url_name | string | Label for the URL associated with the trigger. | |
url | string | URL associated with the trigger. | |
status | string | Trigger status. Possible values:1 ENABLED (0, default), DISABLED (1). |
priority | string | Trigger severity. Possible values:1 NOT_CLASSIFIED (0, default), INFO (1), WARNING (2), AVERAGE (3), HIGH (4), DISASTER (5). |
description | text | Trigger description. | |
type | string | Event generation type (single problem event or multiple problem events). Possible values:1 SINGLE (0, default), MULTIPLE (1). |
manual_close | string | Manual closing of problem events. Possible values:1 NO (0, default), YES (1). |
dependencies | Root element for dependencies. | ||
name | string | (required) Dependency trigger name. | |
expression | string | (required) Dependency trigger expression. | |
recovery_expression | string | Dependency trigger recovery expression. | |
tags | Root element for trigger tags. | ||
tag | string | (required) Tag name. | |
value | string | Tag value. |
See also: Trigger object (refer to the relevant property with a matching name).
Most host low-level discovery rule elements are the same as for host items. The table below describes those elements that differ from host items.
Element | Type | Description | |
type | string | Item type. Possible values:1 ZABBIX_PASSIVE (0, default), TRAP (2), SIMPLE (3), INTERNAL (5), ZABBIX_ACTIVE (7), EXTERNAL (10), ODBC (11), IPMI (12), SSH (13), TELNET (14), JMX (16), DEPENDENT (18), HTTP_AGENT (19), SNMP_AGENT (20), ITEM_TYPE_SCRIPT (21), ITEM_TYPE_BROWSER (22). |
key | string | (required) The low-level discovery rule key. | |
filter | Root element for host low-level discovery rule filters. | ||
lifetime | string | Time period (using seconds, time suffix, or user macro), after which no longer discovered resources will be deleted. Default: 7d. |
lifetime_type | string | Scenario for deleting lost LLD resources. Possible values: DELETE_NEVER, DELETE_IMMEDIATELY, DELETE_AFTER. |
enabled_lifetime | string | Time period (using seconds, time suffix, or user macro), after which no longer discovered resources will be disabled. | |
enabled_lifetime_type | string | Scenario for disabling lost LLD resources. Possible values: DISABLE_NEVER, DISABLE_IMMEDIATELY, DISABLE_AFTER. |
item_prototypes | Root element for host item prototype elements, which are the same as for host items. | ||
trigger_prototypes | Root element for host trigger prototype elements, which are the same as for host item triggers. | ||
graph_prototypes | Root element for host graph prototypes, which are the same as for host graphs. | ||
host_prototypes | Root element for host prototypes, which are the same as for hosts. | ||
master_item | string | (required for DEPENDENT rules) Root element for the dependent rule's master item. | |
lld_macro_paths | Root element for low-level discovery rule macro paths. | ||
lld_macro | string | (required) Low-level discovery rule macro name. | |
path | string | (required) Selector for value, which will be assigned to the corresponding macro. | |
preprocessing | Root element for low-level discovery rule value preprocessing. | ||
step | Root element for low-level discovery rule value preprocessing step elements, which are the same as for host item value preprocessing steps, except with fewer possible values. See also: LLD rule preprocessing object. | ||
overrides | Root element for low-level discovery rule override rules. | ||
name | string | (required) Unique override name. | |
step | string | (required) Unique order number of the override. | |
stop | string | Stop processing next overrides if matches. | |
filter | Root element for low-level discovery rule override rule filter elements, which are the same as for host low-level discovery rule filters. | ||
operations | Root element for host low-level discovery rule override operations. |
See also: LLD rule object (refer to the relevant property with a matching name).
Element | Type | Description | |
evaltype | string | Override filter condition evaluation method. Possible values:1 AND_OR (0, default), AND (1), OR (2), FORMULA (3). |
formula | string | Custom calculation formula for filter conditions. | |
conditions | Root element for filter conditions. | ||
macro | string | (required) The name of the low-level discovery macro to perform the check on. | |
value | string | Value to compare with. | |
operator | string | Condition operator. Possible values:1 MATCHES_REGEX (8, default), NOT_MATCHES_REGEX (9). |
formulaid | string | (required) Arbitrary unique ID that is used to reference a condition from the custom expression. Can only contain capital-case letters. The ID must be defined by the user when modifying filter conditions, but will be generated anew when requesting them afterward. |
See also: LLD rule filter object (refer to the relevant property with a matching name).
Element | Type | Description | |
operationobject | string | Object to which the operation is applied. Possible values:1 ITEM_PROTOTYPE (0), TRIGGER_PROTOTYPE (1), GRAPH_PROTOTYPE (2), HOST_PROTOTYPE (3). |
operator | string | Override condition operator. Possible values:1 EQUAL (1), NOT_EQUAL (2), LIKE (3), NOT_LIKE (4), REGEXP (5), NOT_REGEXP (6). |
value | string | A regular expression or a string for the override condition operator. | |
status | string | Status of the object upon the override operation. | |
discover | string | Whether the object is added as a result of the discovery. | |
delay | string | Update interval set for the item prototype upon the override operation. | |
history | string | History storage period set for the item prototype upon the override operation. | |
trends | string | Trend storage period set for the item prototype upon the override operation. | |
severity | string | Trigger prototype severity set upon the override operation. | |
tags | Root element for the tags set for the object upon the override operation. | ||
tag | string | (required) Tag name. | |
value | string | Tag value. | |
templates | Root element for the templates linked to the host prototype upon the override operation. | ||
name | string | (required) Template name. | |
inventory_mode | string | Host prototype inventory mode set upon the override operation. |
See also: LLD rule override operation object (refer to the relevant property with a matching name).
Element | Type | Description | |
uuid | string | (required) Unique identifier for this web scenario. | |
name | string | (required) Web scenario name. | |
delay | string | Frequency (using seconds, time suffix, or user macro) of executing web scenario. Default: 1m. |
attempts | integer | The number of attempts for executing web scenario steps. Possible values: 1-10 (default: 1). |
agent | string | Client agent. Zabbix will pretend to be the selected browser. This is useful when a website returns different content for different browsers. Default: Zabbix. |
http_proxy | string | Proxy that will be used by the web scenario given as: http://[username[:password]@][:port] |
variables | Root element for web scenario variables that may be used in scenario steps. | ||
name | string | (required) Variable name. | |
value | text | (required) Variable value. | |
headers | Root element for HTTP headers to be sent when performing a request. Headers should be listed using the same syntax as they would appear in the HTTP protocol. |
name | string | (required) Header name. | |
value | text | (required) Header value. | |
status | string | Web scenario status. Possible values:1 ENABLED (0, default), DISABLED (1). |
authentication | string | Authentication method. Possible values:1 NONE (0, default), BASIC (1), NTLM (2). |
http_user | string | User name used for BASIC (HTTP) or NTLM authentication. | |
http_password | string | Password used for BASIC (HTTP) or NTLM authentication. | |
verify_peer | string | Verify the SSL certificate of the web server. Possible values:1 NO (0, default), YES (1). |
verify_host | string | Verify that the Common Name field or the Subject Alternate Name field of the web server certificate matches. Possible values:1 NO (0, default), YES (1). |
ssl_cert_file | string | Name of the SSL certificate file used for client authentication (must be in PEM format). | |
ssl_key_file | string | Name of the SSL private key file used for client authentication (must be in PEM format). | |
ssl_key_password | string | SSL private key file password. | |
steps | (required) Root element for host web scenario steps. | ||
tags | Root element for web scenario tags. | ||
tag | string | (required) Tag name. | |
value | string | Tag value. |
See also: Web scenario object (refer to the relevant property with a matching name).
Element | Type | Description | |
name | string | (required) Web scenario step name. | |
url | string | (required) URL for monitoring. | |
query_fields | Root element for query parameters (an array of HTTP fields to be added to the URL when performing a request). | ||
name | string | (required) Query parameter name. | |
value | string | Query parameter value. | |
posts | Root element for HTTP POST variables (a string (raw post data) or an array of HTTP fields (form field data)). | ||
name | string | (required) Post field name. | |
value | string | (required) Post field value. | |
variables | Root element of step-level variables (macros) that should be applied after this step. If the variable value has a 'regex:' prefix, then its value is extracted from the data returned by this step according to the regular expression pattern following the 'regex:' prefix |
name | string | (required) Variable name. | |
value | text | (required) Variable value. | |
headers | Root element for HTTP headers to be sent when performing a request. | ||
name | string | (required) Header name. | |
value | text | (required) Header value. | |
follow_redirects | string | Follow HTTP redirects. Possible values:1 NO (0), YES (1, default). |
retrieve_mode | string | HTTP response retrieve mode. Possible values:1 BODY (0, default), HEADERS (1), BOTH (2). |
timeout | string | Timeout (using seconds, time suffix, or user macro) of step execution. Default: 15s. |
required | string | Text that must be present in the response (ignored if empty). | |
status_codes | string | A comma-delimited list of accepted HTTP status codes (e.g., 200-201,210-299 ; ignored if empty). |
See also: Web scenario step object (refer to the relevant property with a matching name).
Element | Type | Description | |
uuid | string | Unique identifier of the graph. | |
name | string | (required) Graph name. | |
width | integer | Graph width, in pixels. Used for preview and for pie/exploded graphs. Possible values:1 20-65535 (default: 900). |
height | integer | Graph height, in pixels. Used for preview and for pie/exploded graphs. Possible values:1 20-65535 (default: 900). |
yaxismin | double | Value of Y axis minimum. Supported for FIXED minimum value of Y axis. Default: 0. |
yaxismax | double | Value of Y axis maximum. Supported for FIXED minimum value of X axis. Default: 0. |
show_work_period | string | Highlight non-working hours. Supported for NORMAL and STACKED graphs. Possible values:1 NO (0), YES (1, default). |
show_triggers | string | Display simple trigger values as a line. Supported for NORMAL and STACKED graphs. Possible values:1 NO (0), YES (1, default). |
type | string | Graph type. Possible values:1 NORMAL (0, default), STACKED (1), PIE (2), EXPLODED (3). |
show_legend | string | Display graph legend. Possible values:1 NO (0), YES (1, default). |
show_3d | string | Enable 3D style. Supported for NORMAL and STACKED graphs. Possible values:1 NO (0, default), YES (1). |
percent_left | double | Show the percentile line for left axis. Supported for NORMAL graphs. Default: 0. |
percent_right | double | Show the percentile line for right axis. Supported for NORMAL graphs. Default: 0. |
ymin_type_1 | string | Minimum value of Y axis. Supported for NORMAL and STACKED graphs. Possible values:1 CALCULATED (0, default), FIXED (1), ITEM (2). |
ymin_item_1 | (required if ymin_type_1 is set to ITEM ) Root element for individual item details. |
host | string | (required) Item host. | |
key | string | (required) Item key. | |
ymax_type_1 | string | Maximum value of Y axis. Supported for NORMAL and STACKED graphs. Possible values:1 CALCULATED (0, default), FIXED (1), ITEM (2). |
ymax_item_1 | (required if ymax_type_1 is set to ITEM ) Root element for individual item details. |
host | string | (required) Item host. | |
key | string | (required) Item key. | |
graph_items | (required) Root element for host graph items. |
See also: Graph object (refer to the relevant property with a matching name).
Element | Type | Description | |
sortorder | integer | Draw order. The smaller value is drawn first. Can be used to draw lines or regions behind (or in front of) another. | |
drawtype | string | Draw style of the graph item. Supported for NORMAL graphs. Possible values:1 SINGLE_LINE (0, default), FILLED_REGION (1), BOLD_LINE (2), DOTTED_LINE (3), DASHED_LINE (4), GRADIENT_LINE (5). |
color | string | Element color (6 symbols, hex). | |
yaxisside | string | Side of the graph where the graph item's Y scale will be drawn. Supported for NORMAL and STACKED graphs. |
calc_fnc | string | Data to draw if more than one value exists for an item. Possible values:1 MIN (1), AVG (2, default), MAX (4), ALL (7; minimum, average, and maximum; supported for simple graphs), LAST (9, supported for pie/exploded graphs). |
type | string | Graph item type. Possible values:1 SIMPLE (0, default), GRAPH_SUM (2; value of the item represents the whole pie; supported for pie/exploded graphs). |
item | (required) Individual item. | ||
host | string | (required) Item host. | |
key | string | (required) Item key. |
See also: Graph item object (refer to the relevant property with a matching name).
Element | Type | Description | |
uuid | string | (required) Unique identifier for this value map. | |
name | string | (required) Value map name. | |
mapping | Root element for mappings. | ||
type | string | Mapping match type. Possible values:1 EQUAL (0, default), GREATER_OR_EQUAL (2), LESS_OR_EQUAL (3), IN_RANGE (4), REGEXP (5), DEFAULT (6). |
value | string | Original value. | |
newvalue | string | (required) Value to which the original value is mapped to. |
See also: Value map object (refer to the relevant property with a matching name).
1 API integer values in brackets, for example, ENABLED (0), are mentioned only for reference. For more information, see the linked API object page in the table entry or at the end of each section.