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5 Zabbix agent (Windows)


The parameters supported by the Windows Zabbix agent configuration file (zabbix_agentd.conf) are listed in this section.

The parameters are listed without additional information. Click on the parameter to see the full details.

Parameter Description
Alias Sets an alias for an item key.
AllowKey Allow the execution of those item keys that match a pattern.
BufferSend Do not keep data longer than N seconds in buffer.
BufferSize The maximum number of values in the memory buffer.
DebugLevel The debug level.
DenyKey Deny the execution of those item keys that match a pattern.
EnableRemoteCommands Whether remote commands from Zabbix server are allowed.
HeartbeatFrequency The frequency of heartbeat messages in seconds.
HostInterface An optional parameter that defines the host interface.
HostInterfaceItem An optional parameter that defines an item used for getting the host interface.
HostMetadata An optional parameter that defines the host metadata.
HostMetadataItem An optional parameter that defines a Zabbix agent item used for getting the host metadata.
Hostname An optional parameter that defines the hostname.
HostnameItem An optional parameter that defines a Zabbix agent item used for getting the hostname.
Include You may include individual files or all files in a directory in the configuration file.
ListenBacklog The maximum number of pending connections in the TCP queue.
ListenIP A list of comma-delimited IP addresses that the agent should listen on.
ListenPort The agent will listen on this port for connections from the server.
LogFile The name of the log file.
LogFileSize The maximum size of the log file.
LogRemoteCommands Enable logging of executed shell commands as warnings.
LogType The type of the log output.
MaxLinesPerSecond The maximum number of new lines the agent will send per second to Zabbix server or proxy when processing 'log' and 'logrt' active checks.
PerfCounter Defines a new parameter <parameter_name> which is the average value for system performance counter <perf_counter_path> for the specified time period <period> (in seconds).
PerfCounterEn Defines a new parameter <parameter_name> which is the average value for system performance counter <perf_counter_path> for the specified time period <period> (in seconds). Compared to PerfCounter, the perfcounter paths must be in English.
RefreshActiveChecks How often the list of active checks is refreshed.
Server A list of comma-delimited IP addresses, optionally in CIDR notation, or DNS names of Zabbix servers and Zabbix proxies.
ServerActive The Zabbix server/proxy address or cluster configuration to get active checks from.
SourceIP The source IP address.
StartAgents The number of pre-forked instances of zabbix_agentd that process passive checks.
Timeout Specifies how long to wait (in seconds) for establishing connection and exchanging data with Zabbix proxy or server.
TLSAccept What incoming connections to accept.
TLSCAFile The full pathname of a file containing the top-level CA(s) certificates for peer certificate verification, used for encrypted communications between Zabbix components.
TLSCertFile The full pathname of a file containing the agent certificate or certificate chain, used for encrypted communications between Zabbix components.
TLSConnect How the agent should connect to Zabbix server or proxy.
TLSCRLFile The full pathname of a file containing revoked certificates. This parameter is used for encrypted communications between Zabbix components.
TLSKeyFile The full pathname of a file containing the agent private key, used for encrypted communications between Zabbix components.
TLSPSKFile The full pathname of a file containing the agent pre-shared key, used for encrypted communications with Zabbix server.
TLSPSKIdentity The pre-shared key identity string, used for encrypted communications with Zabbix server.
TLSServerCertIssuer The allowed server (proxy) certificate issuer.
TLSServerCertSubject The allowed server (proxy) certificate subject.
UnsafeUserParameters Allow all characters to be passed in arguments to user-defined parameters.
UserParameter A user-defined parameter to monitor.
UserParameterDir The default search path for UserParameter commands.

All parameters are non-mandatory unless explicitly stated that the parameter is mandatory.

Note that:

  • The default values reflect daemon defaults, not the values in the shipped configuration files;
  • Values support environment variables;
  • Zabbix supports configuration files only in UTF-8 encoding without BOM;
  • Comments starting with "#" are only supported in the beginning of the line.

Parameter details


Sets an alias for an item key. It can be used to substitute a long and complex item key with a shorter and simpler one.
Multiple Alias parameters may be present. Multiple parameters with the same Alias key are not allowed.
Different Alias keys may reference the same item key.
Aliases can be used in HostMetadataItem but not in HostnameItem or PerfCounter parameter.

Example 1: Retrieving the paging file usage in percentage from the server.

Alias=pg_usage:perf_counter[\Paging File(_Total)\% Usage]

Now the shorthand key pg_usage may be used to retrieve data.

Example 2: Getting the CPU load with default and custom parameters.


This allows use cpu.load key to get the CPU load with default parameters as well as use cpu.load[percpu,avg15] to get specific data about the CPU load.

Example 3: Running multiple low-level discovery rules processing the same discovery items.


Now it is possible to set up several discovery rules using vfs.fs.discovery with different parameters for each rule, e.g., vfs.fs.discovery[foo], vfs.fs.discovery[bar], etc.


Allow the execution of those item keys that match a pattern. The key pattern is a wildcard expression that supports the "*" character to match any number of any characters.
Multiple key matching rules may be defined in combination with DenyKey. The parameters are processed one by one according to their appearance order. See also: Restricting agent checks.


Do not keep data longer than N seconds in buffer.

Default: 5
Range: 1-3600


The maximum number of values in the memory buffer. The agent will send all collected data to the Zabbix server or proxy if the buffer is full.

Default: 100
Range: 2-65535


Specify the debug level:
0 - basic information about starting and stopping of Zabbix processes
1 - critical information;
2 - error information;
3 - warnings;
4 - for debugging (produces lots of information);
5 - extended debugging (produces even more information).

Default: 3
Range: 0-5


Deny the execution of those item keys that match a pattern. The key pattern is a wildcard expression that supports the "*" character to match any number of any characters.
Multiple key matching rules may be defined in combination with AllowKey. The parameters are processed one by one according to their appearance order. See also: Restricting agent checks.


Whether remote commands from Zabbix server are allowed. This parameter is deprecated, use[*] or[*] instead.
It is an internal alias for AllowKey/DenyKey parameters depending on value:
0 -[*]
1 -[*]

Default: 0
Values: 0 - do not allow, 1 - allow


The frequency of heartbeat messages in seconds. Used for monitoring the availability of active checks.
0 - heartbeat messages disabled.

Default: 60
Range: 0-3600


An optional parameter that defines the host interface. The host interface is used at host autoregistration process. If not defined, the value will be acquired from HostInterfaceItem.
The agent will issue an error and not start if the value is over the limit of 255 characters.

Range: 0-255 characters


An optional parameter that defines an item used for getting the host interface.
Host interface is used at host autoregistration process.
During an autoregistration request the agent will log a warning message if the value returned by the specified item is over the limit of 255 characters.
The[] item is supported regardless of AllowKey/DenyKey values.
This option is only used when HostInterface is not defined.


An optional parameter that defines host metadata. Host metadata is used only at host autoregistration process (active agent). If not defined, the value will be acquired from HostMetadataItem.
The agent will issue an error and not start if the specified value is over the limit of 2034 bytes or a non-UTF-8 string.

Range: 0-2034 bytes


An optional parameter that defines a Zabbix agent item used for getting host metadata. This option is only used when HostMetadata is not defined. User parameters, performance counters and aliases are supported. The[] item is supported regardless of AllowKey/DenyKey values.
The HostMetadataItem value is retrieved on each autoregistration attempt and is used only at host autoregistration process (active agent).
During an autoregistration request the agent will log a warning message if the value returned by the specified item is over the limit of 65535 UTF-8 code points. The value returned by the item must be a UTF-8 string otherwise it will be ignored.


A list of comma-delimited, unique, case-sensitive hostnames. Required for active checks and must match hostnames as configured on the server. The value is acquired from HostnameItem if undefined.
Allowed characters: alphanumeric, '.', ' ', '_' and '-'. Maximum length: 128 characters per hostname, 2048 characters for the entire line.

Default: Set by HostnameItem


An optional parameter that defines a Zabbix agent item used for getting the host name. This option is only used when Hostname is not defined. User parameters, performance counters or aliases are not supported, but the[] item is supported regardless of AllowKey/DenyKey values.
See also a more detailed description.

Default: system.hostname


You may include individual files or all files in a directory in the configuration file (located in C:\Program Files\Zabbix Agent by default if Zabbix agent is installed using Windows MSI installer packages; located in the folder specified during installation if Zabbix agent is installed as a zip archive). All included files must have correct syntax, otherwise agent will not start.
To only include relevant files in the specified directory, the asterisk wildcard character is supported for pattern matching.
See special notes about limitations.


Include=C:\Program Files\Zabbix Agent\zabbix_agentd.d\*.conf

The maximum number of pending connections in the TCP queue.
The default value is a hard-coded constant, which depends on the system.
The maximum supported value depends on the system, too high values may be silently truncated to the 'implementation-specified maximum'.

Range: 0 - INT_MAX


A list of comma-delimited IP addresses that the agent should listen on.



The agent will listen on this port for connections from the server.

Default: 10050
Range: 1024-32767


The name of the agent log file.

Default: C:\\zabbix_agentd.log
Mandatory: Yes, if LogType is set to file; otherwise no


The maximum size of a log file in MB.
0 - disable automatic log rotation.
Note: If the log file size limit is reached and file rotation fails, for whatever reason, the existing log file is truncated and started anew.

Default: 1
Range: 0-1024


Enable the logging of the executed shell commands as warnings. Commands will be logged only if executed remotely. Log entries will not be created if[] is launched locally by HostMetadataItem, HostInterfaceItem or HostnameItem parameters.

Default: 0
Values: 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled


The type of the log output:
file - write log to the file specified by LogFile parameter;
system - write log to Windows Event Log;
console - write log to standard output.

Default: file


The maximum number of new lines the agent will send per second to Zabbix server or proxy when processing 'log', 'logrt', and 'eventlog' active checks. The provided value will be overridden by the 'maxlines' parameter, provided in the 'log', 'logrt', or 'eventlog' item key.
Note: Zabbix will process 10 times more new lines than set in MaxLinesPerSecond to seek the required string in log items.

Default: 20
Range: 1-1000


Defines a new parameter <parameter_name> which is the average value for system performance counter <perf_counter_path> for the specified time period <period> (in seconds).
Syntax: <parameter_name>,"<perf_counter_path>",<period>

For example, if you wish to receive the average number of processor interrupts per second for the last minute, you can define a new parameter "interrupts" as the following:

PerfCounter = interrupts,"\Processor(0)\Interrupts/sec",60

Please note the double quotes around the performance counter path. The parameter name (interrupts) is to be used as the item key when creating an item. Samples for calculating the average value will be taken every second.
You may run "typeperf -qx" to get the list of all performance counters available in Windows.


Defines a new parameter <parameter_name> which is the average value for system performance counter <perf_counter_path> for the specified time period <period> (in seconds). Compared to PerfCounter, the perfcounter paths must be in English. Supported only on Windows Server 2008/Vista and later.
Syntax: <parameter_name>,"<perf_counter_path>",<period>

For example, if you wish to receive the average number of processor interrupts per second for the last minute, you can define a new parameter "interrupts" as the following:

PerfCounterEn = interrupts,"\Processor(0)\Interrupts/sec",60

Please note the double quotes around the performance counter path. The parameter name (interrupts) is to be used as the item key when creating an item. Samples for calculating the average value will be taken every second.
You can find the list of English strings by viewing the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Perflib\009.


How often the list of active checks is refreshed, in seconds. Note that after failing to refresh active checks the next refresh will be attempted in 60 seconds.

Default: 5
Range: 1-86400


A list of comma-delimited IP addresses, optionally in CIDR notation, or DNS names of Zabbix servers or Zabbix proxies. Incoming connections will be accepted only from the hosts listed here. If IPv6 support is enabled then '', '::', '::ffff:' are treated equally and '::/0' will allow any IPv4 or IPv6 address. '' can be used to allow any IPv4 address. Note that "IPv4-compatible IPv6 addresses" (0000::/96 prefix) are supported but deprecated by RFC4291. Spaces are allowed.



Mandatory: yes, if StartAgents is not explicitly set to 0


The Zabbix server/proxy address or cluster configuration to get active checks from. The server/proxy address is an IP address or DNS name and optional port separated by colon.
The cluster configuration is one or more server addresses separated by semicolon. Multiple Zabbix servers/clusters and Zabbix proxies can be specified, separated by comma. More than one Zabbix proxy should not be specified from each Zabbix server/cluster. If Zabbix proxy is specified then Zabbix server/cluster for that proxy should not be specified.
Multiple comma-delimited addresses can be provided to use several independent Zabbix servers in parallel. Spaces are allowed.
If the port is not specified, default port is used.
IPv6 addresses must be enclosed in square brackets if port for that host is specified. If port is not specified, square brackets for IPv6 addresses are optional.
If this parameter is not specified, active checks are disabled.

Example for Zabbix proxy:


Example for multiple servers:


Example for high availability:


Example for high availability with two clusters and one server:


Range: (*)


The source IP address for:
- outgoing connections to Zabbix server or Zabbix proxy;
- making connections while executing some items (, net.tcp.port, etc.).


The number of pre-forked instances of zabbix_agentd that process passive checks. If set to 0, passive checks are disabled and the agent will not listen on any TCP port.

Default: 10
Range: 0-63 (*)


Specifies how long to wait (in seconds) for establishing connection and exchanging data with Zabbix proxy or server.
This parameter is used for defining the duration of various operations:
- awaiting a response from Zabbix server;
- sending requests to Zabbix server, including active checks configuration requests and item data;
- retrieving log data through logfile or Windows event log monitoring;
- sending heartbeat messages;
- maximum duration of vfs. checks;
- used by Zabbix agent modules;
- also used as a fallback in scenarios where server/proxy older than version 7.0 is sending checks without timeouts.

Default: 3
Range: 1-30


The incoming connections to accept. Used for passive checks. Multiple values can be specified, separated by comma:
unencrypted - accept connections without encryption (default)
psk - accept connections with TLS and a pre-shared key (PSK)
cert - accept connections with TLS and a certificate

Mandatory: yes, if TLS certificate or PSK parameters are defined (even for unencrypted connection); otherwise no


The full pathname of the file containing the top-level CA(s) certificates for peer certificate verification, used for encrypted communications between Zabbix components.


The full pathname of the file containing the agent certificate or certificate chain, used for encrypted communications with Zabbix components.


How the agent should connect to Zabbix server or proxy. Used for active checks. Only one value can be specified:
unencrypted - connect without encryption (default)
psk - connect using TLS and a pre-shared key (PSK)
cert - connect using TLS and a certificate

Mandatory: yes, if TLS certificate or PSK parameters are defined (even for unencrypted connection); otherwise no


The full pathname of the file containing revoked certificates. This parameter is used for encrypted communications between Zabbix components.


The full pathname of the file containing the agent private key, used for encrypted communications between Zabbix components.


The full pathname of the file containing the agent pre-shared key, used for encrypted communications with Zabbix server.


The pre-shared key identity string, used for encrypted communications with Zabbix server.


The allowed server (proxy) certificate issuer.


The allowed server (proxy) certificate subject.


Allow all characters to be passed in arguments to user-defined parameters. The following characters are not allowed: \ ' " ` * ? [ ] { } ~ $ ! & ; ( ) < > | # @
Additionally, newline characters are not allowed.

Default: 0
Values: 0 - do not allow, 1 - allow


A user-defined parameter to monitor. There can be several user-defined parameters.
Format: UserParameter=<key>,<shell command>
Note that the shell command must not return empty string or EOL only. Shell commands may have relative paths, if the UserParameterDir parameter is specified.


UserParameter=system.test,dir /b | find /c /v ""

The default search path for UserParameter commands. If used, the agent will change its working directory to the one specified here before executing a command. Thereby, UserParameter commands can have a relative ./ prefix instead of a full path. Only one entry is allowed.



(*) The number of active servers listed in ServerActive plus the number of pre-forked instances for passive checks specified in StartAgents must be less than 64.