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Trend object

The following objects are directly related to the trend API.

Trend objects differ depending on the item's type of information. They are created by the Zabbix server and cannot be modified via the API.

Float trend

The float trend object has the following properties.

Property Type Description
clock timestamp Timestamp of an hour for which the value was calculated. For example, timestamp of "04:00:00" means values calculated for period "04:00:00-04:59:59".
itemid ID ID of the related item.
num integer Number of values that were available for the hour.
value_min float Hourly minimum value.
value_avg float Hourly average value.
value_max float Hourly maximum value.

Integer trend

The integer trend object has the following properties.

Property Type Description
clock timestamp Timestamp of an hour for which the value was calculated. For example, timestamp of "04:00:00" means values calculated for period "04:00:00-04:59:59".
itemid ID ID of the related item.
num integer Number of values that were available for the hour.
value_min integer Hourly minimum value.
value_avg integer Hourly average value.
value_max integer Hourly maximum value.
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