Internal checks allow to monitor the internal processes of Zabbix. In other words, you can monitor what goes on with Zabbix server or Zabbix proxy.
Internal checks are calculated:
Internal checks are processed by server or proxy regardless of the host maintenance status.
To use this item, choose the Zabbix internal item type.
Internal checks are processed by Zabbix pollers.
Using some internal items may negatively affect performance. These items are:
The System information and Queue frontend sections are also affected.
The item keys are listed without customizable parameters and additional information. Click on the item key to see the full details.
Item key | Description |
zabbix[boottime] | The startup time of Zabbix server or Zabbix proxy process in seconds. |
zabbix[cluster,discovery,nodes] | Discovers the high availability cluster nodes. |
zabbix[connector_queue] | The count of values enqueued in the connector queue. |
zabbix[discovery_queue] | The count of network checks enqueued in the discovery queue. |
zabbix[host,,items] | The number of enabled items (supported and not supported) on the host. |
zabbix[host,,items_unsupported] | The number of enabled unsupported items on the host. |
zabbix[host,,maintenance] | The current maintenance status of the host. |
zabbix[host,active_agent,available] | The availability of active agent checks on the host. |
zabbix[host,discovery,interfaces] | The details of all configured interfaces of the host in Zabbix frontend. |
zabbix[host,,available] | The availability of the main interface of a particular type of checks on the host. |
zabbix[hosts] | The number of monitored hosts. |
zabbix[items] | The number of enabled items (supported and not supported). |
zabbix[items_unsupported] | The number of unsupported items. |
zabbix[java,,] | The information about Zabbix Java gateway. |
zabbix[lld_queue] | The count of values enqueued in the low-level discovery processing queue. |
zabbix[preprocessing_queue] | The count of values enqueued in the preprocessing queue. |
zabbix[process,,,] | The percentage of time a particular Zabbix process or a group of processes (identified by <type> and <mode>) spent in <state>. |
zabbix[proxy,,] | The information about Zabbix proxy. |
zabbix[proxy,discovery] | The list of Zabbix proxies. |
zabbix[proxy group,,available] | The number of online proxies in a proxy group. |
zabbix[proxy group,,pavailable] | The percentage of online proxies in a proxy group. |
zabbix[proxy group,,proxies] | The list of Zabbix proxies in a proxy group. |
zabbix[proxy group,,state] | The state of a proxy group. |
zabbix[proxy group,discovery] | Returns a list of proxy groups with configuration data and real-time data. |
zabbix[proxy_buffer,buffer,] | Returns the proxy memory buffer usage statistics. |
zabbix[proxy_buffer,state,changes] | Returns the number of state changes between disk/memory buffer modes since start. |
zabbix[proxy_buffer,state,current] | Returns the current working state where the new data are being stored. |
zabbix[proxy_history] | The number of values in the proxy history table waiting to be sent to the server. |
zabbix[queue,,] | The number of monitored items in the queue which are delayed at least by <from> seconds, but less than <to> seconds. |
zabbix[rcache,,] | The availability statistics of the Zabbix configuration cache. |
zabbix[requiredperformance] | The required performance of Zabbix server or Zabbix proxy, in new values per second expected. |
zabbix[stats,,] | The internal metrics of a remote Zabbix server or proxy. |
zabbix[stats,,,queue,,] | The internal queue metrics of a remote Zabbix server or proxy. |
zabbix[tcache,,] | The effectiveness statistics of the Zabbix trend function cache. |
zabbix[triggers] | The number of enabled triggers in Zabbix database, with all items enabled on enabled hosts. |
zabbix[uptime] | The uptime of the Zabbix server or proxy process in seconds. |
zabbix[vcache,buffer,] | The availability statistics of the Zabbix value cache. |
zabbix[vcache,cache,] | The effectiveness statistics of the Zabbix value cache. |
zabbix[version] | The version of Zabbix server or proxy. |
zabbix[vmware,buffer,] | The availability statistics of the Zabbix vmware cache. |
zabbix[vps,written] | The total number of history values written to database. |
zabbix[wcache,,] | The statistics and availability of the Zabbix write cache. |
The startup time of Zabbix server or Zabbix proxy process in seconds.
Return value: Integer.
Discovers the high availability cluster nodes.
Return value: JSON object.
The count of values enqueued in the connector queue.
Return value: Integer.
The count of network checks enqueued in the discovery queue.
Return value: Integer.
The number of enabled items (supported and not supported) on the host.
Return value: Integer.
The number of enabled unsupported items on the host.
Return value: Integer.
The current maintenance status of the host.
Return values: 0 - normal state; 1 - maintenance with data collection; 2 - maintenance without data collection.
The availability of active agent checks on the host.
Return values: 0 - unknown; 1 - available; 2 - not available.
The details of all configured interfaces of the host in Zabbix frontend.
Return value: JSON object.
The availability of the main interface of a particular type of checks on the host.
Return values: 0 - not available; 1 - available; 2 - unknown.
The number of monitored hosts.
Return value: Integer.
The number of enabled items (supported and not supported).
Return value: Integer.
The number of unsupported items.
Return value: Integer.
The information about Zabbix Java gateway.
Return values: 1 - if <param> is ping; Java gateway version - if <param> is version (for example: "7.4.0").
trigger function.
The count of values enqueued in the low-level discovery processing queue.
Return value: Integer.
The count of values enqueued in the preprocessing queue.
Return value: Integer.
The percentage of time a particular Zabbix process or a group of processes (identified by <type> and <mode>) spent in <state>. It is calculated for the last minute only.
Return value: Float.
zabbix[process,poller,avg,busy] #the average time of poller processes spent doing something during the last minute
zabbix[process,"icmp pinger",max,busy] #the maximum time spent doing something by any ICMP pinger process during the last minute
zabbix[process,"history syncer",2,busy] #the time spent doing something by history syncer number 2 during the last minute
zabbix[process,trapper,count] #the amount of currently running trapper processes
The information about Zabbix proxy.
Return value: Integer.
function can be used to check the availability of proxy.Example:
zabbix[proxy,"Germany",lastaccess] #the timestamp of the last heartbeat message received from "Germany" proxy
The list of Zabbix proxies with name, mode, encryption, compression, version, last seen, host count, item count, required values per second (vps), version status (current/outdated/unsupported), timeouts by item type, proxy group name (if proxy belongs to group), state (unknown/offline/online).
Return value: JSON object.
The number of online proxies in a proxy group.
Return value: Integer.
The percentage of online proxies in a proxy group.
Return value: Float.
The list of Zabbix proxies in a proxy group with name, mode, encryption, compression, version, last seen, host count, item count, required values per second (vps), version status (current/outdated/unsupported), timeouts, proxy group name, state (unknown/offline/online).
Return value: JSON.
The state of a proxy group.
Return value: 0 - unknown; 1 - offline; 2 - recovering; 3 - online; 4 - degrading.
Returns a list of proxy groups with configuration data and real-time data. Configuration data include the proxy group name, failover delay, and the minimum number of online proxies required. Real-time data include the proxy group state (see comments for details), the number of online proxies, and the percentage of online proxies.
Return value: JSON.
Example of return values:
"groups": [
{ "name": "Riga", "failover_delay": 60, "min_online": 1 },
{ "name": "Tokyo", "failover_delay": 60, "min_online": 2 },
{ "name": "Porto Alegre", "failover_delay": 60, "min_online": 3 }
"details": {
"Riga": { "state": 3, "available": 10, "pavailable": 20 },
"Tokyo": { "state": 3, "available": 10, "pavailable": 20 },
"Porto Alegre": { "state": 1, "available": 0, "pavailable": 0 }
The proxy memory buffer usage statistics.
Return values: Integer (for size); Float (for percentage).
Returns the number of state changes between disk/memory buffer modes since start.
Return values: Integer; 0 - the memory buffer is disabled.
Returns the current working state where the new data are being stored.
Return values: 0 - disk; 1 - memory.
The number of values in the proxy history table waiting to be sent to the server.
Return values: Integer.
The number of monitored items in the queue which are delayed at least by <from> seconds, but less than <to> seconds.
Return value: Integer.
The Zabbix proxy is not aware of maintenance periods; see Calculation of queues during maintenance for details.
The availability statistics of the Zabbix configuration cache.
Return values: Integer (for size); Float (for percentage).
The required performance of Zabbix server or Zabbix proxy, in new values per second expected.
Return value: Float.
The internal metrics of a remote Zabbix server or proxy.
Return values: JSON object.
The internal queue metrics (see zabbix[queue,<from>,<to>]
) of a remote Zabbix server or proxy.
Return values: JSON object.
The Zabbix proxy is not aware of maintenance periods; see Calculation of queues during maintenance for details.
The effectiveness statistics of the Zabbix trend function cache.
Return values: Integer (for size); Float (for percentage).
The number of enabled triggers in Zabbix database, with all items enabled on enabled hosts.
Return value: Integer.
The uptime of the Zabbix server or proxy process in seconds.
Return value: Integer.
The availability statistics of the Zabbix value cache.
Return values: Integer (for size); Float (for percentage).
The effectiveness statistics of the Zabbix value cache.
Return values: Integer. With the mode parameter returns: 0 - normal mode; 1 - low memory mode.
The version of Zabbix server or proxy.
Return value: String. For example: 7.4.0
The availability statistics of the Zabbix vmware cache.
Return values: Integer (for size); Float (for percentage).
The total number of history values written to database.
Return value: Integer.
The statistics and availability of the Zabbix write cache.
Return values: Integer (for number/size); Float (for percentage).
cache parameter is not supported with Zabbix proxy.