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2 Host menu


The host menu contains shortcuts to actions or frontend sections that are frequently required for a host.

The host menu can be opened by clicking on the host name.


The host context menu has four sections: View, Configuration, Links, and Scripts. For the entities that are not configured, links are disabled and displayed in gray color. The sections Scripts and Links are displayed if their entities are configured.

View section contains links to:

  • Dashboards - opens widgets and graphs.
  • Problems - opens the Problems section with the list of unresolved problems of the underlying trigger.
  • Latest data - opens the Latest data section with the list of all the latest data of the current host.
  • Graphs - opens simple graphs of the current host.
  • Web- opens the link to the configured web scenarios.
  • Inventory - opens the link to the inventory of the current host.

Configuration section contains links to:

  • Host - configuration form of the current host.
  • Items - the list of the current host items.
  • Triggers - the list of the current host triggers.
  • Graphs - simple graphs of the current host.
  • Discovery - the list of low-level discovery rules of the current host.
  • Web - the list of web scenarios of the current host.

Note that configuration section is available only for Admin and Super admin users.

Links section contains links to:

  • access a configured trigger URL.
  • access custom links configured in Global scripts (with scope Manual host action and type 'URL').

Scripts section allows to execute global scripts configured for the current host. These scripts need to have their scope defined as Manual host action to be available in the host menu.

Supported locations

The host menu is accessible by clicking on a host in various frontend sections, for example:

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