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3 Minimum permission level for Windows agent items


When monitoring systems using an agent, a good practice is to obtain metrics from the host on which the agent is installed. To use the principle of least privilege, it is necessary to determine what metrics are obtained from the agent.

The table in this document allows you to select the minimum rights for guaranteed correct operation of Zabbix agent.

If a different user is selected for the agent to work, rather than 'LocalSystem', then for the operation of agent as a Windows service, the new user must have the rights "Log on as a service" from "Local Policy→User Rights Assignment" and the right to create, write and delete the Zabbix agent log file. An Active Directory user must be added to the Performance Monitor Users group.

When working with the rights of an agent based on the "minimum technically acceptable" group, prior provision of rights to objects for monitoring is required.

Common agent items supported on Windows

Item key User group
Recommended Minimum technically acceptable (functionality is limited)
agent.hostname Guests Guests Guests Guests
agent.variant Guests Guests
agent.version Guests Guests
log Administrators Guests
log.count Administrators Guests
logrt Administrators Guests
logrt.count Administrators Guests
net.dns Guests Guests
net.dns.perf Guests Guests
net.dns.record Guests Guests
net.if.discovery Guests Guests Guests Guests
net.if.out Guests Guests Guests Guests
net.tcp.listen Guests Guests
net.tcp.port Guests Guests
net.tcp.service Guests Guests
net.tcp.service.perf Guests Guests
net.udp.service Guests Guests
net.udp.service.perf Guests Guests
proc.num Administrators Guests
system.cpu.discovery Performance Monitor Users Performance Monitor Users
system.cpu.load Performance Monitor Users Performance Monitor Users
system.cpu.num Guests Guests
system.cpu.util Performance Monitor Users Performance Monitor Users
system.hostname Guests Guests
system.localtime Guests Guests Administrators Guests
system.sw.arch Guests Guests
system.swap.size Guests Guests
system.uname Guests Guests
system.uptime Performance Monitor Users Performance Monitor Users
vfs.dir.count Administrators Guests
vfs.dir.get Administrators Guests
vfs.dir.size Administrators Guests
vfs.file.cksum Administrators Guests
vfs.file.contents Administrators Guests
vfs.file.exists Administrators Guests
vfs.file.md5sum Administrators Guests
vfs.file.regexp Administrators Guests
vfs.file.regmatch Administrators Guests
vfs.file.size Administrators Guests
vfs.file.time Administrators Guests
vfs.fs.discovery Administrators Guests
vfs.fs.size Administrators Guests
vfs.fs.get Administrators Guests
vm.memory.size Guests Guests Guests Guests Guests Guests Guests Guests
zabbix.stats Guests Guests

Windows-specific item keys

Item key User group
Recommended Minimum technically acceptable (functionality is limited)
eventlog Event Log Readers Guests
net.if.list Guests Guests
perf_counter Performance Monitor Users Performance Monitor Users
proc_info Administrators Guests
service.discovery Guests Guests Guests Guests
services Guests Guests
wmi.get Administrators Guests
vm.vmemory.size Guests Guests
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