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11 Oracle plugin


This section lists parameters supported in the Oracle Zabbix agent 2 plugin configuration file (oracle.conf).

Note that:

  • The default values reflect process defaults, not the values in the shipped configuration files;
  • Values support environment variables;
  • Zabbix supports configuration files only in UTF-8 encoding without BOM;
  • Comments starting with "#" are only supported at the beginning of the line.


Parameter Mandatory Range Default Description
Plugins.Oracle.CallTimeout no 1-30 global timeout The maximum wait time in seconds for a request to be completed.
Plugins.Oracle.ConnectTimeout no 1-30 global timeout The maximum wait time in seconds for a connection to be established.
Plugins.Oracle.CustomQueriesPath no /usr/local/share/zabbix/custom-queries/oracle for Unix systems

*:\Program Files\Zabbix Agent 2\Custom Queries\Oracle for Windows systems, where * is the drive name from the ProgramFiles environment variable
Full pathname of a directory containing .sql files with custom queries.
Example: /etc/zabbix/oracle/sql
Plugins.Oracle.CustomQueriesEnabled no false If set, enables the execution of the oracle.custom.query item key. If disabled, no queries will be loaded from the custom query directory path.
Plugins.Oracle.Default.Password no Default password for connecting to Oracle; used if no value is specified in an item key or named session.
Plugins.Oracle.Default.Service no Default service name for connecting to Oracle (SID is not supported); used if no value is specified in an item key or named session.
Plugins.Oracle.Default.Uri no tcp://localhost:1521 Default URI for connecting to Oracle; used if no value is specified in an item key or named session.

Should not include embedded credentials (they will be ignored).
Must match the URI format.
Only tcp scheme is supported; a scheme can be omitted.
A port can be omitted (default=1521).
Examples: tcp://
Plugins.Oracle.Default.User no Default username for connecting to Oracle; used if no value is specified in an item key or named session.
Plugins.Oracle.KeepAlive no 60-900 300 The maximum time of waiting (in seconds) before unused plugin connections are closed.
Plugins.Oracle.Sessions.<SessionName>.Password no Named session password.
<SessionName> - define name of a session for using in item keys.
Plugins.Oracle.Sessions.<SessionName>.Service no Named session service name to be used for connection (SID is not supported).
<SessionName> - define name of a session for using in item keys.
Plugins.Oracle.Sessions.<SessionName>.Uri no Named session connection string for Oracle.
<SessionName> - define name of a session for using in item keys.

Should not include embedded credentials (they will be ignored).
Must match the URI format.
Only tcp scheme is supported; a scheme can be omitted.
A port can be omitted (default=1521).
Examples: tcp://
Plugins.Oracle.Sessions.<SessionName>.User no Named session username.
<SessionName> - define name of a session for using in item keys.

See also: