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3 Ember+ plugin


This section lists parameters supported in the Ember+ Zabbix agent 2 plugin configuration file (ember.conf).

The Ember+ plugin is a loadable plugin and is available and fully described in the Ember+ plugin repository.

This plugin is currently only available to be built from the source (for both Unix and Windows).

Note that:

  • The default values reflect process defaults, not the values in the shipped configuration files;
  • Values support environment variables;
  • Zabbix supports configuration files only in UTF-8 encoding without BOM;
  • Comments starting with "#" are only supported at the beginning of the line.


Parameter Mandatory Range Default Description
Plugins.EmberPlus.Default.Uri no tcp://localhost:9998 The default URI to connect. The only supported schema is tcp://. A schema can be omitted. Embedded credentials will be ignored.
Plugins.EmberPlus.KeepAlive no 60-900 300 The maximum time of waiting (in seconds) before unused plugin connections are closed.
Plugins.EmberPlus.Sessions.<SessionName>.Uri no tcp://localhost:9998 The URI to connect, for the named session. The only supported schema is tcp://. A schema can be omitted. Embedded credentials will be ignored.
<SessionName> - define name of a session for using in item keys.
Plugins.EmberPlus.System.Path no Path to the Ember+ plugin executable.
Example usage: Plugins.EmberPlus.System.Path=/usr/libexec/zabbix/zabbix-agent2-plugin-ember-plus
Plugins.EmberPlus.Timeout no 1-30 global timeout The duration, in seconds, to wait for a server to respond when first connecting and on follow-up operations in the session.

See also:

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