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object script.getscriptsbyhosts(object parameters)

This method allows to retrieve all available scripts on the given host or specific script if script ID is provided. When manualinput is provided, it substitutes the {MANUALINPUT} macro with the specified value.

This method is available to users of any type. Permissions to call the method can be revoked in user role settings. See User roles for more information.


(object/array) The method accepts object or array of objects with the following parameters.

Parameter Type Description
hostid ID ID of host to return scripts for.
Must be unique.

Parameter behavior:
- required
scriptid ID ID of script to return.
manualinput string Value of the user-provided {MANUALINPUT} macro value.

Return values

(object) Returns an object with host IDs as properties and arrays of available scripts as values. If script ID is provided, the associated value is an array containing the specific script.

The method will automatically expand macros in the confirmation text, manualinput prompt text and url.

If the manualinput parameter is provided, the {MANUALINPUT} macro will be resolved to the specified value.


Retrieve scripts by host IDs

Retrieve all scripts available on hosts "30079" and "30073".


           "jsonrpc": "2.0",
           "method": "script.getscriptsbyhosts",
           "params": [
                 "hostid":  "30079"
                 "hostid":  "30073"
           "id": 1
✔ Copied


           "jsonrpc": "2.0",
           "result": {
               "30079": [
                       "scriptid": "3",
                       "name": "Detect operating system",
                       "command": "sudo /usr/bin/nmap -O {HOST.CONN} 2>&1",
                       "host_access": "2",
                       "usrgrpid": "7",
                       "groupid": "0",
                       "description": "",
                       "confirmation": "",
                       "type": "0",
                       "execute_on": "1",
                       "timeout": "30s",
                       "scope": "2",
                       "port": "",
                       "authtype": "0",
                       "username": "",
                       "password": "",
                       "publickey": "",
                       "privatekey": "",
                       "menu_path": "",
                       "url": "",
                       "new_window": "1",
                       "manualinput": "0",
                       "manualinput_prompt": "",
                       "manualinput_validator_type": "0",
                       "manualinput_validator": "",
                       "manualinput_default_value": "",
                       "parameters": []
                       "scriptid": "1",
                       "name": "Ping",
                       "command": "/bin/ping -c 3 {HOST.CONN} 2>&1",
                       "host_access": "2",
                       "usrgrpid": "0",
                       "groupid": "0",
                       "description": "",
                       "confirmation": "",
                       "type": "0",
                       "execute_on": "1",
                       "timeout": "30s",
                       "scope": "2",
                       "port": "",
                       "authtype": "0",
                       "username": "",
                       "password": "",
                       "publickey": "",
                       "privatekey": "",
                       "menu_path": "",
                       "url": "",
                       "new_window": "1",
                       "manualinput": "0",
                       "manualinput_prompt": "",
                       "manualinput_validator_type": "0",
                       "manualinput_validator": "",
                       "manualinput_default_value": "",
                       "parameters": []
                       "scriptid": "4",
                       "name": "Open Zabbix page",
                       "command": "",
                       "host_access": "2",
                       "usrgrpid": "0",
                       "groupid": "0",
                       "description": "",
                       "confirmation": "Are you sure you want to open page *UNKNOWN*?",
                       "type": "6",
                       "execute_on": "2",
                       "timeout": "30s",
                       "scope": "2",
                       "port": "",
                       "authtype": "0",
                       "username": "",
                       "password": "",
                       "publickey": "",
                       "privatekey": "",
                       "menu_path": "",
                       "url": "http://localhost/ui/zabbix.php?action=*UNKNOWN*",
                       "new_window": "1",
                       "manualinput": "0",
                       "manualinput_prompt": "Zabbix page to open:",
                       "manualinput_validator_type": "0",
                       "manualinput_validator": "dashboard.view,discovery.view",
                       "manualinput_default_value": "",
                       "parameters": []
                       "scriptid": "2",
                       "name": "Traceroute",
                       "command": "/usr/bin/traceroute {HOST.CONN} 2>&1",
                       "host_access": "2",
                       "usrgrpid": "0",
                       "groupid": "0",
                       "description": "",
                       "confirmation": "",
                       "type": "0",
                       "execute_on": "1",
                       "timeout": "30s",
                       "scope": "2",
                       "port": "",
                       "authtype": "0",
                       "username": "",
                       "password": "",
                       "publickey": "",
                       "privatekey": "",
                       "menu_path": "",
                       "url": "",
                       "new_window": "1",
                       "manualinput": "0",
                       "manualinput_prompt": "",
                       "manualinput_validator_type": "0",
                       "manualinput_validator": "",
                       "manualinput_default_value": "",
                       "parameters": []
               "30073": [
                       "scriptid": "3",
                       "name": "Detect operating system",
                       "command": "sudo /usr/bin/nmap -O {HOST.CONN} 2>&1",
                       "host_access": "2",
                       "usrgrpid": "7",
                       "groupid": "0",
                       "description": "",
                       "confirmation": "",
                       "type": "0",
                       "execute_on": "1",
                       "timeout": "30s",
                       "scope": "2",
                       "port": "",
                       "authtype": "0",
                       "username": "",
                       "password": "",
                       "publickey": "",
                       "privatekey": "",
                       "menu_path": "",
                       "url": "",
                       "new_window": "1",
                       "manualinput": "0",
                       "manualinput_prompt": "",
                       "manualinput_validator_type": "0",
                       "manualinput_validator": "",
                       "manualinput_default_value": "",
                       "parameters": []
                       "scriptid": "1",
                       "name": "Ping",
                       "command": "/bin/ping -c 3 {HOST.CONN} 2>&1",
                       "host_access": "2",
                       "usrgrpid": "0",
                       "groupid": "0",
                       "description": "",
                       "confirmation": "",
                       "type": "0",
                       "execute_on": "1",
                       "timeout": "30s",
                       "scope": "2",
                       "port": "",
                       "authtype": "0",
                       "username": "",
                       "password": "",
                       "publickey": "",
                       "privatekey": "",
                       "menu_path": "",
                       "url": "",
                       "new_window": "1",
                       "manualinput": "0",
                       "manualinput_prompt": "",
                       "manualinput_validator_type": "0",
                       "manualinput_validator": "",
                       "manualinput_default_value": "",
                       "parameters": []
                       "scriptid": "4",
                       "name": "Open Zabbix page",
                       "command": "",
                       "host_access": "2",
                       "usrgrpid": "0",
                       "groupid": "0",
                       "description": "",
                       "confirmation": "Are you sure you want to open page *UNKNOWN*?",
                       "type": "6",
                       "execute_on": "2",
                       "timeout": "30s",
                       "scope": "2",
                       "port": "",
                       "authtype": "0",
                       "username": "",
                       "password": "",
                       "publickey": "",
                       "privatekey": "",
                       "menu_path": "",
                       "url": "http://localhost/ui/zabbix.php?action=*UNKNOWN*",
                       "new_window": "1",
                       "manualinput": "1",
                       "manualinput_prompt": "Zabbix page to open:",
                       "manualinput_validator_type": "1",
                       "manualinput_validator": "dashboard.view,discovery.view",
                       "manualinput_default_value": "",
                       "parameters": []
                       "scriptid": "2",
                       "name": "Traceroute",
                       "command": "/usr/bin/traceroute {HOST.CONN} 2>&1",
                       "host_access": "2",
                       "usrgrpid": "0",
                       "groupid": "0",
                       "description": "",
                       "confirmation": "",
                       "type": "0",
                       "execute_on": "1",
                       "timeout": "30s",
                       "scope": "2",
                       "port": "",
                       "authtype": "0",
                       "username": "",
                       "password": "",
                       "publickey": "",
                       "privatekey": "",
                       "menu_path": "",
                       "url": "",
                       "new_window": "1",
                       "manualinput": "0",
                       "manualinput_prompt": "",
                       "manualinput_validator_type": "0",
                       "manualinput_validator": "",
                       "manualinput_default_value": "",
                       "parameters": []
           "id": 1
✔ Copied

Retrieve specific script with manualinput value.

Retrieve script with ID "4" on host "30079" with manualinput value "dashboard.view".


           "jsonrpc": "2.0",
           "method": "script.getscriptsbyhosts",
           "params": [
               "hostid":  "30079",
               "scriptid": "4",
               "manualinput": "dashboard.view"
           "id": 1
✔ Copied


           "jsonrpc": "2.0",
           "result": {
             "30079": [
                 "scriptid": "4",
                 "name": "Open Zabbix page",
                 "command": "",
                 "host_access": "2",
                 "usrgrpid": "0",
                 "groupid": "0",
                 "description": "",
                 "confirmation": "Are you sure you want to open page dashboard.view?",
                 "type": "6",
                 "execute_on": "2",
                 "timeout": "30s",
                 "scope": "2",
                 "port": "",
                 "authtype": "0",
                 "username": "",
                 "password": "",
                 "publickey": "",
                 "privatekey": "",
                 "menu_path": "",
                 "url": "http://localhost/ui/zabbix.php?action=dashboard.view",
                 "new_window": "1",
                 "manualinput": "1",
                 "manualinput_prompt": "Zabbix page to open:",
                 "manualinput_validator_type": "1",
                 "manualinput_validator": "dashboard.view,discovery.view",
                 "manualinput_default_value": "",
                 "parameters": []
           "id": 1
✔ Copied


CScript::getScriptsByHosts() in ui/include/classes/api/services/CScript.php.

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