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11 Inclusion


Additional files or directories can be included into server/proxy/agent configuration using the Include parameter.

Notes on inclusion

If the Include parameter is used for including a file, the file must be readable.

If the Include parameter is used for including a directory:

  • All files in the directory must be readable.
  • No particular order of inclusion should be assumed (e.g. files are not included in alphabetical order). Therefore do not define one parameter in several ''Include'' files (e.g. to override a general setting with a specific one).
  • All files in the directory are included into configuration.
  • Beware of file backup copies automatically created by some text editors. For example, if editing the ''include/my_specific.conf'' file produces a backup copy ''include/my_specific_conf.BAK'' then both files will be included. Move ''include/my_specific.conf.BAK'' out of the "Include" directory. On Linux, contents of the ''Include'' directory can be checked with a ''ls -al'' command for unnecessary files.

If the Include parameter is used for including files using a pattern:

  • All files matching the pattern must be readable.
  • No particular order of inclusion should be assumed (e.g. files are not included in alphabetical order). Therefore do not define one parameter in several ''Include'' files (e.g. to override a general setting with a specific one).