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1 Funciones de macro

Descripción general

Las funciones macro ofrecen la posibilidad de personalizar los valores de macro.

A veces una macro puede resolverse con un valor que no es necesariamente fácil de calcular. Puede ser largo o contener una subcadena específica de interés que le gustaría extraer. Aquí es donde se pueden utilizar las funciones macro.

La sintaxis de una función macro es:



  • <macro>: la macro a personalizar (por ejemplo, {ITEM.VALUE} o {#LLDMACRO})
  • <func> - la función a aplicar
  • <params>: una lista delimitada por comas de parámetros de función. Los parámetros deben citarse si comienzan con '' '' (espacio), " o contener ), ,.

Por ejemplo:

       {{ITEM.VALUE}.regsub(pattern, output)}
       {{#LLDMACRO}.regsub(pattern, output)}


Number formatting to control the number of digits printed after the decimal point.


  • digits - the number of digits after decimal point. Valid range: 0-20. No trailing zeros will be produced.


Macro function Received value Output
{{ITEM.VALUE}.fmtnum(2)} 24.3413523 24.34
{{ITEM.VALUE}.fmtnum(0)} 24.3413523 24


Time formatting.
Note that this function can be used with macros that resolve to a value in one of the following time formats:

  • hh:mm:ss
  • yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss[tz] (ISO8601 standard)
  • unix timestamp


  • format - mandatory format string, compatible with strftime function formatting;
  • time_shift (optional) - the time shift applied to the time before formatting; should start with -<N><time_unit> or +<N><time_unit>, where:
    • N - the number of time units to add or subtract;
    • time_unit - h (hour), d (day), w (week), M (month) or y (year).


  • The time_shift parameter supports multistep time operations and may include /<time_unit> for shifting to the beginning of the time unit (/d - midnight, /w - 1st day of the week (Monday), /M - 1st day of the month, etc.). Examples: -1w - exactly 7 days back; -1w/w - Monday of the previous week; -1w/w+1d - Tuesday of the previous week.
  • Time operations are calculated from left to right without priorities. For example, -1M/d+1h/w will be parsed as ((-1M/d)+1h)/w.


Macro function Received value Output
{{TIME}.fmttime(%B)} 12:36:01 October
{{TIME}.fmttime(%d %B,-1M/M)} 12:36:01 1 September


Substring extraction by a regular expression match (case-insensitive).


  • pattern - the regular expression to match;
  • output - the output options. \1 - \9 placeholders are supported to capture groups. \0 returns the matched text.


  • If the function pattern is an incorrect regular expression, then the macro evaluates to 'UNKNOWN' (except for low-level discovery macros, in which case the function will be ignored, and the macro will remain unresolved).


Substring extraction by a regular expression match (case-sensitive).


  • pattern - the regular expression to match;
  • output - the output options. \1 - \9 placeholders are supported to capture groups. \0 returns the matched text.


  • If the function pattern is an incorrect regular expression, then the macro evaluates to 'UNKNOWN' (except for low-level discovery macros, in which case the function will be ignored, and the macro will remain unresolved).


Macro function Received value Output
{{ITEM.VALUE}.regsub(^[0-9]+, Problem)} 123Log line Problem
{{ITEM.VALUE}.regsub("^([0-9]+)", "Problem")} 123 Log line Problem
{{ITEM.VALUE}.regsub("^([0-9]+)", Problem ID: \1)} 123 Log line Problem ID: 123
{{ITEM.VALUE}.regsub(".*", "Problem ID: \1")} Log line ''Problem ID: ''
{{ITEM.VALUE}.regsub("^(\w+).*?([0-9]+)", " Problem ID: \1_\2 ")} MySQL crashed errno 123 '' Problem ID: MySQL_123 ''
{{ITEM.VALUE}.regsub("([1-9]+", "Problem ID: \1")} 123 Log line *UNKNOWN* (invalid regular expression)
{{#IFALIAS}.regsub("(.*)_([0-9]+)", \1)} customername_1 customername
{{#IFALIAS}.regsub("(.*)_([0-9]+)", \2)} customername_1 1
{{#IFALIAS}.regsub("(.*)_([0-9]+", \1)} customername_1 {{#IFALIAS}.regsub("(.*)_([0-9]+", \1)} (invalid regular expression)
{$MACRO:"{{#IFALIAS}.regsub(\"(.*)_([0-9]+)\", \1)}"} customername_1 {$MACRO:"customername"}
{$MACRO:"{{#IFALIAS}.regsub(\"(.*)_([0-9]+)\", \2)}"} customername_1 {$MACRO:"1"}
{$MACRO:"{{#IFALIAS}.regsub(\"(.*)_([0-9]+\", \1)}"} customername_1 {$MACRO:"{{#M}.regsub(\"(.*)_([0-9]+\", \1)}"} (invalid regular expression)
"{$MACRO:\"{{#IFALIAS}.regsub(\\"(.*)_([0-9]+)\\", \1)}\"}" customername_1 "{$MACRO:\"customername\"}"
"{$MACRO:\"{{#IFALIAS}.regsub(\\"(.*)_([0-9]+)\\", \2)}\"}" customername_1 "{$MACRO:\"1\"}")
"{$MACRO:\"{{#IFALIAS}.regsub(\\"(.*)_([0-9]+\\", \1)}\"}" customername_1 "{$MACRO:\"{{#IFALIAS}.regsub(\\"(.*)_([0-9]+\\", \1)}\"}") (invalid regular expression)