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10 What's new in Zabbix 6.4.5


New templates are available:

You can get these templates:

  • In Data collectionTemplates in new installations;
  • If you are upgrading from previous versions, you can download new templates from Zabbix Git repository or find them in the zabbix/templates directory of the downloaded latest Zabbix version. Then, while in Data collectionTemplates you can import them manually into Zabbix.


Spellcheck disabled in non-descriptive text areas

Spellcheck has been disabled for the text areas in which non-descriptive text is entered, such as scripts, expressions, macro values, etc.


Database TLS connection for MySQL on SLES 12

The packages for server/proxy installation on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server version 12 are now built using MariaDB Connector/C library, thus enabling the encryption of connection to MySQL using the DBTLSConnect parameter. The supported encryption values are "required" and "verify_full".