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> History object

The following objects are directly related to the history API.

History objects differ depending on the item's type of information. They are created by the Zabbix server and cannot be modified via the API.

Float history

The float history object has the following properties.

Property Type Description
clock timestamp Time when that value was received.
itemid string ID of the related item.
ns integer Nanoseconds when the value was received.
value float Received value.

Integer history

The integer history object has the following properties.

Property Type Description
clock timestamp Time when that value was received.
itemid string ID of the related item.
ns integer Nanoseconds when the value was received.
value integer Received value.

String history

The string history object has the following properties.

Property Type Description
clock timestamp Time when that value was received.
itemid string ID of the related item.
ns integer Nanoseconds when the value was received.
value string Received value.

Text history

The text history object has the following properties.

Property Type Description
id string ID of the history entry.
clock timestamp Time when that value was received.
itemid string ID of the related item.
ns integer Nanoseconds when the value was received.
value text Received value.

Log history

The log history object has the following properties.

Property Type Description
id string ID of the history entry.
clock timestamp Time when that value was received.
itemid string ID of the related item.
logeventid integer Windows event log entry ID.
ns integer Nanoseconds when the value was received.
severity integer Windows event log entry level.
source string Windows event log entry source.
timestamp timestamp Windows event log entry time.
value text Received value.
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