This is a step-by-step tutorial that shows how to create a simple Zabbix frontend module. You can download all files of this module as a ZIP archive:
During this tutorial, you will first build a frontend module that adds a new My Address menu section and then convert it into a more advanced frontend module that makes an HTTP request to and displays the response - the IP address of your computer - on a new page in the newly created My Address menu section. Here's how the finished module will look like:
Create a directory MyAddress in the modules directory of your Zabbix frontend installation (for example, zabbix/ui/modules).
Create a manifest.json file with basic module metadata (see the description of supported parameters).
"manifest_version": 2.0,
"id": "my-address",
"name": "My IP Address",
"version": "1.0",
"namespace": "MyAddress",
"description": "My External IP Address"
The module is now registered in the frontend. However, it is not visible yet, because you still need to define the module functionality. Once you add content to the module directory, you will immediately see the changes in Zabbix frontend upon refreshing the page.
This file implements a new Module class that extends the default CModule class. The Module class will insert a new My Address menu section into the main menu.
The setAction() method specifies an action to be executed upon clicking on the menu section. To start with, you can use the predefined action userprofile.edit, which will open the User profile page. In part III of this tutorial, you will learn how to create a custom action.
namespace Modules\MyAddress;
use Zabbix\Core\CModule,
class Module extends CModule {
public function init(): void {
->add((new CMenuItem(_('My Address')))
You can replace 'userprofile.edit'
with other actions, for example, 'charts.view'
(opens custom graphs), 'problems.view'
(opens Monitoring → Problems), or 'report.status'
(opens System information report).
In this part, you will move the My Address menu section to the Monitoring section. As a result, users will be able to access two sub-menu pages from the Monitoring → My Address menu section.
namespace Modules\MyAddress;
use Zabbix\Core\CModule,
class Module extends CModule {
public function init(): void {
(new CMenuItem(_('My Address')))->setAction('userprofile.edit')
An action is implemented in two files - actions/MyAddress.php and views/my.address.php. The actions/MyAddress.php file takes care of the business logic implementation, while the views/my.address.php file is responsible for the view.
Create a directory actions in the MyAddress directory.
Create a MyAddress.php file in the actions directory.
The action logic will be defined in the MyAddress class. This action class will implement four functions: init(), checkInput(), checkPermissions(), and doAction(). Zabbix frontend calls the doAction() function when the action is requested. This function is responsible for the business logic of the module.
The data must be organized as an associative array. The array can be multidimensional and may contain any data expected by the view.
namespace Modules\MyAddress\Actions;
use CController,
class MyAddress extends CController {
public function init(): void {
protected function checkInput(): bool {
return true;
protected function checkPermissions(): bool {
return true;
protected function doAction(): void {
$data = ['my-ip' => file_get_contents("")];
$response = new CControllerResponseData($data);
Create a new directory views in the MyAddress directory.
Create a my.address.php file in the views directory and define the module view.
Note that the variable $data
is available in the view without specifically defining it. The framework automatically passes the associative array to the view.
(new CHtmlPage())
->setTitle(_('The HTML Title of My Address Page'))
->addItem(new CDiv($data['my-ip']))
that contains:my.address
) as a value for the class
key of the my.address
) as a value for the view
key of the my.address
"manifest_version": 2.0,
"id": "my-address",
"name": "My IP Address",
"version": "1.0",
"namespace": "MyAddress",
"description": "My External IP Address",
"actions": {
"my.address": {
"class": "MyAddress",
"view": "my.address"
namespace Modules\MyAddress;
use Zabbix\Core\CModule,
class Module extends CModule {
public function init(): void {
(new CMenuItem(_('My Address')))->setAction('my.address')