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string/object user.login(object parameters)

This method allows to log in to the API and generate an authentication token.

When using this method, you also need to do user.logout to prevent the generation of a large number of open session records.

This method is only available to unauthenticated users and must be called without the auth parameter in the JSON-RPC request.


(object) Parameters containing the user name and password.

The method accepts the following parameters.

Parameter Type Description
password string User password.

Parameter behavior:
- required
username string User name.

Parameter behavior:
- required
userData flag Return information about the authenticated user.

Return values

(string/object) If the userData parameter is used, returns an object containing information about the authenticated user.

Additionally to the standard user properties, the following information is returned:

Property Type Description
auth_type integer Default authentication for the user.

Refer to the authentication_type property of the Authentication object for a list of possible values.
debug_mode integer Whether debug mode is enabled or disabled for the user.

Refer to the debug_mode property of the User group object for a list of possible values.
deprovisioned boolean Whether the user belongs to a deprovisioned users group.
gui_access string User's authentication method to the frontend.

Refer to the gui_access property of the User group object for a list of possible values.
secret string Random 32 characters string. Is generated on user login.
sessionid string Authentication token, which must be used in the following API requests.
type integer User type.

Refer to the type property of the Role object for a list of possible values.
userip string IP address of the user.

If a user has been successfully authenticated after one or more failed attempts, the method will return the current values for the attempt_clock, attempt_failed and attempt_ip properties and then reset them.

If the userData parameter is not used, the method returns an authentication token.

The generated authentication token should be remembered and used in the auth parameter of the following JSON-RPC requests. It is also required when using HTTP authentication.


Authenticating a user

Authenticate a user.


           "jsonrpc": "2.0",
           "method": "user.login",
           "params": {
               "username": "Admin",
               "password": "zabbix"
           "id": 1


           "jsonrpc": "2.0",
           "result": "0424bd59b807674191e7d77572075f33",
           "id": 1

Requesting authenticated user's information

Authenticate and return additional information about the user.


           "jsonrpc": "2.0",
           "method": "user.login",
           "params": {
               "username": "Admin",
               "password": "zabbix",
               "userData": true
           "id": 1


           "jsonrpc": "2.0",
           "result": {
               "userid": "1",
               "username": "Admin",
               "name": "Zabbix",
               "surname": "Administrator",
               "url": "",
               "autologin": "1",
               "autologout": "0",
               "lang": "ru_RU",
               "refresh": "0",
               "theme": "default",
               "attempt_failed": "0",
               "attempt_ip": "",
               "attempt_clock": "1355919038",
               "rows_per_page": "50",
               "timezone": "Europe/Riga",
               "roleid": "3",
               "userdirectoryid": "0",
               "type": 3,
               "userip": "",
               "debug_mode": 0,
               "gui_access": "0",
               "deprovisioned": false,
               "auth_type": 0,
               "sessionid": "5b56eee8be445e98f0bd42b435736e42",
               "secret": "cd0ba923319741c6586f3d866423a8f4"
           "id": 1

See also


CUser::login() in ui/include/classes/api/services/CUser.php.