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10 Novità di Zabbix 6.4.5


A new template AWS ECS Cluster by HTTP (along with its Serverless Cluster version) is available.

You can get this template:

  • In ConfigurationTemplates in new installations;
  • If you are upgrading from previous versions, you can download new templates from Zabbix Git repository or find them in the zabbix/templates directory of the downloaded latest Zabbix version. Then, while in ConfigurationTemplates you can import them manually into Zabbix.


Controllo ortografico disabilitato nelle aree di testo non descrittive

Il controllo ortografico è stato disabilitato per le aree di testo in cui viene inserito testo non descrittivo, come script, espressioni, valori macro, ecc.


Database TLS connection for MySQL on SLES 12

The packages for server/proxy installation on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server version 12 are now built using MariaDB Connector/C library, thus enabling the encryption of connection to MySQL using the DBTLSConnect parameter. The supported encryption values are "required" and "verify_full".