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boolean configuration.import(object parameters)

This method allows to import configuration data from a serialized string.

This method is available to users of any type. Permissions to call the method can be revoked in user role settings. See User roles for more information.


(object) Parameters containing the data to import and rules how the data should be handled.

Parameter Type Description
format string Format of the serialized string.

Possible values:
yaml - YAML;
xml - XML;
json - JSON.

Parameter behavior:
- required
source string Serialized string containing the configuration data.

Parameter behavior:
- required
rules object Rules on how new and existing objects should be imported.

The rules parameter is described in detail in the table below.

Parameter behavior:
- required

If no rules are given, the configuration will not be updated.

The rules object supports the following parameters.

Parameter Type Description
discoveryRules object Rules on how to import LLD rules.

Supported parameters:
createMissing - (boolean) if set to true, new LLD rules will be created; default: false;
updateExisting - (boolean) if set to true, existing LLD rules will be updated; default: false;
deleteMissing - (boolean) if set to true, LLD rules not present in the imported data will be deleted from the database; default: false.
graphs object Rules on how to import graphs.

Supported parameters:
createMissing - (boolean) if set to true, new graphs will be created; default: false;
updateExisting - (boolean) if set to true, existing graphs will be updated; default: false;
deleteMissing - (boolean) if set to true, graphs not present in the imported data will be deleted from the database; default: false.
host_groups object Rules on how to import host groups.

Supported parameters:
createMissing - (boolean) if set to true, new host groups will be created; default: false;
updateExisting - (boolean) if set to true, existing host groups will be updated; default: false.
template_groups object Rules on how to import template groups.

Supported parameters:
createMissing - (boolean) if set to true, new template groups will be created; default: false;
updateExisting - (boolean) if set to true, existing template groups will be updated; default: false.
hosts object Rules on how to import hosts.

Supported parameters:
createMissing - (boolean) if set to true, new hosts will be created; default: false;
updateExisting - (boolean) if set to true, existing hosts will be updated; default: false.
httptests object Rules on how to import web scenarios.

Supported parameters:
createMissing - (boolean) if set to true, new web scenarios will be created; default: false;
updateExisting - (boolean) if set to true, existing web scenarios will be updated; default: false;
deleteMissing - (boolean) if set to true, web scenarios not present in the imported data will be deleted from the database; default: false.
images object Rules on how to import images.

Supported parameters:
createMissing - (boolean) if set to true, new images will be created; default: false;
updateExisting - (boolean) if set to true, existing images will be updated; default: false.
items object Rules on how to import items.

Supported parameters:
createMissing - (boolean) if set to true, new items will be created; default: false;
updateExisting - (boolean) if set to true, existing items will be updated; default: false;
deleteMissing - (boolean) if set to true, items not present in the imported data will be deleted from the database; default: false.
maps object Rules on how to import maps.

Supported parameters:
createMissing - (boolean) if set to true, new maps will be created; default: false;
updateExisting - (boolean) if set to true, existing maps will be updated; default: false.
mediaTypes object Rules on how to import media types.

Supported parameters:
createMissing - (boolean) if set to true, new media types will be created; default: false;
updateExisting - (boolean) if set to true, existing media types will be updated; default: false.
templateLinkage object Rules on how to import template links.

Supported parameters:
createMissing - (boolean) if set to true, templates that are not linked to the host or template being imported, but are present in the imported data, will be linked; default: false;
deleteMissing - (boolean) if set to true, templates that are linked to the host or template being imported, but are not present in the imported data, will be unlinked without removing entities (items, triggers, etc.) inherited from the unlinked templates; default: false.
templates object Rules on how to import templates.

Supported parameters:
createMissing - (boolean) if set to true, new templates will be created; default: false;
updateExisting - (boolean) if set to true, existing templates will be updated; default: false.
templateDashboards object Rules on how to import template dashboards.

Supported parameters:
createMissing - (boolean) if set to true, new template dashboards will be created; default: false;
updateExisting - (boolean) if set to true, existing template dashboards will be updated; default: false;
deleteMissing - (boolean) if set to true, template dashboards not present in the imported data will be deleted from the database; default: false.
triggers object Rules on how to import triggers.

Supported parameters:
createMissing - (boolean) if set to true, new triggers will be created; default: false;
updateExisting - (boolean) if set to true, existing triggers will be updated; default: false;
deleteMissing - (boolean) if set to true, triggers not present in the imported data will be deleted from the database; default: false.
valueMaps object Rules on how to import host or template value maps.

Supported parameters:
createMissing - (boolean) if set to true, new value maps will be created; default: false;
updateExisting - (boolean) if set to true, existing value maps will be updated; default: false;
deleteMissing - (boolean) if set to true, value maps not present in the imported data will be deleted from the database; default: false.

Return values

(boolean) Returns true if importing has been successful.


Importing a template

Import the template configuration contained in the XML string. If any items or triggers in the XML string are missing, they will be deleted from the database, and everything else will be left unchanged.


           "jsonrpc": "2.0",
           "method": "configuration.import",
           "params": {
               "format": "xml",
               "rules": {
                   "templates": {
                       "createMissing": true,
                       "updateExisting": true
                   "items": {
                       "createMissing": true,
                       "updateExisting": true,
                       "deleteMissing": true
                   "triggers": {
                       "createMissing": true,
                       "updateExisting": true,
                       "deleteMissing": true
                   "valueMaps": {
                       "createMissing": true,
                       "updateExisting": false
               "source": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<zabbix_export><version>6.4</version><template_groups><template_group><uuid>7df96b18c230490a9a0a9e2307226338</uuid><name>Templates</name></template_group></template_groups><templates><template><uuid>5aef0444a82a4d8cb7a95dc4c0c85330</uuid><template>New template</template><name>New template</name><groups><group><name>Templates</name></group></groups><items><item><uuid>7f1e6f1e48aa4a128e5b6a958a5d11c3</uuid><name>Zabbix agent ping</name><key></key></item><item><uuid>77ba228662be4570830aa3c503fcdc03</uuid><name>Apache server uptime</name><type>DEPENDENT</type><key>apache.server.uptime</key><delay>0</delay><trends>0</trends><value_type>TEXT</value_type><preprocessing><step><type>REGEX</type><parameters><parameter>&lt;dt&gt;Server uptime: (.*)&lt;\/dt&gt;</parameter><parameter>\\1</parameter></parameters></step></preprocessing><master_item><key>[]</key></master_item></item><item><uuid>6805d4c39a624a8bab2cc8ab63df1ab3</uuid><name>CPU load</name><key>system.cpu.load</key><value_type>FLOAT</value_type><triggers><trigger><uuid>ab4c2526c2bc42e48a633082255ebcb3</uuid><expression>avg(/New template/system.cpu.load,3m)&gt;2</expression><name>CPU load too high on 'New host' for 3 minutes</name><priority>WARNING</priority></trigger></triggers></item><item><uuid>590efe5731254f089265c76ff9320726</uuid><name>Apache server status</name><key>[]</key><trends>0</trends><value_type>TEXT</value_type></item></items><valuemaps><valuemap><uuid>8fd5814c45d44a00a15ac6eaae1f3946</uuid><name>Zabbix agent ping</name><mappings><mapping><value>1</value><newvalue>Available</newvalue></mapping><mapping><value>0</value><newvalue>Not available</newvalue></mapping></mappings></valuemap></valuemaps></template></templates></zabbix_export>\n"
           "id": 1


           "jsonrpc": "2.0",
           "result": true,
           "id": 1


CConfiguration::import() in ui/include/classes/api/services/CConfiguration.php.