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Module file structure

All code related to a module is stored in a single directory inside the modules directory of your Zabbix frontend installation (for example, zabbix/ui/modules).

Module file tree

example_module_directory/          (required)
          manifest.json                   (required)  Metadata and action definition.
          Module.php                                  Module initialization and event handling.
          actions/                                    Action controller files.
          views/                                      View files.
          assets/                                     Any additional files to be used in views. Must be specified in manifest.json.
              js/                                     JavaScript files used in views.
              css/                                    CSS files used in views.
               image.png                              Images used in views.
               example.something.file                 Any file for using in views.

Writing a module

A sample module writing process consists of the following steps (where available, click on the file or folder name to view additional details about the step):

  1. Create a new directory for the module inside zabbix/ui/modules/.
  2. Add manifest.json file with module metadata.
  3. Create views folder and define a module view(s).
  4. Create actions folder and define a module action(s).
  5. Create Module.php (or Widget.php for dashboard widgets) file and define initialization and event handling rules.
  6. Create assets folder for JavaScript files (place into assets/js), CSS styles (place into assets/css), or any other additional files.
  7. Make sure to specify required views, actions and asset files in the manifest.json.
  8. Register the module in Zabbix frontend and start using it.

You can register and enable a module as soon as you create manifest.json file. Once the module is enabled, you can preview all changes made to module files immediately by refreshing Zabbix frontend.