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6 Page parameters


Most Zabbix web interface pages support various HTTP GET parameters that control what will be displayed. They may be passed by specifying parameter=value pairs after the URL, separated from the URL by a question mark (?) and from each other by ampersands (&).

Monitoring → Problems

The following parameters are supported:

  • show - filter option "Show": 1 - recent problems, 2 - all, 3 - in problem state
  • name - filter option "Problem": freeform string
  • severities - filter option "Severity": array of selected severities in a format 'severities[*]=*' (replace * with severity level): 0 - not classified, 1 - information, 2 - warning, 3 - average, 4 - high, 5 - disaster
  • inventory - filter option "Host inventory": array of inventory fields: [field], [value]
  • evaltype - filter option "Tags", tag filtering strategy: 0 - And/Or, 2 - Or
  • tags - filter option "Tags": array of defined tags: [tag], [operator], [value]
  • show_tags - filter option "Show tags": 0 - none, 1 - one, 2 - two, 3 - three
  • tag_name_format - filter option "Tag name": 0 - full name, 1 - shortened, 2 - none
  • tag_priority - filter option "Tag display priority": comma-separated string of tag display priority
  • show_suppressed - filter option "Show suppressed problems": should be 'show_suppressed=1' to show
  • unacknowledged - filter option "Show unacknowledged only": should be 'unacknowledged=1' to show
  • compact_view - filter option "Compact view": should be 'compact_view=1' to show
  • highlight_row - filter option "Highlight whole row" (use problem color as background color for every problem row): should be '1' to highlight; can be set only when 'compact_view' is set
  • filter_name - filter properties option "Name": freeform string
  • filter_show_counter - filter properties option "Show number of records": 1 - show, 0 - do not show
  • filter_custom_time - filter properties option "Set custom time period": 1 - set, 0 - do not set
  • sort - sort column: clock, host, severity, name
  • sortorder - sort order or results: DESC - descending, ASC - ascending
  • age_state - filter option "Age less than": should be 'age_state=1' to enable 'age'. Is used only when 'show' equals 3.
  • age - filter option "Age less than": days
  • groupids - filter option "Host groups": array of host groups IDs
  • hostids - filter option "Hosts": array of host IDs
  • triggerids - filter option "Triggers": array of trigger IDs
  • show_timeline - filter option "Show timeline": should be 'show_timeline=1' to show
  • details - filter option "Show details": should be 'details=1' to show
  • from - date range start, can be 'relative' (e.g.: now-1m). Is used only when 'filter_custom_time' equals 1.
  • to - date range end, can be 'relative' (e.g.: now-1m). Is used only when 'filter_custom_time' equals 1.

Kiosk mode

The kiosk mode in supported frontend pages can be activated using URL parameters. For example, in dashboards:

  • /zabbix.php?action=dashboard.view&kiosk=1 - activate kiosk mode
  • /zabbix.php?action=dashboard.view&kiosk=0 - activate normal mode


It is possible to activate a slideshow in the dashboard:

  • /zabbix.php?action=dashboard.view&slideshow=1 - activate slideshow
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