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7 Mass update


Sometimes you may want to change some attribute for a number of items at once. Instead of opening each individual item for editing, you may use the mass update function for that.

Using mass update

To mass-update some items, do the following:

  • Mark the checkboxes of the items to update in the list
  • Click on Mass update below the list
  • Navigate to the tab with required attributes (Item, Tags or Preprocessing)
  • Mark the checkboxes of the attributes to update
  • Enter new values for the attributes

The Tags option allows to:

  • Add - add specified tags to the items (tags with the same name, but different values are not considered 'duplicates' and can be added to the same item).
  • Replace - remove the specified tags and add tags with new values
  • Remove - remove specified tags from the items

User macros, {INVENTORY.*} macros, {HOST.HOST}, {HOST.NAME}, {HOST.CONN}, {HOST.DNS}, {HOST.IP}, {HOST.PORT} and {HOST.ID} macros are supported in tags.

The Preprocessing option allows to replace the existing preprocessing steps on the items with the steps that are specified here.

When done, click on Update.