5 Maps


In the Monitoring → Maps section you can configure, manage and view network maps.

When you open this section, you will either see the last map you accessed or a listing of all maps you have access to.

All maps can be either public or private. Public maps are available to all users, while private maps are accessible only to their owner and the users the map is shared with.

Map listing

Displayed data:

Column Description
Name Name of the map. Click on the name to view the map.
Width Map width is displayed.
Height Map height is displayed.
Actions Two actions are available:
Properties - edit general map properties
Constructor - access the grid for adding map elements

To configure a new map, click on the Create map button in the top right-hand corner. To import a map from a YAML, XML, or JSON file, click on the Import button in the top right-hand corner. The user who imports the map will be set as its owner.

Two buttons below the list offer some mass-editing options:

  • Export - export the maps to a YAML, XML, or JSON file
  • Delete - delete the maps

To use these options, mark the checkboxes before the respective maps, then click on the required button.

Using filter

You can use the filter to display only the maps you are interested in. For better search performance, data is searched with macros unresolved.

Viewing maps

To view a map, click on its name in the list of all maps.

You can use the drop-down in the map title bar to select the lowest severity level of the problem triggers to display. The severity marked as default is the level set in the map configuration. If the map contains a sub-map, navigating to the sub-map will retain the higher-level map severity (except if it is Not classified, in this case, it will not be passed to the sub-map).

Icon highlighting

If a map element is in problem status, it is highlighted with a round circle. The fill color of the circle corresponds to the severity color of the problem. Only problems on or above the selected severity level will be displayed with the element. If all problems are acknowledged, a thick green border around the circle is displayed.


  • a host in maintenance is highlighted with an orange, filled square. Note that maintenance highlighting has priority over the problem severity highlighting (since Zabbix 6.0.5, only if the map element is host).
  • a disabled (not-monitored) host is highlighted with a gray, filled square.

Highlighting is displayed if the Icon highlighting check-box is marked in map configuration.

Recent change markers

Inward pointing red triangles around an element indicate a recent trigger status change - one that's happened within the last 30 minutes. These triangles are shown if the Mark elements on trigger status change check-box is marked in map configuration.

Clicking on a map element opens a menu with some available links.


Buttons to the right offer the following options:

Go to map constructor to edit the map content.
Add map to the favorites widget in the Dashboard.
The map is in the favorites widget in the Dashboard. Click to remove map from the favorites widget.

View mode buttons being common for all sections are described on the Monitoring page.

Readable summary in maps

A hidden "aria-label" property is available allowing map information to be read with a screen reader. Both general map description and individual element description is available, in the following format:

  • for map description: <Map name>, <* of * items in problem state>, <* problems in total>.
  • for describing one element with one problem: <Element type>, Status <Element status>, <Element name>, <Problem description>.
  • for describing one element with multiple problems: <Element type>, Status <Element status>, <Element name>, <* problems>.
  • for describing one element without problems: <Element type>, Status <Element status>, <Element name>.

For example, this description is available:

'Local network, 1 of 6 elements in problem state, 1 problem in total. Host, Status problem, My host, Free disk space is less than 20% on volume \/. Host group, Status ok, Virtual servers. Host, Status ok, Server 1. Host, Status ok, Server 2. Host, Status ok, Server 3. Host, Status ok, Server 4. '
✔ Copied

for the following map:

Referencing a network map

Network maps can be referenced by both sysmapid and mapname GET parameters. For example,

✔ Copied

will open the map with that name (Local network).

If both sysmapid (map ID) and mapname (map name) are specified, mapname has higher priority.

To toggle search highlight, press Ctrl+Alt+H
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