This section lists parameters supported in the Modbus Zabbix agent 2 plugin configuration file (modbus.conf).
Note that:
Parameter | Mandatory | Range | Default | Description |
Plugins.Modbus.Sessions.<SessionName>.Endpoint | no | Endpoint is a connection string consisting of a protocol scheme, a host address and a port or serial port name and attributes. <SessionName> - define name of a session for using in item keys. |
Plugins.Modbus.Sessions.<SessionName>.SlaveID | no | Slave ID of a named session. <SessionName> - define name of a session for using in item keys. Example: Plugins.Modbus.Sessions.MB1.SlaveID=20 Note that this named session parameter is checked only if the value provided in the item key slave ID parameter is empty. |
Plugins.Modbus.Sessions.<SessionName>.Timeout | no | Timeout of a named session in seconds. <SessionName> - define name of a session for using in item keys. Example: Plugins.Modbus.Sessions.MB1.Timeout=2 |
Plugins.Modbus.Timeout | no | 1-30 | global timeout | Request execution timeout (the duration, in seconds, to wait for a request to complete before shutting it down). |
See also: