The following objects are directly related to the authentication
The authentication object has the following properties.
Property | Type | Description |
authentication_type | integer | Default authentication. Possible values: 0 - (default) Internal; 1 - LDAP. |
http_auth_enabled | integer | Enable HTTP authentication. Possible values: 0 - (default) Disable; 1 - Enable. |
http_login_form | integer | Default login form. Possible values: 0 - (default) Zabbix login form; 1 - HTTP login form. |
http_strip_domains | string | Remove domain name. |
http_case_sensitive | integer | HTTP case-sensitive login. Possible values: 0 - Off; 1 - (default) On. |
ldap_configured | integer | Enable LDAP authentication. Possible values: 0 - Disable; 1 - (default) Enable. |
ldap_host | string | LDAP host. |
ldap_port | integer | LDAP port. |
ldap_base_dn | string | LDAP base DN. |
ldap_search_attribute | string | LDAP search attribute. |
ldap_bind_dn | string | LDAP bind DN. |
ldap_case_sensitive | integer | LDAP case-sensitive login. Possible values: 0 - Off; 1 - (default) On. |
ldap_bind_password | string | LDAP bind password. |
saml_auth_enabled | integer | Enable SAML authentication. Possible values: 0 - (default) Disable; 1 - Enable. |
saml_idp_entityid | string | SAML IdP entity ID. |
saml_sso_url | string | SAML SSO service URL. |
saml_slo_url | string | SAML SLO service URL. |
saml_username_attribute | string | SAML username attribute. |
saml_sp_entityid | string | SAML SP entity ID. |
saml_nameid_format | string | SAML SP name ID format. |
saml_sign_messages | integer | SAML sign messages. Possible values: 0 - (default) Do not sign messages; 1 - Sign messages. |
saml_sign_assertions | integer | SAML sign assertions. Possible values: 0 - (default) Do not sign assertions; 1 - Sign assertions. |
saml_sign_authn_requests | integer | SAML sign AuthN requests. Possible values: 0 - (default) Do not sign AuthN requests; 1 - Sign AuthN requests. |
saml_sign_logout_requests | integer | SAML sign logout requests. Possible values: 0 - (default) Do not sign logout requests; 1 - Sign logout requests. |
saml_sign_logout_responses | integer | SAML sign logout responses. Possible values: 0 - (default) Do not sign logout responses; 1 - Sign logout responses. |
saml_encrypt_nameid | integer | SAML encrypt name ID. Possible values: 0 - (default) Do not encrypt name ID; 1 - Encrypt name ID. |
saml_encrypt_assertions | integer | SAML encrypt assertions. Possible values: 0 - (default) Do not encrypt assertions; 1 - Encrypt assertions. |
saml_case_sensitive | integer | SAML case-sensitive login. Possible values: 0 - Off; 1 - (default) On. |
passwd_min_length | integer | Password minimal length requirement. Possible range of values: 1-70 8 - default |
passwd_check_rules | integer | Password checking rules. Possible bitmap values are: 0 - Check password length; 1 - Check if password uses uppercase and lowercase Latin letters; 2 - Check if password uses digits; 4 - Check if password uses special characters; 8 - (default) Check if password is not in the list of commonly used passwords and does not contain derivations of word "Zabbix" or user's name, last name, or username. This is a bitmask field; any sum of possible bitmap values is acceptable (for example, 15 for checking all rules). |