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26 Top主机


各个仪表盘组件字段对象中的这些参数和可用属性值允许在dashboard.createdashboard.update 方法中配置Top主机组件。

在创建或更新仪表盘期间不会验证组件的 fields 属性。 这个方法允许用户修改内置组件和创建自定义组件,但也会导致存在错误创建或更新组件的风险。 为确保成功创建或更新Top主机组件,请参阅下表中概述的参数行为。


The following parameters are supported for the Top hosts widget.

Parameter type name value
Refresh interval 0 rf_rate 0 - No refresh;
10 - 10 seconds;
30 - 30 seconds;
60 - (default) 1 minute;
120 - 2 minutes;
600 - 10 minutes;
900 - 15 minutes.
Host groups 2 groupids.0 Host group ID.

Note: To configure multiple host groups, create a dashboard widget field object for each host group with an incremented number in the property name.

This parameter is not supported if configuring the widget on a template dashboard.
Host groups (Widget) 1 groupids._reference Instead of Host group ID:
ABCDE._hostgroupids - set a compatible widget (with its Reference parameter set to "ABCDE") as the data source for host groups.

This parameter is not supported if configuring the widget on a template dashboard.
Hosts 3 hostids.0 Host ID.

Note: To configure multiple hosts, create a dashboard widget field object for each host with an incremented number in the property name. For multiple hosts, the parameter Host groups must either be not configured at all or configured with at least one host group that the configured hosts belong to.

This parameter is not supported if configuring the widget on a template dashboard.
Hosts (Widget/Dashboard) 1 hostids._reference Instead of Host ID:
DASHBOARD.hostids - set the Host selector as the data source for hosts;
ABCDE._hostids - set a compatible widget (with its Reference parameter set to "ABCDE") as the data source for hosts.

This parameter is not supported if configuring the widget on a template dashboard.
Host tags
Evaluation type 0 evaltype 0 - (default) And/Or;
2 - Or.

This parameter is not supported if configuring the widget on a template dashboard.
Tag name 1 tags.0.tag Any string value.

Note: The number in the property name references tag order in the tag evaluation list.

Parameter behavior:
- required if configuring Host tags

This parameter is not supported if configuring the widget on a template dashboard.
Operator 0 tags.0.operator 0 - Contains;
1 - Equals;
2 - Does not contain;
3 - Does not equal;
4 - Exists;
5 - Does not exist.

Note: The number in the property name references tag order in the tag evaluation list.

Parameter behavior:
- required if configuring Host tags

This parameter is not supported if configuring the widget on a template dashboard.
Tag value 1 tags.0.value Any string value.

Note: The number in the property name references tag order in the tag evaluation list.

Parameter behavior:
- required if configuring Host tags

This parameter is not supported if configuring the widget on a template dashboard.
Show hosts in maintenance 0 maintenance 0 - (default) Disabled;
1 - Enabled.
Columns (see below)
Order by 0 column Column numeric value from the configured columns.
Order 0 order 2 - (default) Top N;
3 - Bottom N.
Host limit 0 show_lines Possible values range from 1-1000.

Default: 10.

This parameter is not supported if configuring the widget on a template dashboard.

列有公共参数,也有由 数据 参数配置确定的额外参数。

所有列相关的参数中的数字 (例如:columns.0.name) 依赖于配置在哪一列。示例中代表配置第一列。


参数 类型 参数名称 参数值或参数说明
名称 1 columns.0.name 任意字符串。

- 必需的
数据 0 columns.0.data 1 - 监控项值;
2 - 主机名称;
3 - 文本。

- 必需的
颜色 1 columns.0.base_color 十六进制颜色代码(例如:FF0000)。

- 必需的
Item value

The following parameters are supported if Data is set to "Item value".

The first number in the Thresholds property name (e.g. columnsthresholds.0.color.0) references the column for which thresholds are configured, while the second number references threshold place in a list, sorted in ascending order. However, if thresholds are configured in a different order, the values will be sorted in ascending order after updating widget configuration in Zabbix frontend (e.g. "threshold.0.threshold":"5""threshold.0.threshold":"1"; "threshold.1.threshold":"1""threshold.1.threshold": "5").

Parameter type name value
Item 1 columns.0.item Valid item name.

When configuring the widget on a template dashboard, only items configured on the template should be set.
Display item value as 0 columns.0.display_value_as 0 - (default) Numeric;
1 - Text;
2 - Binary.
Display 0 columns.0.display 1 - (default) As is;
2 - Bar;
3 - Indicators;
6 - Sparkline.

Parameter behavior:
- supported if Display item value as is set to "Numeric"
Min 1 columns.0.min Any numeric value.

Parameter behavior:
- supported if Display item value as is set to "Numeric" and Display is set to "Bar" or "Indicators"
Max 1 columns.0.max Any numeric value.

Parameter behavior:
- supported if Display item value as is set to "Numeric" and Display is set to "Bar" or "Indicators"
Decimal places 0 columns.0.decimal_places Possible values range from 0-10.

Default: 2.

Parameter behavior:
- supported if Display item value as is set to "Numeric"
Width 0 columns.0.sparkline.width Possible values range from 0-10.

Default: 1.

Parameter behavior:
- supported if Display item value as is set to "Numeric" and Display is set to "Sparkline"
Fill 0 columns.0.sparkline.fill Possible values range from 0-10.

Default: 3.

Parameter behavior:
- supported if Display item value as is set to "Numeric" and Display is set to "Sparkline"
Color 1 columns.0.sparkline.color Hexadecimal color code (e.g. FF0000).

Default: 42A5F5.

Parameter behavior:
- supported if Display item value as is set to "Numeric" and Display is set to "Sparkline"
Time period 1 columns.0.sparkline.time_period._reference DASHBOARD._timeperiod - set the Time period selector as the data source;
ABCDE._timeperiod - set a compatible widget (with its reference parameter equal to ABCDE) as the data source.

Default: DASHBOARD._timeperiod

Alternatively, you can set the time period only in the From and To parameters.

Parameter behavior:
- supported if Display item value as is set to "Numeric" and Display is set to "Sparkline"
From 1 columns.0.sparkline.time_period.from Valid time string in absolute (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss) or relative time syntax (now, now/d, now/w-1w, etc.).

Parameter behavior:
- supported if Display item value as is set to "Numeric" and Display is set to "Sparkline"
To 1 columns.0.sparkline.time_period.to Valid time string in absolute (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss) or relative time syntax (now, now/d, now/w-1w, etc.).

Parameter behavior:
- supported if Display item value as is set to "Numeric" and Display is set to "Sparkline"
History data 0 columns.0.sparkline.history 0 - (default) Auto;
1 - History;
2 - Trends.

Parameter behavior:
- supported if Display item value as is set to "Numeric" and Display is set to "Sparkline"
Color 1 columnsthresholds.0.color.0 Hexadecimal color code (e.g. FF0000).

Parameter behavior:
- supported if Display item value as is set to "Numeric"
Threshold 1 columnsthresholds.0.threshold.0 Any string value.

Parameter behavior:
- supported if Display item value as is set to "Numeric"
Color 1 columns.0.highlights.0.color Hexadecimal color code (e.g. FF0000).

Parameter behavior:
- supported if Display item value as is set to "Text"
Pattern 1 columns.0.highlights.0.pattern Any string value.

Parameter behavior:
- supported if Display item value as is set to "Text"
Show thumbnail 0 columns.0.show_thumbnail 0 - (default) Disabled;
1 - Enabled.

Parameter behavior:
- supported if Display item value as is set to "Binary"
Aggregation function 0 columns.0.aggregate_function 0 - (default) not used;
1 - min;
2 - max;
3 - avg;
4 - count;
5 - sum;
6 - first;
7 - last.
Time period 1 columns.0.time_period._reference DASHBOARD._timeperiod - set the Time period selector as the data source;
ABCDE._timeperiod - set a compatible widget (with its reference parameter equal to ABCDE) as the data source.

Default: DASHBOARD._timeperiod

Alternatively, you can set the time period only in the From and To parameters.

Parameter behavior:
- supported if Aggregation function is set to "min", "max", "avg", "count", "sum", "first", "last"
From 1 columns.0.time_period.from Valid time string in absolute (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss) or relative time syntax (now, now/d, now/w-1w, etc.).

Parameter behavior:
- supported if Time period is not set and Aggregation function is set to "min", "max", "avg", "count", "sum", "first", "last"
To 1 columns.0.time_period.to Valid time string in absolute (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss) or relative time syntax (now, now/d, now/w-1w, etc.).

Parameter behavior:
- supported if Time period is not set and Aggregation function is set to "min", "max", "avg", "count", "sum", "first", "last"
History data 0 columns.0.history 0 - (default) Auto;
1 - History;
2 - Trends.

Parameter behavior:
- supported if Display item value as is set to "Numeric"
Reference 1 reference Any string value consisting of 5 characters (e.g., ABCDE or JBPNL). This value must be unique within the dashboard to which the widget belongs.

Parameter behavior:
- required

数据 设置为 "文本" 时,支持以下参数:

参数 类型 参数名称 参数值或参数说明
文本 1 columns.0.text 任意字符串,包含宏变量。

- 必需的 (如果 数据 设置为 "文本")。


以下示例仅用于介绍如何在仪表盘组件字段对象中配置 Top主机 组件。 更多信息,请参考 创建仪表盘


配置一个Top主机组件,用于展示主机组 "4" 中 CPU 利用率的 Top 主机。 同时配置如下列:"Host name", "CPU utilization in %", "1m avg", "5m avg", "15m avg", "Processes"。


           "jsonrpc": "2.0",
           "method": "dashboard.create",
           "params": {
               "name": "My dashboard",
               "display_period": 30,
               "auto_start": 1,
               "pages": [
                       "widgets": [
                               "type": "tophosts",
                               "name": "Top hosts",
                               "x": 0,
                               "y": 0,
                               "width": 36,
                               "height": 5,
                               "view_mode": 0,
                               "fields": [
                                       "type": 2,
                                       "name": "groupids.0",
                                       "value": 4
                                       "type": 1,
                                       "name": "columns.0.name",
                                       "value": "Host"
                                       "type": 0,
                                       "name": "columns.0.data",
                                       "value": 2
                                       "type": 1,
                                       "name": "columns.0.base_color",
                                       "value": "FFFFFF"
                                       "type": 1,
                                       "name": "columns.1.name",
                                       "value": "CPU utilization in %"
                                       "type": 0,
                                       "name": "columns.1.data",
                                       "value": 1
                                       "type": 1,
                                       "name": "columns.1.base_color",
                                       "value": "4CAF50"
                                       "type": 1,
                                       "name": "columns.1.item",
                                       "value": "CPU utilization"
                                       "type": 0,
                                       "name": "columns.1.display",
                                       "value": 3
                                       "type": 1,
                                       "name": "columns.1.min",
                                       "value": "0"
                                       "type": 1,
                                       "name": "columns.1.max",
                                       "value": "100"
                                       "type": 1,
                                       "name": "columnsthresholds.1.color.0",
                                       "value": "FFFF00"
                                       "type": 1,
                                       "name": "columnsthresholds.1.threshold.0",
                                       "value": "50"
                                       "type": 1,
                                       "name": "columnsthresholds.1.color.1",
                                       "value": "FF8000"
                                       "type": 1,
                                       "name": "columnsthresholds.1.threshold.1",
                                       "value": "80"
                                       "type": 1,
                                       "name": "columnsthresholds.1.color.2",
                                       "value": "FF4000"
                                       "type": 1,
                                       "name": "columnsthresholds.1.threshold.2",
                                       "value": "90"
                                       "type": 1,
                                       "name": "columns.2.name",
                                       "value": "1m avg"
                                       "type": 0,
                                       "name": "columns.2.data",
                                       "value": 1
                                       "type": 1,
                                       "name": "columns.2.base_color",
                                       "value": "FFFFFF"
                                       "type": 1,
                                       "name": "columns.2.item",
                                       "value": "Load average (1m avg)"
                                       "type": 1,
                                       "name": "columns.3.name",
                                       "value": "5m avg"
                                       "type": 0,
                                       "name": "columns.3.data",
                                       "value": 1
                                       "type": 1,
                                       "name": "columns.3.base_color",
                                       "value": "FFFFFF"
                                       "type": 1,
                                       "name": "columns.3.item",
                                       "value": "Load average (5m avg)"
                                       "type": 1,
                                       "name": "columns.4.name",
                                       "value": "15m avg"
                                       "type": 0,
                                       "name": "columns.4.data",
                                       "value": 1
                                       "type": 1,
                                       "name": "columns.4.base_color",
                                       "value": "FFFFFF"
                                       "type": 1,
                                       "name": "columns.4.item",
                                       "value": "Load average (15m avg)"
                                       "type": 1,
                                       "name": "columns.5.name",
                                       "value": "Processes"
                                       "type": 0,
                                       "name": "columns.5.data",
                                       "value": 1
                                       "type": 1,
                                       "name": "columns.5.base_color",
                                       "value": "FFFFFF"
                                       "type": 1,
                                       "name": "columns.5.item",
                                       "value": "Number of processes"
                                       "type": 0,
                                       "name": "columns.5.decimal_places",
                                       "value": 0
                                       "type": 0,
                                       "name": "column",
                                       "value": 1
               "userGroups": [
                       "usrgrpid": 7,
                       "permission": 2
               "users": [
                       "userid": 1,
                       "permission": 3
           "id": 1


           "jsonrpc": "2.0",
           "result": {
               "dashboardids": [
           "id": 1
