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object script.getscriptsbyevents(object parameters)

Aquest mètode permet recuperar tots els scripts disponibles en l'esdeveniment donat o un script específic si es proporciona l'ID de l'script. Quan es proporciona l'entrada manual, substitueix la macro {MANUALINPUT} pel valor especificat.

Aquest mètode és disponible per a usuaris de qualsevol tipus. Els permisos per cridar al mètode es poden revocar a la configuració del rol d'usuari. Veieu Rols d'usuari per a més informació.


(objecte/matriu) El mètode admet un objecte o matriu d'objectes amb els paràmetres següents.

Paràmetre Tipus Descripció
eventid ID ID de l'esdeveniment per a retornar scripts.
Ha d'ésser únic.

Comportament del paràmetre:
- obligatori
scriptid ID ID de l'script a retornar.
manualinput string Valor del valor de macro {MANUALINPUT} proporcionat per l'usuari.

Valors de retorn

(objecte) Retorna un objecte amb ID d'esdeveniment com a propietats i matrius de scripts disponibles com a valors. Si es proporciona l'ID d'script, el valor associat és una matriu que conté l'script específic.

El mètode ampliarà automàticament les macros al text de "confirmació", Text del "indicador d'entrada manual" i "url".

Si es proporciona el paràmetre d'entrada manual, la macro {MANUALINPUT} es resoldrà amb el valor especificat.


Recupera scripts per IDs d'esdeveniments

Recupera tots els scripts disponibles dels esdeveniments "632" i "614".


           "jsonrpc": "2.0",
           "method": "script.getscriptsbyevents",
           "params": [
                "eventid":  "632"
                "eventid":  "614"
           "id": 1


           "jsonrpc": "2.0",
           "result": {
               "632": [
                       "scriptid": "3",
                       "name": "Detect operating system",
                       "command": "sudo /usr/bin/nmap -O {HOST.CONN} 2>&1",
                       "host_access": "2",
                       "usrgrpid": "7",
                       "groupid": "0",
                       "description": "",
                       "confirmation": "",
                       "type": "0",
                       "execute_on": "1",
                       "timeout": "30s",
                       "scope": "4",
                       "port": "",
                       "authtype": "0",
                       "username": "",
                       "password": "",
                       "publickey": "",
                       "privatekey": "",
                       "menu_path": "",
                       "url": "",
                       "new_window": "1",
                       "manualinput": "0",
                       "manualinput_prompt": "",
                       "manualinput_validator_type": "0",
                       "manualinput_validator": "",
                       "manualinput_default_value": "",
                       "parameters": []
                       "scriptid": "1",
                       "name": "Ping",
                       "command": "/bin/ping -c 3 {HOST.CONN} 2>&1",
                       "host_access": "2",
                       "usrgrpid": "0",
                       "groupid": "0",
                       "description": "",
                       "confirmation": "",
                       "type": "0",
                       "execute_on": "1",
                       "timeout": "30s",
                       "scope": "4",
                       "port": "",
                       "authtype": "0",
                       "username": "",
                       "password": "",
                       "publickey": "",
                       "privatekey": "",
                       "menu_path": "",
                       "url": "",
                       "new_window": "1",
                       "manualinput": "0",
                       "manualinput_prompt": "",
                       "manualinput_validator_type": "0",
                       "manualinput_validator": "",
                       "manualinput_default_value": "",
                       "parameters": []
                       "scriptid": "4",
                       "name": "Open Zabbix page",
                       "command": "",
                       "host_access": "2",
                       "usrgrpid": "0",
                       "groupid": "0",
                       "description": "",
                       "confirmation": "Are you sure you want to open page *UNKNOWN*?",
                       "type": "6",
                       "execute_on": "2",
                       "timeout": "30s",
                       "scope": "4",
                       "port": "",
                       "authtype": "0",
                       "username": "",
                       "password": "",
                       "publickey": "",
                       "privatekey": "",
                       "menu_path": "",
                       "url": "http://localhost/ui/zabbix.php?action=*UNKNOWN*",
                       "new_window": "1",
                       "manualinput": "1",
                       "manualinput_prompt": "Zabbix page to open:",
                       "manualinput_validator_type": "1",
                       "manualinput_validator": "dashboard.view,discovery.view",
                       "manualinput_default_value": "",
                       "parameters": []
                       "scriptid": "2",
                       "name": "Traceroute",
                       "command": "/usr/bin/traceroute {HOST.CONN} 2>&1",
                       "host_access": "2",
                       "usrgrpid": "0",
                       "groupid": "0",
                       "description": "",
                       "confirmation": "",
                       "type": "0",
                       "execute_on": "1",
                       "timeout": "30s",
                       "scope": "4",
                       "port": "",
                       "authtype": "0",
                       "username": "",
                       "password": "",
                       "publickey": "",
                       "privatekey": "",
                       "menu_path": "",
                       "url": "",
                       "new_window": "1",
                       "manualinput": "0",
                       "manualinput_prompt": "",
                       "manualinput_validator_type": "0",
                       "manualinput_validator": "",
                       "manualinput_default_value": "",
                       "parameters": []
               "614": [
                       "scriptid": "3",
                       "name": "Detect operating system",
                       "command": "sudo /usr/bin/nmap -O {HOST.CONN} 2>&1",
                       "host_access": "2",
                       "usrgrpid": "7",
                       "groupid": "0",
                       "description": "",
                       "confirmation": "",
                       "type": "0",
                       "execute_on": "1",
                       "timeout": "30s",
                       "scope": "4",
                       "port": "",
                       "authtype": "0",
                       "username": "",
                       "password": "",
                       "publickey": "",
                       "privatekey": "",
                       "menu_path": "",
                       "url": "",
                       "new_window": "1",
                       "manualinput": "0",
                       "manualinput_prompt": "",
                       "manualinput_validator_type": "1",
                       "manualinput_validator": "",
                       "manualinput_default_value": "",
                       "parameters": []
                       "scriptid": "1",
                       "name": "Ping",
                       "command": "/bin/ping -c 3 {HOST.CONN} 2>&1",
                       "host_access": "2",
                       "usrgrpid": "0",
                       "groupid": "0",
                       "description": "",
                       "confirmation": "",
                       "type": "0",
                       "execute_on": "1",
                       "timeout": "30s",
                       "scope": "4",
                       "port": "",
                       "authtype": "0",
                       "username": "",
                       "password": "",
                       "publickey": "",
                       "privatekey": "",
                       "menu_path": "",
                       "url": "",
                       "new_window": "1",
                       "manualinput": "0",
                       "manualinput_prompt": "",
                       "manualinput_validator_type": "0",
                       "manualinput_validator": "",
                       "manualinput_default_value": "",
                       "parameters": []
                       "scriptid": "4",
                       "name": "Open Zabbix page",
                       "command": "",
                       "host_access": "2",
                       "usrgrpid": "0",
                       "groupid": "0",
                       "description": "",
                       "confirmation": "Are you sure you want to open page *UNKNOWN*?",
                       "type": "6",
                       "execute_on": "2",
                       "timeout": "30s",
                       "scope": "4",
                       "port": "",
                       "authtype": "0",
                       "username": "",
                       "password": "",
                       "publickey": "",
                       "privatekey": "",
                       "menu_path": "",
                       "url": "http://localhost/ui/zabbix.php?action=*UNKNOWN*",
                       "new_window": "1",
                       "manualinput": "1",
                       "manualinput_prompt": "Zabbix page to open:",
                       "manualinput_validator_type": "1",
                       "manualinput_validator": "dashboard.view,discovery.view",
                       "manualinput_default_value": "",
                       "parameters": []
                       "scriptid": "2",
                       "name": "Traceroute",
                       "command": "/usr/bin/traceroute {HOST.CONN} 2>&1",
                       "host_access": "2",
                       "usrgrpid": "0",
                       "groupid": "0",
                       "description": "",
                       "confirmation": "",
                       "type": "0",
                       "execute_on": "1",
                       "timeout": "30s",
                       "scope": "4",
                       "port": "",
                       "authtype": "0",
                       "username": "",
                       "password": "",
                       "publickey": "",
                       "privatekey": "",
                       "menu_path": "",
                       "url": "",
                       "new_window": "1",
                       "manualinput": "0",
                       "manualinput_prompt": "",
                       "manualinput_validator_type": "0",
                       "manualinput_validator": "",
                       "manualinput_default_value": "",
                       "parameters": []
           "id": 1

Recupera un script específic amb valor d'entrada manual.

Recupera l'script amb ID "4" a l'esdeveniment "632" amb el valor d'entrada manual "dashboard.view".


           "jsonrpc": "2.0",
           "method": "script.getscriptsbyevents",
           "params": [
               "eventid":  "632",
               "scriptid": "4",
               "manualinput": "dashboard.view"
           "id": 1


           "jsonrpc": "2.0",
           "result": {
             "632": [
                 "scriptid": "4",
                 "name": "Open Zabbix page",
                 "command": "",
                 "host_access": "2",
                 "usrgrpid": "0",
                 "groupid": "0",
                 "description": "",
                 "confirmation": "Are you sure you want to open page dashboard.view?",
                 "type": "6",
                 "execute_on": "2",
                 "timeout": "30s",
                 "scope": "4",
                 "port": "",
                 "authtype": "0",
                 "username": "",
                 "password": "",
                 "publickey": "",
                 "privatekey": "",
                 "menu_path": "",
                 "url": "http://localhost/ui/zabbix.php?action=dashboard.view",
                 "new_window": "1",
                 "manualinput": "1",
                 "manualinput_prompt": "Zabbix page to open:",
                 "manualinput_validator_type": "1",
                 "manualinput_validator": "dashboard.view,discovery.view",
                 "manualinput_default_value": "",
                 "parameters": []
           "id": 1


CScript::getScriptsByEvents() in ui/include/classes/api/services/CScript.php.