A belső ellenőrzések lehetővé teszik a Zabbix belső folyamatainak nyomon követését. Ban ben Más szóval, figyelemmel kísérheti, mi történik a Zabbix szerverrel vagy a Zabbixszel meghatalmazott.
A belső ellenőrzések kiszámítása:
A belső ellenőrzéseket a szerver vagy a proxy dolgozza fel, függetlenül a gazdagéptől karbantartási állapot.
Az elem használatához válassza a Zabbix belső elemtípust.
A belső ellenőrzéseket a Zabbix dolgozza fel szavazók.
Egyes belső elemek használata negatívan befolyásolhatja a teljesítményt. Ezek a tételek:
A Rendszerinformáció és a Queue frontend szakaszok is érintettek.
The item keys are listed without optional parameters and additional information. Click on the item key to see the full details.
Item key | Description |
zabbix[boottime] | The startup time of Zabbix server or Zabbix proxy process in seconds. |
zabbix[cluster,discovery,nodes] | Discovers the high availability cluster nodes. |
zabbix[connector_queue] | The count of values enqueued in the connector queue. |
zabbix[host,,items] | The number of enabled items (supported and not supported) on the host. |
zabbix[host,,items_unsupported] | The number of enabled unsupported items on the host. |
zabbix[host,,maintenance] | The current maintenance status of the host. |
zabbix[host,active_agent,available] | The availability of active agent checks on the host. |
zabbix[host,discovery,interfaces] | The details of all configured interfaces of the host in Zabbix frontend. |
zabbix[host,available] | The availability of the main interface of a particular type of checks on the host. |
zabbix[hosts] | The number of monitored hosts. |
zabbix[items] | The number of enabled items (supported and not supported). |
zabbix[items_unsupported] | The number of unsupported items. |
zabbix[java] | The information about Zabbix Java gateway. |
zabbix[lld_queue] | The count of values enqueued in the low-level discovery processing queue. |
zabbix[preprocessing_queue] | The count of values enqueued in the preprocessing queue. |
zabbix[process] | The percentage of time a particular Zabbix process or a group of processes (identified by <type> and <mode>) spent in <state>. |
zabbix[proxy] | The information about Zabbix proxy. |
zabbix[proxy,discovery] | The list of Zabbix proxies. |
zabbix[proxy_history] | The number of values in the proxy history table waiting to be sent to the server. |
zabbix[queue] | The number of monitored items in the queue which are delayed at least by <from> seconds, but less than <to> seconds. |
zabbix[rcache] | The availability statistics of the Zabbix configuration cache. |
zabbix[requiredperformance] | The required performance of Zabbix server or Zabbix proxy, in new values per second expected. |
zabbix[stats] | The internal metrics of a remote Zabbix server or proxy. |
zabbix[stats,,,queue] | The internal queue metrics of a remote Zabbix server or proxy. |
zabbix[tcache] | The effectiveness statistics of the Zabbix trend function cache. |
zabbix[triggers] | The number of enabled triggers in Zabbix database, with all items enabled on enabled hosts. |
zabbix[uptime] | The uptime of the Zabbix server or proxy process in seconds. |
zabbix[vcache,buffer] | The availability statistics of the Zabbix value cache. |
zabbix[vcache,cache] | The effectiveness statistics of the Zabbix value cache. |
zabbix[version] | The version of Zabbix server or proxy. |
zabbix[vmware,buffer] | The availability statistics of the Zabbix vmware cache. |
zabbix[wcache] | The statistics and availability of the Zabbix write cache. |
. Use them in the item key as is.
The startup time of Zabbix server or Zabbix proxy process in seconds.
Return value: Integer.
Discovers the high availability cluster nodes.
Return value: JSON object.
This item can be used in low-level discovery.
The count of values enqueued in the connector queue.
Return value: Integer.
This item is supported since Zabbix 6.4.0.
The number of enabled items (supported and not supported) on the host.
Return value: Integer.
The number of enabled unsupported items on the host.
Return value: Integer.
The current maintenance status of the host.
Return values: 0 - normal state; 1 - maintenance with data collection; 2 - maintenance without data collection.
The availability of active agent checks on the host.
Return values: 0 - unknown; 1 - available; 2 - not available.
The details of all configured interfaces of the host in Zabbix frontend.
Return value: JSON object.
The availability of the main interface of a particular type of checks on the host.
Return values: 0 - not available; 1 - available; 2 - unknown.
The number of monitored hosts.
Return value: Integer.
The number of enabled items (supported and not supported).
Return value: Integer.
The number of unsupported items.
Return value: Integer.
The information about Zabbix Java gateway.
Return values: 1 - if <param> is ping; Java gateway version - if <param> is version (for example: "2.0.0").
trigger function;
The count of values enqueued in the low-level discovery processing queue.
Return value: Integer.
This item can be used to monitor the low-level discovery processing queue length.
The count of values enqueued in the preprocessing queue.
Return value: Integer.
This item can be used to monitor the preprocessing queue length.
The percentage of time a particular Zabbix process or a group of processes (identified by <type> and <mode>) spent in <state>. It is calculated for the last minute only.
Return value: Float.
zabbix[process,poller,avg,busy] #the average time of poller processes spent doing something during the last minute
zabbix[process,"icmp pinger",max,busy] #the maximum time spent doing something by any ICMP pinger process during the last minute
zabbix[process,"history syncer",2,busy] #the time spent doing something by history syncer number 2 during the last minute
zabbix[process,trapper,count] #the amount of currently running trapper processes
The information about Zabbix proxy.
Return value: Integer.
The list of Zabbix proxies with name, mode, encryption, compression, version, last seen, host count, item count, required values per second (vps) and version status (current/outdated/unsupported).
Return value: JSON object.
The number of values in the proxy history table waiting to be sent to the server.
Return values: Integer.
This item is not supported on Zabbix server.
The number of monitored items in the queue which are delayed at least by <from> seconds, but less than <to> seconds.
Return value: Integer.
Time-unit symbols (s,m,h,d,w) are supported in the parameters.
The availability statistics of the Zabbix configuration cache.
Return values: Integer (for size); Float (for percentage).
The required performance of Zabbix server or Zabbix proxy, in new values per second expected.
Return value: Float.
Approximately correlates with "Required server performance, new values per second" in Reports → System information.
The internal metrics of a remote Zabbix server or proxy.
Return values: JSON object.
The internal queue metrics (see zabbix[queue,<from>,<to>]
) of a remote Zabbix server or proxy.
Return values: JSON object.
The effectiveness statistics of the Zabbix trend function cache.
Return values: Integer (for size); Float (for percentage).
This item is not supported on Zabbix proxy.
The number of enabled triggers in Zabbix database, with all items enabled on enabled hosts.
Return value: Integer.
This item is not supported on Zabbix proxy.
The uptime of the Zabbix server or proxy process in seconds.
Return value: Integer.
The availability statistics of the Zabbix value cache.
Return values: Integer (for size); Float (for percentage).
This item is not supported on Zabbix proxy.
The effectiveness statistics of the Zabbix value cache.
Return values: Integer. With the mode parameter returns: 0 - normal mode; 1 - low memory mode.
The version of Zabbix server or proxy.
Return value: String. For example: 6.0.0beta1
The availability statistics of the Zabbix vmware cache.
Return values: Integer (for size); Float (for percentage).
The statistics and availability of the Zabbix write cache.
Return values: Integer (for number/size); Float (for percentage).
cache parameter is not supported with Zabbix proxy.