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integer/array dashboard.get(object parameters)

A módszer lehetővé teszi a műszerfalak lekérését a megadottak szerint paramétereket.

Ez a módszer bármilyen típusú felhasználó számára elérhető. Engedélyek A metódus meghívása a felhasználói szerepkör beállításaiban visszavonható. Lásd: User roles további információért.


(object) Parameters defining the desired output.

The method supports the following parameters.

Parameter Type Description
dashboardids string/array Return only dashboards with the given IDs.
selectPages query Return a pages property with dashboard pages, correctly ordered.
selectUsers query Return a users property with users that the dashboard is shared with.
selectUserGroups query Return a userGroups property with user groups that the dashboard is shared with.
sortfield string/array Sort the result by the given properties.

Possible value is: dashboardid.
countOutput boolean These parameters being common for all get methods are described in detail in the reference commentary page.
editable boolean
excludeSearch boolean
filter object
limit integer
output query
preservekeys boolean
search object
searchByAny boolean
searchWildcardsEnabled boolean
sortorder string/array
startSearch boolean

Visszatérési értékek

(integer/array) A következőket adja vissza:

  • objektumok tömbje;
  • a letöltött objektumok száma, ha a countOutput paraméter rendelkezik használtak.


Retrieving a dashboard by ID

Retrieve all data about dashboards "1" and "2".


           "jsonrpc": "2.0",
           "method": "dashboard.get",
           "params": {
               "output": "extend",
               "selectPages": "extend",
               "selectUsers": "extend",
               "selectUserGroups": "extend",
               "dashboardids": [
           "auth": "038e1d7b1735c6a5436ee9eae095879e",
           "id": 1


           "jsonrpc": "2.0",
           "result": [
                   "dashboardid": "1",
                   "name": "Dashboard",
                   "userid": "1",
                   "private": "0",
                   "display_period": "30",
                   "auto_start": "1",
                   "users": [],
                   "userGroups": [],
                   "pages": [
                           "dashboard_pageid": "1",
                           "name": "",
                           "display_period": "0",
                           "widgets": [
                                   "widgetid": "9",
                                   "type": "systeminfo",
                                   "name": "",
                                   "x": "12",
                                   "y": "8",
                                   "width": "12",
                                   "height": "5",
                                   "view_mode": "0",
                                   "fields": []
                                   "widgetid": "8",
                                   "type": "problemsbysv",
                                   "name": "",
                                   "x": "12",
                                   "y": "4",
                                   "width": "12",
                                   "height": "4",
                                   "view_mode": "0",
                                   "fields": []
                                   "widgetid": "7",
                                   "type": "problemhosts",
                                   "name": "",
                                   "x": "12",
                                   "y": "0",
                                   "width": "12",
                                   "height": "4",
                                   "view_mode": "0",
                                   "fields": []
                                   "widgetid": "6",
                                   "type": "discovery",
                                   "name": "",
                                   "x": "6",
                                   "y": "9",
                                   "width": "6",
                                   "height": "4",
                                   "view_mode": "0",
                                   "fields": []
                                   "widgetid": "5",
                                   "type": "web",
                                   "name": "",
                                   "x": "0",
                                   "y": "9",
                                   "width": "6",
                                   "height": "4",
                                   "view_mode": "0",
                                   "fields": []
                                   "widgetid": "4",
                                   "type": "problems",
                                   "name": "",
                                   "x": "0",
                                   "y": "3",
                                   "width": "12",
                                   "height": "6",
                                   "view_mode": "0",
                                   "fields": []
                                   "widgetid": "3",
                                   "type": "favmaps",
                                   "name": "",
                                   "x": "8",
                                   "y": "0",
                                   "width": "4",
                                   "height": "3",
                                   "view_mode": "0",
                                   "fields": []
                                   "widgetid": "1",
                                   "type": "favgraphs",
                                   "name": "",
                                   "x": "0",
                                   "y": "0",
                                   "width": "4",
                                   "height": "3",
                                   "view_mode": "0",
                                   "fields": []
                           "dashboard_pageid": "2",
                           "name": "",
                           "display_period": "0",
                           "widgets": []
                           "dashboard_pageid": "3",
                           "name": "Custom page name",
                           "display_period": "60",
                           "widgets": []
                   "dashboardid": "2",
                   "name": "My dashboard",
                   "userid": "1",
                   "private": "1",
                   "display_period": "60",
                   "auto_start": "1",
                   "users": [
                           "userid": "4",
                           "permission": "3"
                   "userGroups": [
                           "usrgrpid": "7",
                           "permission": "2"
                   "pages": [
                           "dashboard_pageid": "4",
                           "name": "",
                           "display_period": "0",
                           "widgets": [
                                   "widgetid": "10",
                                   "type": "problems",
                                   "name": "",
                                   "x": "0",
                                   "y": "0",
                                   "width": "12",
                                   "height": "5",
                                   "view_mode": "0",
                                   "fields": [
                                           "type": "2",
                                           "name": "groupids",
                                           "value": "4"
           "id": 1

Lásd még


CDashboard::get() az ui/include/classes/api/services/CDashboard.php-ban.