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8 Notes on memtype parameter in proc.mem items


A memtype paraméter támogatott Linux, AIX, FreeBSD és Solaris platformok.

A „memtype” három közös értéke mindegyiken támogatott platformok: "pmem", "rss" és "vsize". Ezenkívül platform-specifikus A „memtype” értékeket egyes platformok támogatják.


See values supported for 'memtype' parameter on AIX in the table.

Supported value Description Source in procentry64 structure Tries to be compatible with
vsize 1 Virtual memory size pi_size
pmem Percentage of real memory pi_prm ps -o pmem
rss Resident set size pi_trss + pi_drss ps -o rssize
size Size of process (code + data) pi_dvm "ps gvw" SIZE column
dsize Data size pi_dsize
tsize Text (code) size pi_tsize "ps gvw" TSIZ column
sdsize Data size from shared library pi_sdsize
drss Data resident set size pi_drss
trss Text resident set size pi_trss

Notes for AIX:

  1. When choosing parameters for proc.mem[] item key on AIX, try to specify narrow process selection criteria. Otherwise there is a risk of getting unwanted processes counted into proc.mem[] result.


\$ zabbix_agentd -t proc.mem[,,,NonExistingProcess,rss]
       proc.mem[,,,NonExistingProcess,rss]           [u|2879488]

This example shows how specifying only command line (regular expression to match) parameter results in Zabbix agent self-accounting - probably not what you want.

  1. Do not use "ps -ef" to browse processes - it shows only non-kernel processes. Use "ps -Af" to see all processes which will be seen by Zabbix agent.

  2. Let's go through example of 'topasrec' how Zabbix agent proc.mem[] selects processes.

\$ ps -Af | grep topasrec
       root 10747984        1   0   Mar 16      -  0:00 /usr/bin/topasrec  -L -s 300 -R 1 -r 6 -o /var/perf daily/ -ypersistent=1 -O type=bin -ystart_time=04:08:54,Mar16,2023

proc.mem[] has arguments:


The 1st criterion is a process name (argument <name>). In our example Zabbix agent will see it as 'topasrec'. In order to match, you need to either specify 'topasrec' or to leave it empty. The 2nd criterion is a user name (argument <user>). To match, you need to either specify 'root' or to leave it empty. The 3rd criterion used in process selection is an argument <cmdline>. Zabbix agent will see its value as '/usr/bin/topasrec -L -s 300 -R 1 -r 6 -o /var/perf/daily/ -ypersistent=1 -O type=bin -ystart_time=04:08:54,Mar16,2023'. To match, you need to either specify a regular expression which matches this string or to leave it empty.

Arguments <mode> and <memtype> are applied after using the three criteria mentioned above.


See values supported for 'memtype' parameter on FreeBSD in the table.

Supported value Description Source in kinfo_proc structure Tries to be compatible with
vsize Virtual memory size kp_eproc.e_vm.vm_map.size or ki_size ps -o vsz
pmem Percentage of real memory calculated from rss ps -o pmem
rss Resident set size kp_eproc.e_vm.vm_rssize or ki_rssize ps -o rss
size 1 Size of process (code + data + stack) tsize + dsize + ssize
tsize Text (code) size kp_eproc.e_vm.vm_tsize or ki_tsize ps -o tsiz
dsize Data size kp_eproc.e_vm.vm_dsize or ki_dsize ps -o dsiz
ssize Stack size kp_eproc.e_vm.vm_ssize or ki_ssize ps -o ssiz


See values supported for 'memtype' parameter on Linux in the table.

Supported value Description Source in /proc/<pid>/status file
vsize 1 Virtual memory size VmSize
pmem Percentage of real memory (VmRSS/total_memory) * 100
rss Resident set size VmRSS
data Size of data segment VmData
exe Size of code segment VmExe
hwm Peak resident set size VmHWM
lck Size of locked memory VmLck
lib Size of shared libraries VmLib
peak Peak virtual memory size VmPeak
pin Size of pinned pages VmPin
pte Size of page table entries VmPTE
size Size of process code + data + stack segments VmExe + VmData + VmStk
stk Size of stack segment VmStk
swap Size of swap space used VmSwap

Notes for Linux:

  1. Not all 'memtype' values are supported by older Linux kernels. For example, Linux 2.4 kernels do not support hwm, pin, peak, pte and swap values.
  2. We have noticed that self-monitoring of the Zabbix agent active check process with proc.mem[...,...,...,...,data] shows a value that is 4 kB larger than reported by VmData line in the agent's /proc/<pid>/status file. At the time of self-measurement the agent's data segment increases by 4 kB and then returns to the previous size.


Lásd a táblázatban a Solaris 'memtype' paraméter által támogatott értékeket.

Támogatott érték Leírás Forrás a psinfo szerkezetben Megpróbál kompatibilis lenni a következővel:
vsize 1 Feldolgozási kép mérete pr_size ps -o vsz
pmem A valós memória százaléka pr_pctmem ps -o pmem
rss Rezidens készlet mérete
Lehet, hogy alulbecsülik – lásd az rss leírását a "man ps"-ben.
pr_rssize ps -o rss

1 Alapértelmezett érték.