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> Event object

A következő objektumok közvetlenül kapcsolódnak az "event" API-hoz.


Events are created by the Zabbix server and cannot be modified via the API.

The event object has the following properties.

Property Type Description
eventid string ID of the event.
source integer Type of the event.

Possible values:
0 - event created by a trigger;
1 - event created by a discovery rule;
2 - event created by active agent autoregistration;
3 - internal event;
4 - event created on service status update.
object integer Type of object that is related to the event.

Possible values for trigger events:
0 - trigger.

Possible values for discovery events:
1 - discovered host;
2 - discovered service.

Possible values for autoregistration events:
3 - auto-registered host.

Possible values for internal events:
0 - trigger;
4 - item;
5 - LLD rule.

Possible values for service events:
6 - service.
objectid string ID of the related object.
acknowledged integer Whether the event has been acknowledged.
clock timestamp Time when the event was created.
ns integer Nanoseconds when the event was created.
name string Resolved event name.
value integer State of the related object.

Possible values for trigger and service events:
0 - OK;
1 - problem.

Possible values for discovery events:
0 - host or service up;
1 - host or service down;
2 - host or service discovered;
3 - host or service lost.

Possible values for internal events:
0 - "normal" state;
1 - "unknown" or "not supported" state.

This parameter is not used for active agent autoregistration events.
severity integer Event current severity.

Possible values:
0 - not classified;
1 - information;
2 - warning;
3 - average;
4 - high;
5 - disaster.
r_eventid string Recovery event ID
c_eventid string ID of the event that was used to override (close) current event under global correlation rule. See correlationid to identify exact correlation rule.
This parameter is only defined when the event is closed by global correlation rule.
correlationid string ID of the correlation rule that generated closing of the problem.
This parameter is only defined when the event is closed by global correlation rule.
userid string User ID if the event was manually closed.
suppressed integer Whether the event is suppressed.

Possible values:
0 - event is in normal state;
1 - event is suppressed.
opdata string Operational data with expanded macros.
urls array of Media type URLs Active media types URLs.

Event tag

Az eseménycímke objektum a következő tulajdonságokkal rendelkezik.

Property Type Description
tag string Event tag name.
value string Event tag value.

Media type URLs

Object with media type url have the following properties.

Property Type Description
name string Media type defined URL name.
url string Media type defined URL value.

Results will contain entries only for active media types with enabled event menu entry. Macro used in properties will be expanded, but if one of properties contain non expanded macro both properties will be excluded from results. Supported macros described on page.

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