Szerver – proxy adatcsere JSON formátumon alapul.
A kérés- és válaszüzeneteknek [fejléc és adattal] kell kezdődniük hossz](/manual/appendix/protocols/header_datalen).
The proxy config
request is sent by server to provide proxy configuration data. This request is sent every ProxyConfigFrequency
(server configuration parameter) seconds.
name | value type | description | |||
server→proxy: | |||||
request | string | 'proxy config' | |||
<table> | object | One or more objects with <table> data. | |||
fields | array | Array of field names. | |||
- | string | Field name. | |||
data | array | Array of rows. | |||
- | array | Array of columns. | |||
- | string,number | Column value with type depending on the column type in database schema. | |||
proxy→server: | |||||
response | string | Request success information ('success' or 'failed'). | |||
version | string | Proxy version (<major>.<minor>.<build>). |
"request": "proxy config",
"Zabbix Agent",
"Zabbix Agent",
The proxy data
request is used to obtain host interface availability, historical, discovery and autoregistration data from proxy. This request is sent every ProxyDataFrequency
(server configuration parameter) seconds.
name | value type | description | |
server→proxy: | |||
request | string | 'proxy data' | |
proxy→server: | |||
session | string | Data session token. | |
interface availability | array | (optional) Array of interface availability data objects. | |
interfaceid | number | Interface identifier. | |
available | number | Interface availability: 0, INTERFACE_AVAILABLE_UNKNOWN - unknown 1, INTERFACE_AVAILABLE_TRUE - available 2, INTERFACE_AVAILABLE_FALSE - unavailable |
error | string | Interface error message or empty string. | |
history data | array | (optional) Array of history data objects. | |
itemid | number | Item identifier. | |
clock | number | Item value timestamp (seconds). | |
ns | number | Item value timestamp (nanoseconds). | |
value | string | (optional) Item value. | |
id | number | Value identifier (ascending counter, unique within one data session). | |
timestamp | number | (optional) Timestamp of log type items. | |
source | string | (optional) Eventlog item source value. | |
severity | number | (optional) Eventlog item severity value. | |
eventid | number | (optional) Eventlog item eventid value. | |
state | string | (optional) Item state: 0, ITEM_STATE_NORMAL 1, ITEM_STATE_NOTSUPPORTED |
lastlogsize | number | (optional) Last log size of log type items. | |
mtime | number | (optional) Modification time of log type items. | |
discovery data | array | (optional) Array of discovery data objects. | |
clock | number | Discovery data timestamp. | |
druleid | number | Discovery rule identifier. | |
dcheckid | number | Discovery check identifier or null for discovery rule data. | |
type | number | Discovery check type: -1 discovery rule data 0, SVC_SSH - SSH service check 1, SVC_LDAP - LDAP service check 2, SVC_SMTP - SMTP service check 3, SVC_FTP - FTP service check 4, SVC_HTTP - HTTP service check 5, SVC_POP - POP service check 6, SVC_NNTP - NNTP service check 7, SVC_IMAP - IMAP service check 8, SVC_TCP - TCP port availability check 9, SVC_AGENT - Zabbix agent 10, SVC_SNMPv1 - SNMPv1 agent 11, SVC_SNMPv2 - SNMPv2 agent 12, SVC_ICMPPING - ICMP ping 13, SVC_SNMPv3 - SNMPv3 agent 14, SVC_HTTPS - HTTPS service check 15, SVC_TELNET - Telnet availability check |
ip | string | Host IP address. | |
dns | string | Host DNS name. | |
port | number | (optional) Service port number. | |
key_ | string | (optional) Item key for discovery check of type 9 SVC_AGENT | |
value | string | (optional) Value received from the service, can be empty for most services. | |
status | number | (optional) Service status: 0, DOBJECT_STATUS_UP - Service UP 1, DOBJECT_STATUS_DOWN - Service DOWN |
auto registration | array | (optional) Array of autoregistration data objects. | |
clock | number | Autoregistration data timestamp. | |
host | string | Host name. | |
ip | string | (optional) Host IP address. | |
dns | string | (optional) Resolved DNS name from IP address. | |
port | string | (optional) Host port. | |
host_metadata | string | (optional) Host metadata sent by the agent (based on HostMetadata or HostMetadataItem agent configuration parameter). | |
tasks | array | (optional) Array of tasks. | |
type | number | Task type: 0, ZBX_TM_TASK_PROCESS_REMOTE_COMMAND_RESULT - remote command result |
status | number | Remote-command execution status: 0, ZBX_TM_REMOTE_COMMAND_COMPLETED - remote command completed successfully 1, ZBX_TM_REMOTE_COMMAND_FAILED - remote command failed |
error | string | (optional) Error message. | |
parent_taskid | number | Parent task ID. | |
more | number | (optional) 1 - there are more history data to send. | |
clock | number | (optional) Data transfer timestamp (seconds). | |
ns | number | (optional) Data transfer timestamp (nanoseconds). | |
version | string | Proxy version (<major>.<minor>.<build>). | |
server→proxy: | |||
response | string | Request success information ('success' or 'failed'). | |
tasks | array | (optional) Array of tasks. | |
type | number | Task type: 1, ZBX_TM_TASK_PROCESS_REMOTE_COMMAND - remote command |
clock | number | Task creation time. | |
ttl | number | Time in seconds after which the task expires. | |
commandtype | number | Remote-command type: 0, ZBX_SCRIPT_TYPE_CUSTOM_SCRIPT - use custom script 1, ZBX_SCRIPT_TYPE_IPMI - use IPMI 2, ZBX_SCRIPT_TYPE_SSH - use SSH 3, ZBX_SCRIPT_TYPE_TELNET - use Telnet 4, ZBX_SCRIPT_TYPE_GLOBAL_SCRIPT - use global script (currently functionally equivalent to custom script) |
command | string | Remote command to execute. | |
execute_on | number | Execution target for custom scripts: 0, ZBX_SCRIPT_EXECUTE_ON_AGENT - execute script on agent 1, ZBX_SCRIPT_EXECUTE_ON_SERVER - execute script on server 2, ZBX_SCRIPT_EXECUTE_ON_PROXY - execute script on proxy |
port | number | (optional) Port for Telnet and SSH commands. | |
authtype | number | (optional) Authentication type for SSH commands. | |
username | string | (optional) User name for Telnet and SSH commands. | |
password | string | (optional) Password for Telnet and SSH commands. | |
publickey | string | (optional) Public key for SSH commands. | |
privatekey | string | (optional) Private key for SSH commands. | |
parent_taskid | number | Parent task ID. | |
hostid | number | Target host ID. |
"session": "12345678901234567890123456789012"
"interface availability": [
"interfaceid": 1,
"available": 1,
"error": ""
"interfaceid": 2,
"available": 2,
"error": "Get value from agent failed: cannot connect to [[]:10049]: [111] Connection refused"
"interfaceid": 3,
"available": 1,
"error": ""
"interfaceid": 4,
"available": 1,
"error": ""
"history data":[
"id": 1
"value":"Cannot find information for this network interface in /proc/net/dev.",
"id": 2
"discovery data":[
"auto registration":[
"type": 0,
"status": 0,
"parent_taskid": 10
"type": 0,
"status": 1,
"error": "No permissions to execute task.",
"parent_taskid": 20
"response": "success",
"type": 1,
"clock": 1478608371,
"ttl": 600,
"commandtype": 2,
"command": "",
"execute_on": 2,
"port": 80,
"authtype": 0,
"username": "userA",
"password": "password1",
"publickey": "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCqGKukO1De7zhZj6+H0qtjTkVxwTCpvKe",
"privatekey": "lsuusFncCzWBQ7RKNUSesmQRMSGkVb1/3j+skZ6UtW+5u09lHNsj6tQ5QCqGKukO1De7zhd",
"parent_taskid": 10,
"hostid": 10070
"type": 1,
"clock": 1478608381,
"ttl": 600,
"commandtype": 1,
"command": "",
"execute_on": 0,
"authtype": 0,
"username": "",
"password": "",
"publickey": "",
"privatekey": "",
"parent_taskid": 20,
"hostid": 10084
The proxy config
request is sent by proxy to obtain proxy configuration data. This request is sent every ConfigFrequency
(proxy configuration parameter) seconds.
name | value type | description | |||
proxy→server: | |||||
request | string | 'proxy config' | |||
host | string | Proxy name. | |||
version | string | Proxy version (<major>.<minor>.<build>). | |||
server→proxy: | |||||
request | string | 'proxy config' | |||
<table> | object | One or more objects with <table> data. | |||
fields | array | Array of field names. | |||
- | string | Field name. | |||
data | array | Array of rows. | |||
- | array | Array of columns. | |||
- | string,number | Column value with type depending on the column type in database schema. | |||
proxy→server: | |||||
response | string | Request success information ('success' or 'failed'). |
"Zabbix Agent",
"Zabbix Agent",
The proxy data
request is sent by proxy to provide host interface availability, history, discovery and autoregistration data. This request is sent every DataSenderFrequency
(proxy configuration parameter) seconds.
name | value type | description | |
proxy→server: | |||
request | string | 'proxy data' | |
host | string | Proxy name. | |
session | string | Data session token. | |
interface availability | array | (optional) Array of interface availability data objects. | |
interfaceid | number | Interface identifier. | |
available | number | Interface availability: 0, INTERFACE_AVAILABLE_UNKNOWN - unknown 1, INTERFACE_AVAILABLE_TRUE - available 2, INTERFACE_AVAILABLE_FALSE - unavailable |
error | string | Interface error message or empty string. | |
history data | array | (optional) Array of history data objects. | |
itemid | number | Item identifier. | |
clock | number | Item value timestamp (seconds). | |
ns | number | Item value timestamp (nanoseconds). | |
value | string | (optional) Item value. | |
id | number | Value identifier (ascending counter, unique within one data session). | |
timestamp | number | (optional) Timestamp of log type items. | |
source | string | (optional) Eventlog item source value. | |
severity | number | (optional) Eventlog item severity value. | |
eventid | number | (optional) Eventlog item eventid value. | |
state | string | (optional) Item state: 0, ITEM_STATE_NORMAL 1, ITEM_STATE_NOTSUPPORTED |
lastlogsize | number | (optional) Last log size of log type items. | |
mtime | number | (optional) Modification time of log type items. | |
discovery data | array | (optional) Array of discovery data objects. | |
clock | number | Discovery data timestamp. | |
druleid | number | Discovery rule identifier. | |
dcheckid | number | Discovery check identifier or null for discovery rule data. | |
type | number | Discovery check type: -1 discovery rule data 0, SVC_SSH - SSH service check 1, SVC_LDAP - LDAP service check 2, SVC_SMTP - SMTP service check 3, SVC_FTP - FTP service check 4, SVC_HTTP - HTTP service check 5, SVC_POP - POP service check 6, SVC_NNTP - NNTP service check 7, SVC_IMAP - IMAP service check 8, SVC_TCP - TCP port availability check 9, SVC_AGENT - Zabbix agent 10, SVC_SNMPv1 - SNMPv1 agent 11, SVC_SNMPv2 - SNMPv2 agent 12, SVC_ICMPPING - ICMP ping 13, SVC_SNMPv3 - SNMPv3 agent 14, SVC_HTTPS - HTTPS service check 15, SVC_TELNET - Telnet availability check |
ip | string | Host IP address. | |
dns | string | Host DNS name. | |
port | number | (optional) Service port number. | |
key_ | string | (optional) Item key for discovery check of type 9 SVC_AGENT | |
value | string | (optional) Value received from the service, can be empty for most services. | |
status | number | (optional) Service status: 0, DOBJECT_STATUS_UP - Service UP 1, DOBJECT_STATUS_DOWN - Service DOWN |
autoregistration | array | (optional) Array of autoregistration data objects. | |
clock | number | Autoregistration data timestamp. | |
host | string | Host name. | |
ip | string | (optional) Host IP address. | |
dns | string | (optional) Resolved DNS name from IP address. | |
port | string | (optional) Host port. | |
host_metadata | string | (optional) Host metadata sent by the agent (based on HostMetadata or HostMetadataItem agent configuration parameter). | |
tasks | array | (optional) Array of tasks. | |
type | number | Task type: 0, ZBX_TM_TASK_PROCESS_REMOTE_COMMAND_RESULT - remote command result |
status | number | Remote-command execution status: 0, ZBX_TM_REMOTE_COMMAND_COMPLETED - remote command completed successfully 1, ZBX_TM_REMOTE_COMMAND_FAILED - remote command failed |
error | string | (optional) Error message. | |
parent_taskid | number | Parent task ID. | |
more | number | (optional) 1 - there are more history data to send. | |
clock | number | (optional) Data transfer timestamp (seconds). | |
ns | number | (optional) Data transfer timestamp (nanoseconds). | |
version | string | Proxy version (<major>.<minor>.<build>). | |
server→proxy: | |||
response | string | Request success information ('success' or 'failed'). | |
upload | string | Upload control for historical data (history, autoregistration, host availability, network discovery): enabled - normal operation disabled - server is not accepting data (possibly due to internal cache over limit) |
tasks | array | (optional) Array of tasks. | |
type | number | Task type: 1, ZBX_TM_TASK_PROCESS_REMOTE_COMMAND - remote command |
clock | number | Task creation time. | |
ttl | number | Time in seconds after which the task expires. | |
commandtype | number | Remote-command type: 0, ZBX_SCRIPT_TYPE_CUSTOM_SCRIPT - use custom script 1, ZBX_SCRIPT_TYPE_IPMI - use IPMI 2, ZBX_SCRIPT_TYPE_SSH - use SSH 3, ZBX_SCRIPT_TYPE_TELNET - use Telnet 4, ZBX_SCRIPT_TYPE_GLOBAL_SCRIPT - use global script (currently functionally equivalent to custom script) |
command | string | Remote command to execute. | |
execute_on | number | Execution target for custom scripts: 0, ZBX_SCRIPT_EXECUTE_ON_AGENT - execute script on agent 1, ZBX_SCRIPT_EXECUTE_ON_SERVER - execute script on server 2, ZBX_SCRIPT_EXECUTE_ON_PROXY - execute script on proxy |
port | number | (optional) Port for Telnet and SSH commands. | |
authtype | number | (optional) Authentication type for SSH commands. | |
username | string | (optional) User name for Telnet and SSH commands. | |
password | string | (optional) Password for Telnet and SSH commands. | |
publickey | string | (optional) Public key for SSH commands. | |
privatekey | string | (optional) Private key for SSH commands. | |
parent_taskid | number | Parent task ID. | |
hostid | number | Target host ID. |
"request": "proxy data",
"host": "Proxy #12",
"session": "12345678901234567890123456789012",
"interface availability": [
"interfaceid": 1,
"available": 1,
"error": ""
"interfaceid": 2,
"available": 2,
"error": "Get value from agent failed: cannot connect to [[]:10049]: [111] Connection refused"
"interfaceid": 3,
"available": 1,
"error": ""
"interfaceid": 4,
"available": 1,
"error": ""
"history data":[
"id": 1
"value":"Cannot find information for this network interface in /proc/net/dev.",
"id": 2
"discovery data":[
"auto registration":[
"type": 2,
"ttl": 600,
"commandtype": 2,
"command": "",
"execute_on": 2,
"port": 80,
"authtype": 0,
"username": "userA",
"password": "password1",
"publickey": "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCqGKukO1De7zhZj6+H0qtjTkVxwTCpvKe",
"privatekey": "lsuusFncCzWBQ7RKNUSesmQRMSGkVb1/3j+skZ6UtW+5u09lHNsj6tQ5QCqGKukO1De7zhd",
"parent_taskid": 10,
"hostid": 10070
"type": 2,
"ttl": 600,
"commandtype": 1,
"command": "",
"execute_on": 0,
"authtype": 0,
"username": "",
"password": "",
"publickey": "",
"privatekey": "",
"parent_taskid": 20,
"hostid": 10084
"type": 0,
"status": 0,
"parent_taskid": 10
"type": 0,
"status": 1,
"error": "No permissions to execute task.",
"parent_taskid": 20
"response": "success",
"upload": "enabled",
"type": 1,
"clock": 1478608371,
"ttl": 600,
"commandtype": 2,
"command": "",
"execute_on": 2,
"port": 80,
"authtype": 0,
"username": "userA",
"password": "password1",
"publickey": "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCqGKukO1De7zhZj6+H0qtjTkVxwTCpvKe",
"privatekey": "lsuusFncCzWBQ7RKNUSesmQRMSGkVb1/3j+skZ6UtW+5u09lHNsj6tQ5QCqGKukO1De7zhd",
"parent_taskid": 10,
"hostid": 10070
"type": 1,
"clock": 1478608381,
"ttl": 600,
"commandtype": 1,
"command": "",
"execute_on": 0,
"authtype": 0,
"username": "",
"password": "",
"publickey": "",
"privatekey": "",
"parent_taskid": 20,
"hostid": 10084