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> Action object

A következő objektumok közvetlenül kapcsolódnak az "action" API-hoz.


The action object has the following properties.

Property Type Description
actionid string (readonly) ID of the action.
string Default operation step duration. Must be at least 60 seconds. Accepts seconds, time unit with suffix and user macro.

Note that escalations are supported only for trigger, internal and service actions, and only in normal operations.
integer (constant) Type of events that the action will handle.

Refer to the event "source" property for a list of supported event types.
string Name of the action.
status integer Whether the action is enabled or disabled.

Possible values:
0 - (default) enabled;
1 - disabled.
pause_suppressed integer Whether to pause escalation during maintenance periods or not.

Possible values:
0 - Don't pause escalation;
1 - (default) Pause escalation.

Note that this parameter is valid for trigger actions only.
notify_if_canceled integer Whether to notify when escalation is canceled.

Possible values:
0 - Don't notify when escalation is canceled;
1 - (default) Notify when escalation is canceled.

Note that this parameter is valid for trigger actions only.

Note that for some methods (update, delete) the required/optional parameter combination is different.

Action operation

The action operation object defines an operation that will be performed when an action is executed. It has the following properties.

Property Type Description
operationid string (readonly) ID of the action operation.
integer Type of operation.

Possible values:
0 - send message;
1 - global script;
2 - add host;
3 - remove host;
4 - add to host group;
5 - remove from host group;
6 - link to template;
7 - unlink from template;
8 - enable host;
9 - disable host;
10 - set host inventory mode.

Note that only types '0' and '1' are supported for trigger and service actions, only '0' is supported for internal actions. All types are supported for discovery and autoregistration actions.
actionid string (readonly) ID of the action that the operation belongs to.
esc_period string Duration of an escalation step in seconds. Must be greater than 60 seconds. Accepts seconds, time unit with suffix and user macro. If set to 0 or 0s, the default action escalation period will be used.

Default: 0s.

Note that escalations are supported only for trigger, internal and service actions, and only in normal operations.
esc_step_from integer Step to start escalation from.

Default: 1.

Note that escalations are supported only for trigger, internal and service actions, and only in normal operations.
esc_step_to integer Step to end escalation at.

Default: 1.

Note that escalations are supported only for trigger, internal and service actions, and only in normal operations.
evaltype integer Operation condition evaluation method.

Possible values:
0 - (default) AND / OR;
1 - AND;
2 - OR.
opcommand object Object containing data on global script run by the operation.

Each object has one following property: scriptid - (string) ID of the script.

Required for global script operations.
opcommand_grp array Host groups to run global scripts on.

Each object has the following properties:
opcommand_grpid - (string, readonly) ID of the object;
operationid - (string, readonly) ID of the operation;
groupid - (string) ID of the host group.

Required for global script operations if opcommand_hst is not set.
opcommand_hst array Host to run global scripts on.

Each object has the following properties:
opcommand_hstid - (string, readonly) ID of the object;
operationid - (string, readonly) ID of the operation;
hostid - (string) ID of the host; if set to 0 the command will be run on the current host.

Required for global script operations if opcommand_grp is not set.
opconditions array Operation conditions used for trigger actions.

The operation condition object is described in detail below.
opgroup array Host groups to add hosts to.

Each object has the following properties:
operationid - (string, readonly) ID of the operation;
groupid - (string) ID of the host group.

Required for "add to host group" and "remove from host group" operations.
opmessage object Object containing the data about the message sent by the operation.

The operation message object is described in detail below.

Required for message operations.
opmessage_grp array User groups to send messages to.

Each object has the following properties:
operationid - (string, readonly) ID of the operation;
usrgrpid - (string) ID of the user group.

Required for message operations if opmessage_usr is not set.
opmessage_usr array Users to send messages to.

Each object has the following properties:
operationid - (string, readonly) ID of the operation;
userid - (string) ID of the user.

Required for message operations if opmessage_grp is not set.
optemplate array Templates to link the hosts to.

Each object has the following properties:
operationid - (string, readonly) ID of the operation;
templateid - (string) ID of the template.

Required for "link to template" and "unlink from template" operations.
opinventory object Inventory mode set host to.

Object has the following properties:
operationid - (string, readonly) ID of the operation;
inventory_mode - (string) Inventory mode.

Required for "Set host inventory mode" operations.

Action operation message

A műveleti üzenet objektum adatokat tartalmaz az üzenetről amely el lesz küldve a művelet által.

Property Type Description
default_msg integer Whether to use the default action message text and subject.

Possible values:
0 - use the data from the operation;
1 - (default) use the data from the media type.
mediatypeid string ID of the media type that will be used to send the message.
message string Operation message text.
subject string Operation message subject.

Action operation condition

The action operation condition object defines a condition that must be met to perform the current operation. It has the following properties.

Property Type Description
opconditionid string (readonly) ID of the action operation condition
integer Type of condition.

Possible values:
14 - event acknowledged.
string Value to compare with.
operationid string (readonly) ID of the operation.
operator integer Condition operator.

Possible values:
0 - (default) =.

The following operators and values are supported for each operation condition type.

Condition Condition name Supported operators Expected value
14 Event acknowledged = Whether the event is acknowledged.

Possible values:
0 - not acknowledged;
1 - acknowledged.

Action recovery operation

The action recovery operation object defines an operation that will be performed when a problem is resolved. Recovery operations are possible for trigger, internal and service actions. It has the following properties.

Property Type Description
operationid string (readonly) ID of the action operation.
integer Type of operation.

Possible values for trigger and service actions:
0 - send message;
1 - global script;
11 - notify all involved.

Possible values for internal actions:
0 - send message;
11 - notify all involved.
actionid string (readonly) ID of the action that the recovery operation belongs to.
opcommand object Object containnig data on global action type script run by the operation.

Each object has one following property: scriptid - (string) ID of the action type script.

Required for global script operations.
opcommand_grp array Host groups to run global scripts on.

Each object has the following properties:
opcommand_grpid - (string, readonly) ID of the object;
operationid - (string, readonly) ID of the operation;
groupid - (string) ID of the host group.

Required for global script operations if opcommand_hst is not set.
opcommand_hst array Host to run global scripts on.

Each object has the following properties:
opcommand_hstid - (string, readonly) ID of the object;
operationid - (string, readonly) ID of the operation;
hostid - (string) ID of the host; if set to 0 the command will be run on the current host.

Required for global script operations if opcommand_grp is not set.
opmessage object Object containing the data about the message sent by the recovery operation.

The operation message object is described in detail above.

Required for message operations.
opmessage_grp array User groups to send messages to.

Each object has the following properties:
operationid - (string, readonly) ID of the operation;
usrgrpid - (string) ID of the user group.

Required for message operations if opmessage_usr is not set.
opmessage_usr array Users to send messages to.

Each object has the following properties:
operationid - (string, readonly) ID of the operation;
userid - (string) ID of the user.

Required for message operations if opmessage_grp is not set.

Action update operation

The action update operation object defines an operation that will be performed when a problem is updated (commented upon, acknowledged, severity changed, or manually closed). Update operations are possible for trigger and service actions. It has the following properties.

Property Type Description
operationid string (readonly) ID of the action operation.
integer Type of operation.

Possible values for trigger and service actions:
0 - send message;
1 - global script;
12 - notify all involved.
opcommand object Object containing data on global action type script run by the operation.

Each object has one following property: scriptid - (string) ID of the action type script.

Required for global script operations.
opcommand_grp array Host groups to run global scripts on.

Each object has the following properties:
groupid - (string) ID of the host group.

Required for global script operations if opcommand_hst is not set.
opcommand_hst array Host to run global scripts on.

Each object has the following properties:
hostid - (string) ID of the host; if set to 0 the command will be run on the current host.

Required for global script operations if opcommand_grp is not set.
opmessage object Object containing the data about the message sent by the update operation.

The operation message object is described in detail above.
opmessage_grp array User groups to send messages to.

Each object has the following properties:
usrgrpid - (string) ID of the user group.

Required only for send message operations if opmessage_usr is not set.
Is ignored for send update message operations.
opmessage_usr array Users to send messages to.

Each object has the following properties:
userid - (string) ID of the user.

Required only for send message operations if opmessage_grp is not set.
Is ignored for send update message operations.

Action filter

The action filter object defines a set of conditions that must be met to perform the configured action operations. It has the following properties.

Property Type Description
array Set of filter conditions to use for filtering results.
integer Filter condition evaluation method.

Possible values:
0 - and/or;
1 - and;
2 - or;
3 - custom expression.
eval_formula string (readonly) Generated expression that will be used for evaluating filter conditions. The expression contains IDs that reference specific filter conditions by its formulaid. The value of eval_formula is equal to the value of formula for filters with a custom expression.
formula string User-defined expression to be used for evaluating conditions of filters with a custom expression. The expression must contain IDs that reference specific filter conditions by its formulaid. The IDs used in the expression must exactly match the ones defined in the filter conditions: no condition can remain unused or omitted.

Required for custom expression filters.

Action filter condition

The action filter condition object defines a specific condition that must be checked before running the action operations.

Property Type Description
conditionid string (readonly) ID of the action condition.
integer Type of condition.

Possible values for trigger actions:
0 - host group;
1 - host;
2 - trigger;
3 - trigger name;
4 - trigger severity;
6 - time period;
13 - host template;
16 - problem is suppressed;
25 - event tag;
26 - event tag value.

Possible values for discovery actions:
7 - host IP;
8 - discovered service type;
9 - discovered service port;
10 - discovery status;
11 - uptime or downtime duration;
12 - received value;
18 - discovery rule;
19 - discovery check;
20 - proxy;
21 - discovery object.

Possible values for autoregistration actions:
20 - proxy;
22 - host name;
24 - host metadata.

Possible values for internal actions:
0 - host group;
1 - host;
13 - host template;
23 - event type;
25 - event tag;
26 - event tag value.

Possible values for service actions:
25 - event tag;
26 - event tag value;
27 - service;
28 - service name.
string Value to compare with.
string Secondary value to compare with. Required for trigger, internal and service actions when condition type is 26.
actionid string (readonly) ID of the action that the condition belongs to.
formulaid string Arbitrary unique ID that is used to reference the condition from a custom expression. Can only contain capital-case letters. The ID must be defined by the user when modifying filter conditions, but will be generated anew when requesting them afterward.
operator integer Condition operator.

Possible values:
0 - (default) equals;
1 - does not equal;
2 - contains;
3 - does not contain;
4 - in;
5 - is greater than or equals;
6 - is less than or equals;
7 - not in;
8 - matches;
9 - does not match;
10 - Yes;
11 - No.

To better understand how to use filters with various types of expressions, see examples on the action.get and action.create method pages.

The following operators and values are supported for each condition type.

Condition Condition name Supported operators Expected value
0 Host group equals,
does not equal
Host group ID.
1 Host equals,
does not equal
Host ID.
2 Trigger equals,
does not equal
Trigger ID.
3 Trigger name contains,
does not contain
Trigger name.
4 Trigger severity equals,
does not equal,
is greater than or equals,
is less than or equals
Trigger severity. Refer to the trigger "severity" property for a list of supported trigger severities.
5 Trigger value equals Trigger value. Refer to the trigger "value" property for a list of supported trigger values.
6 Time period in, not in Time when the event was triggered as a time period.
7 Host IP equals,
does not equal
One or several IP ranges to check separated by commas. Refer to the network discovery configuration section for more information on supported formats of IP ranges.
8 Discovered service type equals,
does not equal
Type of discovered service. The type of service matches the type of the discovery check used to detect the service. Refer to the discovery check "type" property for a list of supported types.
9 Discovered service port equals,
does not equal
One or several port ranges separated by commas.
10 Discovery status equals Status of a discovered object.

Possible values:
0 - host or service up;
1 - host or service down;
2 - host or service discovered;
3 - host or service lost.
11 Uptime or downtime duration is greater than or equals,
is less than or equals
Time indicating how long has the discovered object been in the current status in seconds.
12 Received values equals,
does not equal,
is greater than or equals,
is less than or equals,
does not contain
Value returned when performing a Zabbix agent, SNMPv1, SNMPv2 or SNMPv3 discovery check.
13 Host template equals,
does not equal
Linked template ID.
16 Problem is suppressed Yes, No No value required: using the "Yes" operator means that problem must be suppressed, "No" - not suppressed.
18 Discovery rule equals,
does not equal
ID of the discovery rule.
19 Discovery check equals,
does not equal
ID of the discovery check.
20 Proxy equals,
does not equal
ID of the proxy.
21 Discovery object equals Type of object that triggered the discovery event.

Possible values:
1 - discovered host;
2 - discovered service.
22 Host name contains,
does not contain,
does not match
Host name.
Using a regular expression is supported for operators matches and does not match in autoregistration conditions.
23 Event type equals Specific internal event.

Possible values:
0 - item in "not supported" state;
1 - item in "normal" state;
2 - LLD rule in "not supported" state;
3 - LLD rule in "normal" state;
4 - trigger in "unknown" state;
5 - trigger in "normal" state.
24 Host metadata contains,
does not contain,
does not match
Metadata of the auto-registered host.
Using a regular expression is supported for operators matches and does not match.
25 Tag equals,
does not equal,
does not contain
Event tag.
26 Tag value equals,
does not equal,
does not contain
Event tag value.
27 Service equals,
does not equal
Service ID.
28 Service name equals,
does not equal
Service name.