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7 MySQL plugin


Ez a szakasz a MySQL Zabbix ügynök 2 által támogatott paramétereket sorolja fel beépülő modul konfigurációs fájlja (mysql.conf).

Vegye figyelembe, hogy:

  • Az alapértelmezett értékek a folyamat alapértelmezett értékeit tükrözik, nem a szállított konfigurációs fájlok;
  • A Zabbix csak UTF-8 kódolásban támogatja a konfigurációs fájlokat anélkül BOM;
  • A „#” karakterrel kezdődő megjegyzések csak a kezdetekkor támogatottak a vonal.


Parameter Mandatory Range Default Description
Plugins.Mysql.CallTimeout no 1-30 global timeout The maximum amount of time in seconds to wait for a request to be done.
Plugins.Mysql.KeepAlive no 60-900 300 The maximum time of waiting (in seconds) before unused plugin connections are closed.
Plugins.Mysql.Sessions.<SessionName>.Password no Named session password.
<SessionName> - define name of a session for using in item keys.
Plugins.Mysql.Sessions.<SessionName>.TLSCAFile no Full pathname of a file containing the top-level CA(s) certificates for peer certificate verification, used for encrypted communications between Zabbix agent 2 and monitored databases.
<SessionName> - define name of a session for using in item keys.
Plugins.Mysql.Sessions.<SessionName>.TLSCertFile no Full pathname of a file containing the agent certificate or certificate chain, used for encrypted communications between Zabbix agent 2 and monitored databases.
<SessionName> - define name of a session for using in item keys.
Plugins.Mysql.Sessions.<SessionName>.TLSConnect no Encryption type for communications between Zabbix agent 2 and monitored databases.
<SessionName> - define name of a session for using in item keys.

Accepted values:
required - require TLS connection;
verify_ca - verify certificates;
verify_full - verify certificates and IP address.
Plugins.Mysql.Sessions.<SessionName>.TLSKeyFile no Full pathname of a file containing the database private key used for encrypted communications between Zabbix agent 2 and monitored databases.
<SessionName> - define name of a session for using in item keys.
Plugins.Mysql.Sessions.<SessionName>.Uri no tcp://localhost:3306 Connection string of a named session.
<SessionName> - define name of a session for using in item keys.

Should not include embedded credentials (they will be ignored).
Must match the URI format.
Supported schemes: tcp, unix; a scheme can be omitted (since version 5.2.3).
A port can be omitted (default=3306).
Examples: tcp://localhost:3306
Plugins.Mysql.Sessions.<SessionName>.User no Named session username.
<SessionName> - define name of a session for using in item keys.
Plugins.Mysql.Timeout no 1-30 global timeout Request execution timeout (how long to wait for a request to complete before shutting it down).

See also: