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12 Oracle adatbázis beállítása


Ez a rész utasításokat tartalmaz az Oracle adatbázis létrehozásához és kapcsolatok konfigurálása az adatbázis és a Zabbix szerver, proxy, és frontend.

### Adatbázis létrehozása

Feltételezzük, hogy létezik egy zabbix adatbázis-felhasználó password jelszóval és jogosultságokkal rendelkezik adatbázis-objektumok létrehozására az ORCL szolgáltatásban a host Oracle adatbázis-kiszolgálón. A Zabbix Unicode adatbázist igényel karakterkészlet és egy "UTF8" nemzeti karakterkészlet. Ellenőrizze az áramerősséget beállítások:

sqlplus> select parameter,value from v$nls_parameters where parameter='NLS_CHARACTERSET' or parameter='NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET';

Most készítse elő az adatbázist:

shell> cd /path/to/zabbix-sources/database/oracle

shell> sqlplus zabbix/password@oracle_host/ORCL sqlplus> @schema.sql # stop here if you are creating database for Zabbix proxy sqlplus> @images.sql sqlplus> @data.sql

Állítsa be az inicializálási paramétert CURSOR_SHARING=FORCE a legjobb teljesítmény érdekében.

Connection set up

Zabbix supports two types of connect identifiers (connection methods):

  • Easy Connect
  • Net Service Name

Connection configuration parameters for Zabbix server and Zabbix proxy can be set in the configuration files. Important parameters for the server and proxy are DBHost, DBUser, DBName and DBPassword. The same parameters are important for the frontend: $DB["SERVER"], $DB["PORT"], $DB["DATABASE"], $DB["USER"], $DB["PASSWORD"].

Zabbix uses the following connection string syntax:


<connect_identifier> can be specified either in the form of "Net Service Name" or "Easy Connect".

@[[//]Host[:Port]/<service_name> | <net_service_name>]

Easy Connect

Easy Connect uses the following parameters to connect to the database:

  • Host - the host name or IP address of the database server computer (DBHost parameter in the configuration file).
  • Port - the listening port on the database server (DBPort parameter in the configuration file; if not set the default 1521 port will be used).
  • <service_name> - the service name of the database you want to access (DBName parameter in the configuration file).


Database parameters set in the server or proxy configuration file (zabbix_server.conf and zabbix_proxy.conf):


Connection string used by Zabbix to establish connection:


During Zabbix frontend installation, set the corresponding parameters in the Configure DB connection step of the setup wizard:

  • Database host: localhost
  • Database port: 1521
  • Database name: ORCL
  • User: myusername
  • Password: mypassword

Alternatively, these parameters can be set in the frontend configuration file (zabbix.conf.php):

$DB["TYPE"]                     = 'ORACLE';
       $DB["SERVER"]                   = 'localhost';
       $DB["PORT"]             = '1521';
       $DB["DATABASE"]                 = 'ORCL';
       $DB["USER"]                     = 'myusername';
       $DB["PASSWORD"]                 = 'mypassword';

Net service name

Since Zabbix 5.4.0 it is possible to connect to Oracle by using net service name.

<net_service_name> is a simple name for a service that resolves to a connect descriptor.

In order to use the service name for creating a connection, this service name has to be defined in the tnsnames.ora file located on both the database server and the client systems. The easiest way to make sure that the connection will succeed is to define the location of tnsnames.ora file in the TNS_ADMIN environment variable. The default location of the tnsnames.ora file is:


A simple tnsnames.ora file example:

         (DESCRIPTION =
           (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1521))
           (CONNECT_DATA =
             (SERVER = DEDICATED)
             (SERVICE_NAME = ORCL)

To set configuration parameters for the "Net Service Name" connection method, use one of the following options:

  • Set an empty parameter DBHost and set DBName as usual:
  • Set both parameters and leave both empty:

In the second case, the TWO_TAKS environment variable has to be set. It specifies the default remote Oracle service (service name). When this variable is defined, the connector connects to the specified database by using an Oracle listener that accepts connection requests. This variable is for use on Linux and UNIX only. Use the LOCAL environment variable for Microsoft Windows.


Connect to a database using Net Service Name set as ORCL and the default port. Database parameters set in the server or proxy configuration file (zabbix_server.conf and zabbix_proxy.conf):


During Zabbix frontend installation, set the corresponding parameters in the Configure DB connection step of the setup wizard:

  • Database host:
  • Database port: 0
  • Database name: ORCL
  • User: myusername
  • Password: mypassword

Alternatively, these parameters can be set in the frontend configuration file (zabbix.conf.php):

$DB["TYPE"]                     = 'ORACLE';
       $DB["SERVER"]                   = '';
       $DB["PORT"]           = '0';
       $DB["DATABASE"]                 = 'ORCL';
       $DB["USER"]                     = 'myusername';
       $DB["PASSWORD"]                 = 'mypassword';

Connection string used by Zabbix to establish connection:


Known issues

To improve performance, you can convert the field types from nclob to nvarchar2, see known issues.