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> Script objektum

A következő objektumok közvetlenül kapcsolódnak a "script" API-hoz.


A script objektum a következő tulajdonságokkal rendelkezik.

Property Type Description
scriptid string (readonly) ID of the script.
string Name of the script.
integer Script type.

Possible values:
0 - Script;
1 - IPMI;
2 - SSH;
3 - Telnet;
5 - (default) Webhook.
string Command to run.
scope integer Script scope.

Possible values:
1 - default action operation;
2 - manual host action;
4 - manual event action.
execute_on integer Where to run the script.
Used if type is 0 (script).

Possible values:
0 - run on Zabbix agent;
1 - run on Zabbix server;
2 - (default) run on Zabbix server (proxy).
menu_path string Folders separated by slash that form a menu like navigation in frontend when clicked on host or event.
Used if scope is 2 or 4.
authtype integer Authentication method used for SSH script type.
Used if type is 2.

Possible values:
0 - password;
1 - public key.
username string User name used for authentication.
Required if type is 2 or 3.
password string Password used for SSH scripts with password authentication and Telnet scripts.
Used if type is 2 and authtype is 0 or type is 3.
publickey string Name of the public key file used for SSH scripts with public key authentication.
Required if type is 2 and authtype is 1.
privatekey string Name of the private key file used for SSH scripts with public key authentication.
Required if type is 2 and authtype is 1.
port string Port number used for SSH and Telnet scripts.
Used if type is 2 or 3.
groupid string ID of the host group that the script can be run on. If set to 0, the script will be available on all host groups.

Default: 0.
usrgrpid string ID of the user group that will be allowed to run the script. If set to 0, the script will be available for all user groups.
Used if scope is 2 or 4.

Default: 0.
host_access integer Host permissions needed to run the script.
Used if scope is 2 or 4.

Possible values:
2 - (default) read;
3 - write.
confirmation string Confirmation pop up text. The pop up will appear when trying to run the script from the Zabbix frontend.
Used if scope is 2 or 4.
timeout string Webhook script execution timeout in seconds. Time suffixes are supported, e.g. 30s, 1m.
Required if type is 5.

Possible values:

Default value:
parameters array Array of webhook input parameters.
Used if type is 5.
description string Description of the script.

Vegye figyelembe, hogy egyes módszereknél (frissítés, törlés) a kötelező/választható paraméterkombináció eltérő.

Webhook parameters

A webhook-szkriptnek a meghívásakor átadott paraméterek a következő tulajdonságait.

Property Type Description
string Parameter name.
value string Parameter value. Supports macros.


A végrehajtott webhook-szkript hibakeresési információi. A debug objektum rendelkezik a következő tulajdonságokkal.

Property Type Description
logs array Array of log entries.
ms string Script execution duration in milliseconds.

Log entry

A naplóbejegyzés objektum a következő tulajdonságokkal rendelkezik.

Property Type Description
level integer Log level.
ms string The time elapsed in milliseconds since the script was run before log entry was added.
message string Log message.