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2 Setup from RHEL packages


If installed from RHEL packages, the following information will help you in setting up Zabbix Java gateway.

Configuring and running Java gateway

Configuration parameters of Zabbix Java gateway may be tuned in the file:


For more details, see Zabbix Java gateway configuration parameters.

To start Zabbix Java gateway:

# service zabbix-java-gateway restart

To automatically start Zabbix Java gateway on boot:

RHEL 7 and later:

# systemctl enable zabbix-java-gateway

RHEL prior to 7:

# chkconfig --level 12345 zabbix-java-gateway on

Configuring server for use with Java gateway

With Java gateway up and running, you have to tell Zabbix server where to find Zabbix Java gateway. This is done by specifying JavaGateway and JavaGatewayPort parameters in the server configuration file. If the host on which JMX application is running is monitored by Zabbix proxy, then you specify the connection parameters in the proxy configuration file instead.


By default, server does not start any processes related to JMX monitoring. If you wish to use it, however, you have to specify the number of pre-forked instances of Java pollers. You do this in the same way you specify regular pollers and trappers.


Do not forget to restart server or proxy, once you are done with configuring them.

Debugging Java gateway

Zabbix Java gateway log file is:


If you like to increase the logging, edit the file:


and change level="info" to "debug" or even "trace" (for deep troubleshooting):

<configuration scan="true" scanPeriod="15 seconds">
             <root level="info">
                     <appender-ref ref="FILE" />

JMX monitoring

See JMX monitoring page for more details.