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Filters in host, host inventory and audit pages were improved to fit in screens, less than 1024 pixels wide
Performance in graph related pages was improved
Performance in the dashboard's "Host status" widget was improved, especially on setups with many groups
Global messages previously appeared in all pages, including popups (for example, for item or host selection). Now they will only appear in pages that would also display the main menu
In general action properties, "Default escalation period" was renamed to "Default operation step duration"
In action operations, "Escalation period" was renamed to "Step duration". "Period (sec)" and "Delay" columns were renamed to "Duration (sec)" and "Start in" respectively, and also swapped places.
Frontend will now validate time periods entered in item flexible intervals, working time definition and other locations
More XML import status messages can now be translated
More specific reasons will be given when template linking fails in some cases
Item value macros in map labels now support multiplier suffixes (for example, "{host:item.function(5m)}")
In the global search results, host and template configuration links for host group results are now separated. Previously, only link to host editing would be displayed, and no indication of how many hosts are there would be visible. Since 2.0.2, configuration section of search results has been expanded with templates entry, and both host and template columns have object count as well. This is also more consistent with other blocks in the global search results
Before 2.0.2
Since 2.0.2
Change in Monitoring → Latest data for unixtime units has been improved. Instead of interpreting change using the same unit as for the item, it will now use uptime unit
Before 2.0.2
Since 2.0.2
7.1.1 Updated translations
7.2 Daemon improvements
Previously, HOST.CONN, HOST.IP and HOST.DNS macros only resolved to the main agent interface. This was not convenient for devices that only had SNMP interface. Since 2.0.2 these macros will use the main agent interface, however, if it is not present, main SNMP interface will be used. If SNMP is also not present, main JMX interface will be used. If JMX is not present either, main IPMI interface will be used.
Windows agent binaries will now include version information resource. For example, on Windows 2008 the improvement will look like this:
File information in 2.0.1
File information in 2.0.2
7.3 Miscellaneous improvements
Zabbix sender manpage now explains which parameters are supported from the agent configuration file
Item reference for frontend now includes all items and its syntax matches the syntax used in the manual