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12 What's new in Zabbix 7.0.7

Filter media type usage in actions

The Display actions option has been added to the media types filter. You may now use the filter to display actions in the Used in actions column based on the scope of their media type usage (defined by the Send to media type parameter in action operation details).

Additionally, the action operation details parameter Send only to has been renamed to Send to media type, and its option All has been renamed to All available.

Automatic broadcasting of first entity in widgets

Widgets supporting entity selection (e.g., Item navigator) now automatically broadcast data for the first available entity, without the need to select the entity first. For details, see Widget behavior.

Identifying items with highest preprocessing task queue

A top.peak property has been added to the [diaginfo](/manual/concepts/server#runtime-control) output allowing to identify items with the highest preprocessing task queue.


All templates have been updated to reintroduce trigger name prefixes that were removed in Zabbix 7.0.0.

For other changes to existing templates and information on new templates, see Template changes.